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We all are dying to know the truth behind one direction’s split but now the world’s biggest secret is finally out! Our desirable and much loved, Zayn Malik reveals the truth about why he left the boys behind…

The tension is distinct as the boys sit side by side – perhaps for the last time. Zayn sits on the edge as if he is egger to disappear and walk away forever. So we get straight into the questions before it’s too late...

Zayn did you enjoy your time in the band?“I enjoyed every moment of it and I am truly grateful but right up until recently I just haven’t felt comfortable with being a part of the band”Okay so the main thing here is, why is that Zayn? We are all dying to know. “I just felt I couldn’t fulfil my full potential whilst continuing in a band as others conquered the lime light.”Who do you feel conquered the lime light? Zayn?


And why is that?

“I don’t mean to sound petty but we started off as a group were we were all equal. But now I think the fame has got too much for some people. Yes meaning Harry and I didn’t feel comfortable with him undermining the rest of us and I feel the sooner the other boys release this the better.”

So is there a problem between you and Harry or are you civil with another?

“I wouldn’t say there’s a problem but I wouldn’t be seen out with him”

I don’t mean to be rude but you seem quite tense and negative towards the situation.

“Yes because it has affected my life massively and has resulted in my making a huge risk by going solo.”

(Going over to Harry.) How do you feel about all of this?

“I just feel it’s all unfair. We started off as normal boys and we have all had amazing experiences which have changed our lives forever. No, I do not feel I am to blame for Zayn’s leave and I certainly don’t think I ‘hogged the lime light’ (Laughs). I do as I’m told by our managers and stage directors as do we all so if I’m positioned central stage then it’s not my fault.”


“(Laughs) I’m just glad I’ve released and am strong enough to go solo.”

Anyway, Zayn how are things going with your plans to becoming a solo artist? We will see any of your singles in the charts in the next few weeks?

“Infact yes! I have a new single coming out next Wednesday and I’m sure your all going to fall in love with it. It’s a bit of a different style to how I was in One Direction but in a good way (Laughs).”

Are you looking on creating a new image than your pop boy band style then?

“Not exactly a new image but a fresh start and to show the real me.”

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Well I’m sure all of the girls will love it!

“Thankyou, I hope so. (Laughs)”

Harry do you have any thoughts to Zayn’s new single being released?

“No, I honestly wish him all the best and hope it goes far.”

Liam what are your views on the whole situation?

“Well (Laughs), I’m just kind of stuck in the middle and I respect both Zayn and Harry and I really hope this can all be resolved in the future. But from looking at it now I wish Zayn all the best with his carer and I can’t wait to hear the new single.”

What are the plans for the rest of you?

(LIAM) “I’m talking a break right now and trying to enjoy all this money that we’ve made (Laughs) but I hope to re-start again in the future as singing is something I love especially with these boys.”


“Same really, I’m taking a short break to relax right now but I can’t wait for the plans in the future to come back bigger and better.”

Well Thank you boys. Zayn I can’t wait to hear the new single and I wish you all the best and boys I can’t wait for the future ahead of us. Enjoy your break off (Laughs). Thank you again.