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Assignment 9 (edited) [repaired] draft 2

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  1. 1. Key Code:Joanne: Abigail:Gledis: Vera:Group work:
  2. 2. Joanne. For my Assignment 8 project, I obtained a grade. The skill I bring to the group is my imagination andquick thinking to solve problems and contribution toconcepts and ideas. Some targets I have made for myself are to: Add more visuals to my work and use less words. Sometimes go into greater depth with my explanations.
  3. 3. Gledis. In assignment 8 I received a grade. From this assignment I leant: How to apply elements and ideas used in other films andopening sequences to my own opening sequence. I also learntthe significance of making my opening sequence appealing tomy target audience. The skills that I bring to the group are : Creativity My attention to detail and perfectionism My ambition to get things done Targets that I have set myself are: It is very important to organise my slides and informationneatly so that they are understood by my audience. It is essential that I include more images and diagrams ratherthat too much text I must speak louder when presenting my work to an audience.
  4. 4. Abigail. I received aon Assignment 8. I learnt about the importance of props and makeup aswell as how to properly design a brainstorm. I bring creativity and organisation to my group. Theseskills will be particularly useful when we make theopening sequence. I want to improve the design of my presentation andwork on writing briefer sentences.
  5. 5. Vera. I received grade because I was missing a pieceof my presentation. What I learned from this assignment is that i need toimprove more on my PEE. The skills I bring to the group is my range of new ideasto help make a good opening sequence. My targets to improve my individual presentation is toobtain a grade C or above.
  6. 6. Joanne. My choice in theme was Thriller and my concept wasidentity. My idea for my opening sequence was: An unknown main character who the audience knowsnothing about is shown. A second character who knows the identity of the unknowncharacter is shown. A dead body in a body bag is being dragged across thefloor. There is then an extreme close up of a woman screaming. A black out, followed by a woman being grabbed. (Taken)
  7. 7. Gledis. The theme of my opening sequence is the supernatural /discovery. The concept of my opening sequence is being haunted andterrorised by ghosts and spirits. Main idea: The main character (a student) runs up the staircase to the top floor of the school.(close up of feet running) A long shot from the end of the hallway of the character asshe reaches the top As she walks down the hallway, incoherent, but loud whispering can be herd comingfrom the walls. In between shots flashing images of newspaper articles will appear revealing that theschool used to be a mental institution and something happened involving a patient. She continues walking. At this point the character is very frightened and shaking. Allthe doors begin to slam by themselves. The students drops her folder from theshock. She notices blood on a door knob, opens it with her sleeve and follows a trail of bloodto the cupboard door. As she opens the door, high pitched music to plays, what shesees is not revealed you only see her reaction.
  8. 8. Abigail. The theme of my opening sequence is obsession and the conceptwas the idea of serial killers. The office worker is working late at the office following the latestmurder. A colleague leaves them to it and exits the scene You see this from the killers POV who is silently watching from afar.The writer slowly starts to pack up and suspense building music willstart. As they close their office door and turn down a series ofcorridors, a dark figure hides behind one of the corners and blockstheir way.A series of camera angles will be used to film the killer stabbing thewriter and as they die, the killer pulls out a camera to take apicture.The final part of this opening sequence is a cut to the killer sittingat a desk and printing the picture and carefully placing it in hisscrapbook and slowly closing it as the scene ends.
  9. 9. Vera. What went well is that I had a lot of images to supportmy presentation and have improved more on my work.It wouldve been even better if I included my PEEstructure. The film that inspired me is Precious because it hasabuse in it e.g. Sexual and emotional which helps a lotbecause my chosen idea was drama.
  10. 10. Genre:Thriller We have decided to use the genre Thriller. We want to use this genre effectively by using a numberof conventions such as crime, possession, haunting andrevenge. We will use these conventions by using them inour opening sequence to thrill our audience which meetsthe conventions of a thriller.
  11. 11. Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions ExampleImage Use/Develop/ ChallengeFatalUse- SomeoneAttraction becoming obsessed after a relationship Challenge using a female as the Stalkers/ stalker instead of Obsession a male.The FanDevelop Instead of being obsessed with a woman and or a family, De Niro is obsessed with his favourite sports star and stalks him.
  12. 12. Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/ChallengeThe HandChallenge- itThatdoes it throughRocks The using a womenCradleas the crazy killerstalker who seeksrevenge insteadof the normal use Stalkers/of a male ObsessionStir of Develop Itsechoesmore obsessionas Kevin Bacontries to find theanswers to anever hauntingmystery
  13. 13. Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions ExampleImage Use/Develop/ ChallengeEye For An Develop AEyewoman is used as the person seeking revenge for the crime rather than the typical use of a Crime male character.TheDevelop NotAmbulancegiving the audience a clear understanding of what the crime actually is at first.
