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Ancient Greece By Connor

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Page 1: Ancient Greece By Connor

You cant see me

Page 2: Ancient Greece By Connor

1. Title page

2. Contents page

3. Athens- a day in the life

4. Athens Government

5. Sparta- a day in the life

6. Sparta Government

7. Alexander the great- personal information

8. Alexander the great- Alexanders empire

9. Olympic Games




*All words written in an underlined brown colour are in the glossary* - click on them to go there.

Page 3: Ancient Greece By Connor

Men's tasks:

• Men ran the government

• Men spent time in the fields, overseeing or working the crops, sailing, hunting, in manufacturing or in trade. 

• For fun, in addition to drinking parties the men enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, and the famous Olympic Games.

• Men cut their hair short and, unless they were soldiers, wore beards.

• Men were mostly soldiers.

Ladies tasks:

• They learnt to read in school or at home

• They learnt important household skills-spinning, weaving, sewing, cooking and other household jobs

• Learnt simple facts on mythology, religion and occasionally musical instruments

• Spent most of their time in her household with other women- only leaving the house to perform religious duties.

Athenian soldier

Page 4: Ancient Greece By Connor

1. The Assembly was the regular gathering of Athenian citizens (male only) to listen to, discuss and vote on issues that affected Athenian life both public and private, from financial matters to religious ones, from public festivals to war.

2. Of almost equal importance to the Assembly and Council and of greater importance than the Aeropagus was the People’s Court, the Heliaea and other courts where juries of citizens would listen to cases, would vote on the guilt or innocence of their fellow citizens and vote on punishments for those found guilty.

3. Athenians who served on juries received one-half drachma a day, or three obols for their service.

4. Athens Government is a democracy. Cartoon people cheering for democracy

Page 5: Ancient Greece By Connor

• The life of the people of Sparta was a very strict one, similar to the military. Young boys would be taken from their homes at an early age to begin military training and young girls were forced to maintain a healthy way of life in order to produce healthy children.

• In the Spartan society there were 3 classes of people: the Upper Class which were people who had a voice and would speak and also be listened to, the Lower Classwho though not being full members of the society were financially well off through the economics of trade and the Lower Class who were the Helmots (the original inhabitants of Laconnia), who were used as slaves by the upper classes.

• Overpopulation was a big problem for Sparta as it was for the other city-states.

• Boys as young as seven or eight began military training as this was seen as the only tool in which to preserve the Spartans and their dwindling numbers.

Spartan soldiers

Page 6: Ancient Greece By Connor

• Sparta’s government was an oligarchy but it included democratic elements.  

• Sparta had two kings who came from two different families. But these monarchs did not have absolute power. They shared power with each other and they also had to answer to council of elders or gerousia. Members of the gerousia were all male citizens over the age of sixty. There were twenty-eight of them. These elders were elected to the gerousia and they served for life.              

• Below the gerousia was another assembly, the apella. The apella consisted of all male citizens over the age of thirty. The apella voted on proposals that originated in the gerousia. Members of this also elected the elders who served on the gerousia.    

•  To complete the system the Spartans created a position called ephor. At any given time there were five citizens serving in this role. Ephors were citizens over the age of thirty. They were elected to serve one-year terms. Ephors possessed considerable power. An ephor could bring charges against anyone in Sparta including the city-state’s kings.            


Page 7: Ancient Greece By Connor

Reign 336–323 BC

Full name Alexander III of Macedon

TitlesKing of MacedonPharaoh of EgyptLord of Asia

Born 20 or 21 July 356 BC

Birthplace Pella, Macedon

Died 10 or 11 June 323 BC (aged 32)

Place of death Babylon

Father Philip II of Macedon

WivesRoxana of BactriaStateira II of PersiaParysatis II of Persia

Offspring Alexander IV of Macedon

Mother Olympias of Epirus

Religious beliefs Greek polytheism Alexander the great

Page 8: Ancient Greece By Connor

• King Philip II of Macedon took advantage of the feuding between Greek city states to take control of all of Greece. Upon his assassination his son Alexander the Great inherited king Philip II's army and empire. During Alexander's life he expanded the empire to stretch through Egypt and parts of India.

• Alexander the Great's empire was crippled after his death. From his empire three main civilizations emerged: Ptolemaic Egypt, Macedon and Seleucid Syria. The seperate kindoms flourished in education but internal rivalries led to the fall of each to Roman conquerers.

His Empire

Page 9: Ancient Greece By Connor

• Athletes at the Olympics had their own personal trainers.

• At the Olympics there was a guest house for VIPs.

• People who went to watch the Olympics slept in tents or just out in the open.

• Some events at the Olympics were Boxing, Chariot racing, Wrestling, Sprints and the pentathlon.

• In the Pentathlon competitors done Javelin, Discus, Long jump, Running and Wrestling.

• The games were a religious festival and a very important ceremony is performed on day 3.

Olympic logo

Page 10: Ancient Greece By Connor

• Socrates was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher

• Socrates was a different person than the rest of the Athenians for example he thought that owning things was bad- he didn’t wear clothes and he didn’t own a house.

•Some of his beliefs were- No one desires evil.

No one errs or does wrong willingly or knowingly.

Virtue—all virtue—is knowledge.

Virtue is sufficient for happiness.Born 469 / 470 BC

Died 399 BC (age approx. 71)Athens

Era Ancient philosophy

Region Western Philosophy

School Classical Greek

Main interests Epistemology, ethics

Notable ideas Socratic method, Socratic irony


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Page 12: Ancient Greece By Connor

Oligarchy: A form of government in which all power is held by a few people.

Democracy: A government that gives everybody a say.

Assembly: The Assembly was the regular opportunity for all male citizens of Athens to speak their minds and put forward their votes about the government of their city.

Aeropagus: Functioned as the high Court for criminal and civil cases in Athens.

Heliaea: The supreme court of ancient Athens.

Drachma: An ancient Greek currency found in many Greek city states from Classical times.

Obols: A silver coin or unit of weight equal to one sixth of a drachma formerly used in ancient Greece.

Apella: Was the popular deliberative assembly in the Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta.

Ephor: Was the leader of ancient Sparta and shared power with the Spartan king.