Janakan LOGANATHAN Analysis of Magazine Advert The artist behind the magazine advert is called Meek Mill. The artist name gives off an aggressive and a really street/grime type vibe. It makes you feel like the artist is really dangerous and not to be messsed with. By looking at the font and lettering used you can tell that the album has different sides to it. There are two types of fonts used in the title – one of those fonts is big, bold, white font which shows purity and positivity and that font is used on the word “Dreams”. Below that you have a different type of font which is in red and has blood dripping down from below te text and the word that its written in that font style is “Nightmare”. The two different font styles represent positivity and negativity which tells us the two sides of the album. Furthermore, by looking at the title that says “Dreams and Nightmares”, it siginifies that the things we dream of having and nightmares are things we are terrified of. This tells us that in this album, the artist is going to tell us about his dreams and what he has achieved and talk about all

Analysis of Magazine Adverts

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Analysis of Magazine Advert

The artist behind the magazine advert is called Meek Mill. The artist name gives off an aggressive and a really street/grime type vibe. It makes you feel like the artist is really dangerous and not to

be messsed with. By looking at the font and lettering used you can tell that the album has different sides to it. There are two types of fonts used in the title – one of those fonts is big, bold, white font which shows purity and positivity and that font is used on the word “Dreams”. Below that you have a different type of font which is in red and has blood dripping down from below te text and the word that its written in that font style is “Nightmare”. The two different font styles represent positivity and negativity which tells us the two sides of the album.

Furthermore, by looking at the title that says “Dreams and Nightmares”, it siginifies that the things we dream of having and nightmares are things we are terrified of. This tells us that in this album, the artist is going to tell us about his dreams and what he has achieved and talk about all the positive things which he has done. It also signifies that he will be telling us about all the negative things which have happened and all the nightmares he has lived and all the bad things which he has experienced and seen in his life.

Additionally, the more dominant is the image of an expensive diamond Rolex watch which is linked to a handcuff with a key inside. The Rolex watch is a symbol of Meek Mill’s dreams which is being rich and the handcuff is a symbol of his nightmates which is being arrested by the police and going to the prison.

Overall, Meek Mill fits into the Hip-Hop/ap genre and this is seen by the vibe which the advert itself gives off which is aggressive and the Rap genre focuses on the richness as well as music.

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The artists name is placed at the top of the album along with the album title. I think the image will draw people’s attention to the article as they will find it very interesting. They will also recognise the article’s image staright away when wanting to buy the album as it is the same image which is placed on both. At the bottom of the advert, the content of the album is slightly described. A very popular song is mentioned, called “Run This Town”, which at the time of release was vey high in the charts. Furthermore, having such a peopular song on the magazine advertisement, it will intrigue viewers straight away. Another song is

also advertised along with the record label in which Jay-Z is signed to “Roc Nation”, which also stands out and contrasts with the colour scheme. Underneath this information, there is the date which is in slightly bigger font so it grabs the viewers’ attention, possibly done so that people could remember it and for those who want to find out more about the album, Jay-Z’s wesbite is at the bottom of the page, underneath the date and the description.

Moreover, there is not much ionography whithin the advertisement. There are 5 colours which have been used in this magazine advert and they are: Red, Black, White and Grey – these colours symbolises love and war. The advert is laid out with a faded, large image of a mixture of instruments hat takes up the middle of the album cover. The background is pale as it all ties in with each other. The strong red lines help draw the audiences’ attention so that they can remember this particular album cover.

To be honest, the purpose within the magazine advert is that Jay-Z is trying to gain more listeners for his music. As the colours in the magazine advert consist of colours such as Red and White, they both connote love and war. By suggesting that, it may be the genre of the songs in the album and from my own knowleage, I persoanlly think that some of his songs are about love and war.

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Additionally, the font which is used in this magazine advert, is very professional and very easy to red. It is clear to identify who the artist is and what the album is called. The artist’s name is in a bold font which stands out against the lighter background and ensures that the udiences know who is the artist behind this album. Also, it looks fairly stretched as he has been filling the top of the page more. The release date and the album name is in a simpler font as they are both important. All of the fonts stand out other than the website which is placed at the bottom of the page, which viewers will only need if they want to find out more. I personally think that it must be the rest of the font on the advert which connotes the reputation name which will stand out and attract the people who look at the advert.

The artist behind the magazine advert is called Rihanna. The artist name gives off an aggressive and a really street/Hip-Hop type vibe. The font used for presenting the new album is very simplistic and similar to the one used on the front image of the album. However, the fact that the writing has been overlapped on a black line makes the title stand out, which attracts people much more easily. The house style is also very attractive, mainly because the colours used (black and white) are associated with class. As the writing is neither feminine nor masculine, we can safely assume that the album is targeted towards a wide variety of people.

Furthermore, the poster includes the hit songs of the album. This aspect is very important mainly because it attracts the audiences with what the product can offer and assures that the audiences’ favourite song is included in the album. Therefore, having the most popular songs of the album displayed brings more value to the album. The fact that the names of the hit songs are typed in red, it makes it stand out – mainly because it alerts the audiences. Furthermore the

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colour red makes the writing much more visible because the poster is in black and white and thus.

In addition, the image used in this advert, is the same one used for the actual album, which refers the poster to the product. Although the picture may seem overused, it advertises the appearance of the real album, which makes sure that the audiences will recognise it more easily. This particular aspect also gives the audience a “tester” of the real product, which ensures people about the quality of the album. The image of Rihanna also portrays the singer in a rather serious mood, her eyes being staring directly at the audience. This also helps as it is not only seen as mysteriousness but also connects to the audience.

Overall, this particular magazine advert seems to attract a wide range of audiences. The magazine advert contains a label that say “explicit content” which tells you that the content of the album is targeted towards the adults. This aspect is very important as it warns the audiences beforehand. Additionally, another important aspect is the use of website at the bottom of the advert in order to financially supported the making of the product. The use of website is also a good way of directing the fans towards more information about the artist and the album.