  14. 14. My Inspirational Films Paranormal ActivityThe characters use ofresearch of theirhaunting and findingother similarhappenings is what wetook inspiration fromand what we hope touse efficiently in oursequence
  15. 15. Inspirational FilmsWhat I foundInspirationalabout this scene isthe kind oflighting they usedthrough out themore dark scenesemphasises theemotions of theactor /actress
  16. 16. Inspirational Films Black SwanWhat I foundinspirational from thismovie is the use ofclose up shots whichwas clearly present inthis filmIt gives a clear pictureof the charactersemotions and helpsthe audience toconnect with thecharacter by seeingtheir emotions so
  17. 17. Films that have inspired me The film that inspired me most is The Ring I want to use a similar long shot in our opening sequence. Its an effective way of keeping the audiences attention to the puddle of waterwhilst showing the character come up the stairs. I also want to use a fast zoom in our opening sequence.
  18. 18. Use of costume and make-up in The Ring Quite frightening to look at and an effective way of scaring theaudience. The lighting throughout the whole movie is kept more or less the same. This creates a very eerie and creepy atmosphere in the movie, commonin most horrors and thrillers. I want to use dark lighting in our opening sequences .
  19. 19. Films that have inspired me Another film that inspired me was The Haunting in Connecticut Its paranormal theme has inspired me to make my opening sequence abouta haunting. Slamming doors It especially inspired me to set my opening sequence in a building thatshaunted. E.g. a haunted house. I would like to use old newspaperarticles such as this to briefly show thehistory of the area.
  20. 20. Films that have inspired me A scene from Rosemarys Baby also inspired me.Close up of hand reaching into cribDraws the audiences attentionto what shes doing.. Allows imaginationIt never shows what Close up of to run wild makingshe sees, only herRosemarys face the audiencereaction. emphasises her uneasy. shock, and horror at what she sees.
  21. 21. My Inspirational Films This film is inspirational Gothika because of the scratch marks and engravings that the ghost leaves on her arms is similar to the idea we had about our character waking up with the same marks that the ghost had when she died.
  22. 22. My Inspirational Films I found this movie Paranormal Activity inspirational because the characters used their own camera to document their experiences, which I thought would be a good addition to our opening sequence with our character doing the same.
  23. 23. My Inspirational Films The Grudge The ghost in this film is trying to get revenge for her death, which is just like with our film where our ghost is trying to avenge her own death.
  24. 24. IMAGES AND SCENES FOM CABINFEVERThe camera shot for this The props of thisscene is a mini close up movie is veryshot of his face todisturbing for thedemonstrate fear,audience as it hasdisgust and anxiety to disgusting imagesthe audience.of blood everywhere.
  25. 25. The movie has some kind of old fashioned humour to it which makes it more entertaining and interesting to the audience.In this scene the lighting wasvery dime which makes it morescary because it emphasisdeath, danger and fear. Itcreates suspense to theaudience as they dont knowwhat is going to happen next.
  26. 26. SCENES FROM THE VILLAGEA scene where a This scene has a midcharacter discovers shot of a characterabout the supernaturalwho is illustrating fearthings happening in the and also of thevillage in order to prove monster destroyingto the people that therethings in the something going on.
  27. 27. Theme/Concept An idea we had for the theme was Revenge and theconcept was Possession. InjusticeGhostsGrievanceTwists & TurnsVictims EnigmaRevenge &HiddenPossession!ViciousidentitiesGhouls Suspicious circumstancesUnsuspecting Mysterious ShockingSomeone who has revelationsbeen wronged
  28. 28. Theme/Concept Another idea we had for the theme was Justice and concept was DeathMurder & Manslaughter Righteousness RevengeMoralRightness.VendettaJustice & Death!AMystery Cause Decay SupernaturalLife AfterDeath
  29. 29. How we got down to one brainstorm... After meeting and discussing our idea, we decided thatour first brainstorm was more suited to our openingsequence. This first brainstorm carried the theme idea of revengeand the concept idea of possession. Using the trigger words, we formed our openingsequence.
  30. 30. Theme/Concept The way in which we came down to one idea is as welike Glediss idea but had problems with the choice ofset being the school We later added elements from Abigails openingsequence and developed on that There where some bumps in the road as to the ending ofthe sequence but after meetings we came up withsolutions
  31. 31. Idea Development Option We stripped down our opening sequences and identifiedthe good points and the bad points. After also identifyingthe problems that we may have with filming in certainlocations, we decided to structure our opening sequenceto our advantage. We thought that filming only in one location andthinking about what is achievable in this one locationwhilst also being aware of the different limitations wouldbe best.
