Generation E Creating Legacy 21 st Century e-Style Sharon M. Biggs Doctoral Candidate Seton Hall Univ. Cohort XV Cybernetic Research Course ELMP 7768 EX Profs: Alan November Julia Leong Jan - April 2012

Assignment 5 Cybernetic Rsch Apr 27-28, 2012

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1. Generation ECreating Legacy 21st Century e-StyleSharon M. BiggsDoctoral Candidate Seton Hall Univ.Cohort XV CyberneticResearchCourse ELMP 7768 EXProfs: Alan November Julia Leong Jan - April 2012 2. Learning Empowerment ShiftAccording to Alan November: (Empowering Students With Technology, 2010, p.4) Educational leaders who provide informating model of technology leadershiplead cultural shifts toward collaboration & learning empowermentshiftfocus from infrastructure development to information literacy & development. 3. 24/7accesstoinfo viatech.forGen-E.21stCenturylearningEmpowered 4. 2012 PSA Series Project e-Collaboration & Real-time Collabos Video Productions students & teacher Public Service Announcement (PSA) Series ~Character Development, Anti-Bullying, HIBAwareness HIB-FREE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS PSA SERIES ~LEGACY of Safe Learning Environments 5. PSA Project direction was unknown TRUST Students lead ~ Gen-E flavor, appeal,HIB issues, TECHNOLOGY SKILLS RELATIONSHIP, COMMUNICATION, TRUST, INFORMATIONTechnology Must Haves for PSAs 6. 1st PSA in SeriesFirst, modeled PSA creation to establish a standard.http://monroetv.pegcentral.com/player.php?video=5f35f958fc0b6c3e1459b21b42935c8a 7. Collabo With VP1 and VP2 Students VP1 & VP2 students wanted in because they want to stop HIB in schools! Met with VP1 class (had them move linear desks into a large circle) student groups constructed PSA themes: 1. If You See Something, Say Something 2. Diversity 3. Judging Others 4. Possible Relationship? (HIB & Youth Suicide) 8. EXPANDING LEARNINGBOUNDARIESVP1 and VP2 STUDENTS WRITE PSAPROPOSALS & SCRIPTS on iPads e-SUBMIT TO TEACHER (& ME) FORAPPROVALSTUDENTS Film/Edit PSAs forbroadcast--MUST HAVE TECHNOLOGY FOR THIS! 9. Think Before You PostVideoProd. 3Classjumpedinto PSAProject tohelppreventHIB! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03RcZRRm1Created qcNetiquette video for http://screencast.com/t/vTcUzMLouNa 10. Global reach of PSAs?Local learning communityCounty Anti-Bullying CoordinatorsTraumatic Loss Coalition state &national student website (About Youth Suicide)Educational Leaders --YouTube,LinkedIn, Google+, Twitterglobal 11. PSA Project transformative? MINDSET Cool visual messages that make us think&about what HIB does to people. (students) LEGACY Clear, concise, impactful messages toLEADERSHIP share in districts. (educational leaders local, regional, national) CULTURE KEEP GIVING US PSAs! HIB MESSAGES&ARE GREAT & WE LIKE SEEING THEM ONCOMMUN.TV! (local community officials & residents) YES!PRIDE 12. Reflections Technology leadership, capacity & usage Innovative -- reach students with HIBmessages online 24/7YouTube PSASeries Portfolio global reach Start earlier in school year create oneHIB PSA per month? Other leaders create PSAs? Teachers shiftpedagogy to meet Gen-E learning needs? 13. *Mindset**Leadership*Culture * 14. *Legacy*