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“Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day” SpeechBy Mr. Awang bin Azman

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam

Sejahtera and Salam 1Malaysia. Thank God, we give thanks to the Almighty for His

grace and His grace; we can come together on this day to celebrate the entrepreneur as a

sign of our recognition of the invaluable services and contributions to the teachers as

well. I did not forget to say thank you very much to the headmaster of Sekolah

Kebangsaan Pulut Padang, Mr. W. Muda bin W. Razali, teachers, parents and pupils who

have given me the time to speak in front of all of you. I’m Awang bin Azman from

Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Dungun. Standing in front of you all, I wish to extend my



When I wake up in the morning, what do we expect? Do not we want to get out of bed to

feel the spirit? A fresh breakfast will determine our mood and performance daily.

Breakfast is not only important for our body to absorb nutrients after eight hours of

fasting during sleep, a good breakfast enables intelligent mind throughout the day.

Remember, “People who are hungry are those who falter”. What is meant by 'good'?

Breakfast is 'good' is a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals

and water. Cut down on fat, sugar and salt, and do not forget to pick vegetables and fruits

to prevent disease and maintain health. On the nutritional needs for the body,

carbohydrates are the primary energy source. Digestible carbohydrates into glucose

(blood sugar) to provide energy for cells, tissues and organs and are used for physical

energy. Indeed carbohydrates daily power generation. Proteins are the building blocks

that are needed by the body. It adds flavor 'fullness', thus reducing famine in the mid-

morning. Egg protein is a smart choice for breakfast because the egg has all nine essential

amino acids that the body needs. Did you know that a large egg contains only 75 calories

and 212 milligrams of cholesterol and six grams of high quality protein? Source of fiber,

vitamins, minerals and water are readily available in fruits or vegetables. Medical

research found that a glass of orange juice a day can increase good cholesterol is so


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OUMH1303important for the heart. In addition, a source of potassium, which can be obtained from

the juice, can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Juice is a much better choice than water. The study also found that people who eat

breakfast are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables, good habits are followed by good

habits. If we always enjoy a good breakfast, we tend to reduce daily calorie intake. With

this, it is not surprising that the weight can be reduced. In addition, we are also able to

maintain overall health, improve mood, concentration and alertness. Good breakfast is

absolutely indescribable. Children who eat breakfast show improved performance and

better concentration at school. Through a combination of proper nutrition, energy and

cognitive ability of children can be improved. A good breakfast is also supplying 25

percent of the essential nutrients necessary for growing children and creates good habits

and a healthy lifestyle. Indeed a significant interest regardless of age. When we start the

day with a fresh every day, this means that we provide the body to start a new day, and

provide an opportunity for the body to achieve what you want. Start the day with a

healthy lifestyle, full of enthusiasm, positive attitude and cheerful smile, just a fresh


A survey has pinpointed the best times to eat breakfast, if you want to shed as many

pounds as possible. The optimum time to have breakfast is shortly after 7am, with

7.11am picked as ideal. Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep,

most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. Nutritionists

advise that breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking and a healthy breakfast

should provide calories in the range of 20-35% of your guideline daily allowance (GDA).

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important

nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fiber. The body

needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast,

they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good

sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at

breakfast, whether that is a banana or glass of fruit juice.


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OUMH1303Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less

likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared

with breakfast skippers. Boiled Egg with Cheese also restores glucose levels, an essential

carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many studies have shown how

eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us

happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children,

breakfast can improve attainment, behavior and has been linked to improved grades. Just

like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at its best. People's

energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require

more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys

aged 7-12 years should consume approx. 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-12 years

should consume approx 1740 kcals.

Breakfast is very important to children in public schools. The Government introduced a

supplementary food program. The program aims to help improve student nutrition so that

they can focus their attention on teaching and learning in schools. Expected to ensure

increase in physical growth, mental health and public health students and help them

benefit from a balanced diet. This program was initiated in 1976 as part of the Plan on

Food and Nutrition Practice organized by the Department of the Prime Minister. This is a

community development programs based on joint health, agriculture and education.

During the initial phase of implementation, the focus is on primary school pupils and

rural areas. From the beginning of 1980, when the Ministry of Education took over the

entire management, the program has expanded to all areas nationwide. Since the 1990s,

socio-economic status of the family is the main criteria for selecting students.

Supplement Scheme Committee to choose a provider that is responsible for managing the

supply of food, prepare and serve food, clean equipment and the airport. Schools will

choose 5 or 10 menu from a list of 20 menu prepared by the Ministry of Education and

the menu is repeated every week or two weeks according to local tastes, food suppliers

and capacity in accordance with the financial provisions. The process of food preparation

is done by 95% of school canteens in Peninsular Malaysia and the food was enjoyed by

the students in the morning. Programs to provide information and encouragement of good


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OUMH1303food in the early morning hours due to lack of awareness of the students about the

importance of eating in the morning. The study found that most students do not like

breakfast for not getting the cooperation of parents; the menu did not suit the tastes of the

students themselves and their students who do not usually eat in the morning. The

program is able to improve 100% RMT students to take food in the early morning.

Implementation of the importance of eating vegetables to pupils who do not like to eat

vegetables available in food. This application is able to increase the percentage of

students to eat vegetables and encouraging pupils to eat vegetables.

The School Milk Programmed (SMP) runs simultaneously with the Supplementary Food

Scheme. The programmer is targeted for poor students whose family income is below the

poverty level. Besides, to ensure students receive a well balanced diet in school, the

programmer is also aimed at increasing the quality of health and nutritional value of food

for primary students for better physical growth, mental health and general well-being.

