Analysing film posters

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Bad TeacherThe colours of this poster are fairly plain, however the brightness of the apple with the post-it note on makes the poster stand out more.

The way the teacher is positioned and the way the whole poster seems tilted or diagonal makes the film look like a comedy as the diagonal positioning shows clumsiness.Additionally, the tag-line on

the poster, “She doesn’t give an “F”” portrays comedy because this sentence is a pun (it has more than one meaning). One meaning is that the teacher doesn’t give any F grades to her students and the other meaning is portrayed in a way that means she doesn’t care about the students.

The way the teacher is positioned in the poster gives the audience the idea that she is the ‘bad teacher’ as her body language shows she isn't respecting the furniture and she looks hung-over as she looks to be asleep at the desk and is wearing sunglasses.

Overall, I think this is a good film poster as it looks quite funny and eye-catching but the main problem is that the release date isn't specific for when the film is coming out in cinemas. One controversial aspect of the film poster is that it doesn’t give away many details about the film; this could be a good thing as it doesn’t reveal the story making the actual film more intriguing and surprising, but for some people this could be a bad thing as you don’t know what is going to happen in the film, i.e. is there any romance? What is the problem/dilemma in the film? Is it the teacher who faces the dilemma or does she have students that have a dilemma?

Shaun of the DeadBy looking at this film poster, you can see that the colours of the background are quite bright and presumably relate to blood and danger. the colours of the picture with the zombies look quite dull but the man and the flowers stand out more making the audience understand he must be ‘Shaun’.

The flowers and the line underneath the title of the film imply that the film will be a romantic comedy.

The fact that there are lots of zombies altogether in this poster create a horror effect, but the facial expressions the zombies are showing creates a comedic effect, for example, one zombie has his face smothered across the window.

The tagline, ‘Ever felt like you were surrounded by zombies’ is provoking everyday society because, I don’t know about you but if you ever go to Westfield, people there literally look like zombies; the way they walk around like their brain is not working, the way they stop in the middle of the walkway holding up people who want to actually shop.

I think this is an ideal film poster because the genre of this film is a romantic, comedy, horror and I think they have portrayed this well because there are scary zombies to show horror, there is a man pulling a funny face and zombies fulling funny faces to show comedy and the man is holding a bunch of flowers which show elements of romance, even though we don’t see anyone else around the man.