Artists associated with the pop genre

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Page 1: Artists associated with the pop genre
Page 2: Artists associated with the pop genre

Pop is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll.

This can be music of any style.

As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nevertheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks.

Page 3: Artists associated with the pop genre

Artists that are associated with this genre of music are:

Cher Lloyd

Cheryl Cole

Britney spears



Justin Beiber

Justin Timberlake

Taylor swift


Miley Cyrus

Katy Perry

These are just a few of popular artists amongst many others of the pop genre; each with their individual style and taste.

Page 4: Artists associated with the pop genre

The artists in this particular genre of music

all dress differently as they have different

taste in music and different ways of

expressing their personalities. Some are not

afraid to stand out and don't care about what

people think about them like Lady Gaga and

others who want to give a ghetto vibe to

their fans who listen to their music like

Taylor Swift. These artists are not afraid to

stand out amongst the crowd as no two

artists have the exact same songs produced

or dress in a certain way.

Page 5: Artists associated with the pop genre

The behaviour of these artists varies depending on their personality and who they are and what their beliefs are. Many of these artists don't care about what people think about them and then there are others who want to portray a more mature and sensible image then others and have a particular reputation to uphold.

This is all shown through the way they act in front on the media and music videos they make. This is the only and most important place where what you do can affect you reputations to a large extent. However the beauty of this genre is that people can be who they are in font of their fans without being judged on the other hand there will always that group of people who aren't as great fans as they can been seen as a negative influence and role models for teenagers.

Page 6: Artists associated with the pop genre

Artists often have a huge influence on

teenagers as they see them as role models

and look up to them and want to act the

same way they do and become what they

are. Artists need to be careful on what

influence they have on their fans by the

things they say in front of the media and

even in their music videos. They need to

make them appropriate for the target

audience so they don't have a negative

influence on them which means that

teenagers don't act in that way.