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Analysing Adverts/Posters For AlbumsMegan Rhodes

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Foster The People- Torches

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Foster The People- Torches Out of the three posters I analysed, this is my least favourite. This is because I find it

quite plain and a new album release should be exciting, yet this poster fills me with no excitement.

It’s similar to Miles Kane’s poster by using an image of the band and brief details of the release, but the colours don’t particularly match and nothing immediately stands out to me. I think the name of the album is too small; it should be larger, bolder and written in not such a tight font.

However, an aspect of the poster I do like is the quality of the image. You know exactly who the lead singer is because they have put him slightly closer to the camera and by putting his hands out insinuates he’s reaching out to the fans of the band. I also like the vintage effect the image has because it is commonly used in the indie genre so you know they aren’t a mainstream pop band.

Another idea I like is including a small image of the album at the bottom of the page. It informs the consumer of what they should be looking out for on shop shelves.

I think the black space at the bottom of the page is wasted and they could have used it more effectively or filled it with the larger font they should have used.

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Cage The Elephant- Cage The Elephant

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Cage The Elephant- Cage The Elephant

I think this is the best poster the analyse as I feel it’s very similar to the look we want out band to have. It’s full of colour, a unique font and a quirky image.

I like the idea they have used of curving the bands name around the image- it makes the poster look more interesting because it’s not set out in the usual manner of centred and straight. It gives the impression that the band are different to others on the scene already.

What draws me most to the poster is the abstract image they have used. It has been placed in the centre of the page so you instantly look at the image and when you see how unusual it is you continue to look at it to try and work out what it is. If the consumer has spent so long trying to work out what the image is they’ll want to see what it is advertising. It is in fact a skeleton which could work out as a good idea to use for our bands poster.

At the top of the page they have included a quote from The Guardian. By including a quick positive review from a well known, established newspaper boosts the bands status and the consumer should trust what the newspaper is saying.

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Miles Kane- Colour Of The Trap

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Miles Kane- Colour Of The Trap Out of the three posters I have analysed this is definitely my most preferred because

it’s so simple yet really effective. By using a bold, brightly coloured san serif font on a dark background really makes the font stand out and is immediately noticeable.

The wording used tells you the exactly what you need to know but in brief. This is a good technique to use because consumers could be put off reading a poster if there’s a lot written on it.

Miles Kane is dressed all in black, which from a distance, makes his body blend in with the background. This puts a lot of focus onto his face. So if you didn’t know who he was after reading his name, you should be familiar with his face.

I think the creators of the advert have created it to show simplicity yet sleek. The reason they could have done this is to match Miles Kane’s style. He’s always seen to be dressed in plain black but always manages to have a sophisticated look about him-like the poster.

The colour pallet consists of three colours: black, white and pink. I believe by using such a small colour pallet and not using a vast amount of different colours adds professionalism to a poster .