Discussion of Ancient Writing (Cursive Form) and Monumental The Beginnings ?? Egyptian History Class 3. 2009 ~ 3200 BC

Ancient Egyptian History Class 3 09 10

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Ancient Egyptian History Class 3 10- 09 -09 for Gulf Coast Community College Encore Program, Instructor Joe Boisvert

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  • 1. ~ 3200 BC
    Egyptian History Class 3. 2009
    Discussion of Ancient Writing (Cursive Form) and Monumental
    The Beginnings ??

2. Ancient Egypt was divided into two regions: Upper and Lower Egypt
Note :
Upper Egypt
Is the Oldest Part
Of Egypt
Lower (northern) Egypt consisted of the Nile River's delta made by the river as it empties into the Mediterranean.
Upper Egypt was the long, narrow strip of ancient Egypt located south of the Delta.
For much of Egypt's
history Lower Egypt
(lower)was thinly
3. The History of Hieroglyphic Writing

  • Hieroglyphic writing first began around 5000 years ago??

4. Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs up to about 400 AD, after that they wrote in a short-hand cursive style called demotic. 5. Eventually everyone forgot how to write in hieroglyphs.The Rosetta Stone Gave Us Information how to Translate Hieroglyphic

  • But now we are able to decipher hieroglyphs thanks to a special chunk of rock and a determined Egyptologist in Napoleon's Army.

6. In 1799, a soldier digging a fort in Rosetta, Egypt found a large black stone with three different types of writing on it.