The SMP also encourages students to consume milk early in their life. In 2006, the MOE

spent RM20.6 million for 556,979 students under this programmer. The selection criteria

for students under this programmer are primary school students, especially from rural

families, with a family income of RM400.00 and below. The SMP was a collaborative

programmer between the MOE and milk producers under the concept of Malaysia.

Incorporated launched in 1983. This program has expanded nationwide beginning 1985

with the exclusion of the state of Sabah as it has its own milk programmer. The two

schemes under this programmer are Paid Milk Scheme which involves participation from

primary school students either on voluntary basis or with/without government subsidy

and Free Milk Scheme which supplies milk to selected students. The milk is sponsored

by milk companies which collaborate with the MOE and/or non-government

organizations (NGO’s) either privately or on voluntary basis. Milk is the top food source

for three out of the four “nutrients of concern” including calcium, potassium and vitamin

D. It’s also packed with nine essential nutrients including 8 grams of high-quality protein.

Opt for fat free milk for the same nutritional benefits with lower fat and calories. With B

vitamins for energy, protein for lean muscle, vitamin A for a healthy immune system and

five bone-building nutrients, all milk – including fat free or low-fat milk – packs the same


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OUMH1303nutrient-rich punch. So, whether in a glass or served in a bowl, milk is a versatile

beverage for any breakfast.

I recently read an article in Cosmo Online dated 30 September 2014; the company was to

encourage students to eat breakfast. A program organized by Lady’s Choice was held at

the National School 2 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. A total of 50 students selected to

participate in a program called "Healthy Eating Campaign Featured Lady". Students are

divided into 10 teams and are required to include breakfast with their creativity using

materials provided. Students are required to provide a set breakfast and they were left to

compete among themselves. In this program, students are exposed to how to stem the

disease is increasing as a result does not take breakfast. Obesity is certainly not

something new among the people in this country, but what is worrying is that this number

is increasing. It is due to an inactive lifestyle and a poor diet. A string of problems,

Malaysia is labeled as a country facing the highest obesity in Southeast Asia and is

ranked sixth in Asia. According to a study conducted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

(UKM) in 2008, 25 percent of primary school children are overweight or obese. This

study also showed that nearly 30 percent of primary school children do not eat breakfast

on average two to three times a week. Results from the same study reveals, children who

do not take breakfast are not only detrimental to health, but also affects their academic

performance. More troubling, the study showed that students who do not take breakfast

are more likely to suffer from the problem of overweight and other illnesses as they grow

older. "Healthy Eating Campaign Lady's Choice seeks to bring awareness, educate and

change the minds of the students and the general public on how nutrition and a healthy

lifestyle in order to generate the future of a healthy and bright. Various activities have

been designed to attract and promote awareness for the benefit of children and parents.

Pupils at the school will be revealed about obese, calculating Body Mass Index (BMI),

the elements of a healthy diet, due to improper diet, foods that need to be taken and


Perhaps many of us do not realize the importance of breakfast to a healthy body.

Breakfast is a matter which should be the norm in every day. It is a necessity that can’t be


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OUMH1303taken lightly. Eating breakfast will provide energy to be able to carry out all the activities

throughout the day with a vigorous and productive. Starting the day with the rest of the

stomach is important to help a person fit, think smarter, active and decisive to the

atmosphere throughout the day. When we wake up from sleep, the level of glucose in the

blood is low. So, eating nutritious and balanced meals at breakfast will supply enough

energy to start the day with exercise. This is because our body needs glucose in the blood

to generate energy. Glucose can also be obtained from the food we eat. If a sufficient

supply of glucose to the brain, it makes an intelligent, energetic and active. But if there is

not enough glucose in the body, then the person will become inactive, the brain easily

tired, lazy and incapable of carrying out daily activities successfully. So it is not

surprising that school children who did not eat breakfast will be less active than

breakfast. This situation applies to children in Malaysia today where one of three primary

school children goes to school with an empty stomach. Due to lack of time and busy

parents on the morning of the kids end up being the victim does not have time to eat

breakfast. Not impossible, it will also affect the quality of their learning in school.

Therefore, the parents try to ask yourself, do you eat breakfast every day and do you have

to ignore the kids to breakfast before the start of school? Come on, start changing habits

to eat at a new school begins so that it becomes a habit for the next day. A study in the

journal Obesity Research found that 78 per cent of respondents were able to lose weight

and maintain weight loss as a result of eating breakfast on an ongoing basis. Breakfast

can’t be replaced by lunch. Therefore, try also trying to find time to have breakfast, even

with a glass of milk. Eat more in the afternoon also can’t replace the benefits of a

breakfast. This is because these habits will also cause health problems. Not eating in the

morning means that a person has "skip a meal," which led to a tendency to eat more after

that. This is due to high levels of hunger as a result of not taking any food in the past

contributed to eat more carbohydrates to provide energy. This situation led to a take

calories and eventually contributes to obesity. On this day, perhaps many of us who do

not take breakfast as a reason for a limited time and think it's not important. Allocate time

for breakfast is the key to the start of the day was good and healthy life. Thus, the

selection of food for breakfast also is important. Catering for breakfast should not be a


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OUMH1303barrier. This is because the provision of a simple meal can help someone who is running

out of time.

People who eat breakfast regularly enjoy quality life, structured, positive attitude, more

slender and have a better foundation. Selection of breakfast, especially rich in

carbohydrates, energy supply, able to withstand the hunger and desire to escort eating

between breakfast and mid-day meal. Scientists held as a breakfast food for the brain.

Breakfast is nothing to do with meeting the mental intelligence it gives a positive

impression to the brain activity be more energetic, sensitive, and focused.

That’s all my speech, may what i have delivered be useful in our life in this world and

here after. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me. Thank you.

2604 Word


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