+ JobFrog By Connie Longmate, Erin Law, Katie Macdonald, Alex Hardie and Hannah Rainey

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JobFrogBy Connie Longmate, Erin Law, Katie Macdonald, Alex Hardie and Hannah Rainey

+How can we make it easier for young people to find work experience?

Exams finish at the end of May

Work experience two weeks in June

Very competitive

Tedious for both employers and pupils


+Our Experience

We have all been looking for work experience

Difficult to know which companies will offer it

Many people use ‘contacts’

This puts some people at a disadvantage-unfair

+Elevator Pitch Young people in Scotland are looking for work

experience but it’s difficult for many people to get it

Our app, Job Frog, is designed to solve this problem

It allows pupils to express interest in a specific area and companies who have joined the app will be able to indicate whether they able to supply work experience.

Our app provides a simple, fast and efficient link between those seeking work experience and those able to provide it.

This enables businesses to secure a wider range of talent and is easier for pupils

It also supports the government’s objectives of providing more work experience to young people in Britain

+User Profiles-Rebecca Jones

• Name: Rebecca Jones

• Age: 16

• School Year: S5

• Career Plans: Engineering/Product Engineering

• Are you looking for work experience? Yes

• Why? To gain a better idea of what engineering involves

• How? Through family friends

• Is it difficult? Yes

• Do you think an app would help? Yes

+User Profiles-Kirsty Donaldson

• Name: Kirsty Donaldson

• Age: 16

• School Year: S5

• Career Plans: Nursing/Midwifery

• Are you looking for work experience? Yes

• Why? It’s necessary for university and to make sure it’s the right career path for me

• How? I applied through the NHS

• Is it difficult? Yes

• Do you think an app would help? Yes

+ User Stories

A. As a student I would like access to more contacts that could offer me work experience so that I gain a better insight into areas of employment.

B. As a school pupil I would like to experience many different jobs so that I can decide what career I want to pursue.

C. As I am very interested in applying for a competitive course at university I would like access to a variety of sources of employers whom I could shadow so that I could gain vital experience that would enhance my application.

D. As I am a student I want easy access to work experience to show my commitment and initiative in the world of work.

+MVP• The app will simply provide the user

with the details and information on companies or businesses willing to offer work experience within their local area.


+Competitors or Alternative Solutions

• No existing app for this niche

• Volunteering apps; CV writers; etc.

• There are some webpages with similar role eg careersbox.co.uk; studentladder.co.uk;

• Directions newsletter-endorsed by ‘career mark’

• Careers Advisor-companies email her

• Not all schools have this luxury

+Wireframes: Log-in page

The user would click on the button saying ‘Find me Work Experience’ which would link them to the next screen and provide the user with a list of job categories.

This would be the first screen that would be displayed after the user opens the app.

Initially the businesses would have to log in their details to the app or to a web page.


The second screen would display different categories of available work placements in the user’s area.

There would be a list of broad divisions of jobs. The user would then select their division of interest to be provided with available work within this category.

Wireframes: Menu page

+Wireframes: Company page

Ideally, animations of ripples in water would add to the idea of the lily pads floating down a stream as the user scrolls down through the contact information.

The final screen would show all available work placements/companies willing to provide work experience within a given category.

The necessary contact information would be displayed on lily pads to tie into the theme of the app.

+Feedback from businesses and companies

The idea and the concept is goodBusinesses are more likely to use a web-link than the app

Decreases competition between students for one placement/role in work

Scottish business in the community acknowledge the importance of work experience for young people and encourage businesses to offer it.

Fantastic idea

Descriptions within the app need to be specific Look at some professional recruitment websites or apps to see how they describe positions

Excellent idea

Make it easy to update


• Start small- our school/careers in business and finance

• Biggest challenge is Data

• App could link to web base dashboard-more convenient for companies

• App would not reveal more about the business than already available to public so no data protection concerns

• Possible to use the application program interface of LinkedIn which many businesses already use


User Group Students Companies/Businesses


Frequency 3 5 1Pain Level 2 3 5

Money Spent

0 2 4

Total Score 5 10 10

• Somebody else pays : All users are unable and unwilling to pay and this will help to maximize the number of users.

• Paid for by:

1. Companies advertising on it especially universities and colleges

2. Government sponsorship

• The Government will have the indirect benefit because in the long term it could reduce unemployment and it fulfils their objective of providing more experiences to young people. They have vested interest in the cause.

• The direct benefit is for the users e.g. those searching for experience and the companies using the app are getting free staff.

+Marketing Strategy

• Use of social media to advertise app

• Businesses using the app would see the app through advertising.

• The government could find out about our app through the competition or we would contact them.

• Regular updates to maintain app life time

• Increased range on map so that the app could function over a larger area.

• Update with university requirements and careers.