  32. 32. Idea Development Option We also briefly discussed who would do what role andhow everyone would contribute. We decided on an actress and the discussions about whowill do the other roles still needs to be discussed.
  33. 33. Our New Idea! After feedback, we decided to do option 2 which was tocollaborate multiple ideas into one idea. We collaborated Gledis idea and Abigails idea andthen developed it further. And this is the product...
  34. 34. The whole film It starts with the opening sequence, where strange ghostlythings are happening to the main character. The main character slowly begins to find out informationabout who lived in her home before her. She attempts to tellher family and friends but they dismiss it. The main character has a series of close encounters withthe ghost. Whilst sleeping she dreams of its life in the homeshe now inhabits. The ghost possess the main character slowly. Thinking sheis on drugs, her family hosts an intervention for her. At thisintervention, she is fully possessed. Her family and friends, whilst trying to restrain her,collectively kill the main character and burn her body. Thecycle continues, with the audience being shown a familymoving into a newly built home where the main charactershouse used to be.
  35. 35. The opening sequence The character is at her desk typing and researching ghosts,hauntings and the history behind where her house is situated. Suddenly, her television turns on by itself, she grabs her camera todocument this strange experience and this is seen from her point ofview. After turning off the television, she walks back to her desk, and theanother persons reflection is seen by the audience as they walkpast her television. She hears another a noise coming from the drawer behind her, shescrambles to find out what it is. She finds an old photograph in thedrawer that clearly doesnt belong to her of a young girl wearing asimilar necklace to the character. She hears a thump coming from downstairs, she rushes to find thesource of it, running through the corridors in her house she tracksthe noise down to the bathroom and she listens outside the door. Asshe slowly reaches for the handle, someone elses hand slams onthe glass door from the inside.
  36. 36. Enigma The way we want to create enigma is through the combination ofsound and pace. The actress is never fully calm which also keepsthe audience on edge The end of the opening sequence will leave the audience wantingto know what happens next as the audience do not see what thecharacter sees.
  37. 37. Target Audience! Age: It is aimed at 15+, this is because the main character in thefilm is a teenager and a younger generation can relate to this becauseit will appeal to them. Location: the fact that it is set in London will appeal to a greatnumber of people who actually live in London. This is because theaudience will be able to relate to the character and the film andtherefore will be more affected by the film.E.g. many people who live in London were terrified of using theLondon Underground after watching the movie Creep which is set inCharing Cross tube station. This scared many people who used thestation, which is the major aim of a horror/thriller film. Lifestyle: The movie itself is quite slow pace this doesnt take awayfrom its excitement. Therefore our target audience would be peoplewho lead an active life and enjoy trills and sitting on the edge of theirseat whilst watching a movie. The mystery and enigma throughoutour film will appeal to our target audience.
  38. 38. Why Our Target Audience Will BeInterested In Our Film! The Idea: Our target audience will be interested in our idea becauseit is thrilling and exciting and creates mystery (the history behind thehouse and the ghost). This will intrigue our audience, because theywill want to find out more. Form: We want to use very creep and eerie music in some parts thenfast pace violin music to create excitement. This will interest ouraudience because the are aiming our film at thrill seekers. Conventions: We are targeting our film at an audience whoregularly watch horrors and thrillers with conventions such as terror,and we will intrigue people who enjoy being frightened by films.We will include ghosts and spirits in order to attract an audiencewho are interested in supernatural happenings and life after death.(Ghost girl). We want to satisfy their interest in paranormal activitiesby including spirits and weird unexplained events such as the TVswitching on by itself.
  39. 39. CharactersWe are using one main character who is seen, and someone toplay the ghost that is troubling our main character, who is unseen.Gledis is playing this main character as she fits the profile. She isthe same age as we want our character to be, and so will play ourmain character extremely well.Gledis
  40. 40. Actor/CharacterProps/Costume Gledis Character The Others The Unborn This character meets stereotypes of a helpless young girl who is hauntedby a ghost Some movies in which this is displayed are listed above.
  41. 41. Location We have two locations with this idea. The first, is a bedroom in which all of these supernaturalthings happen to the character in. There are no healthand safety risks in this locationIMAGES The desk that the character is working at, when she hears the noises coming from...
  42. 42. Location...this wardrobe. More images of the desk...
  43. 43. The television thatll turnLocationAnother view of my itself.onthe desk and herworking area.
  44. 44. Location This location is nearly always accessible as its my room,however, the only problem we may face with thislocation is when we can film as my mother works fromhome and noise from filming could be an issue. We can get there from school by getting the 266 or 260bus to Church Road and then a short walking distance,where wed have to cross four non-major roads.
  45. 45. Narrative Our opening sequence has a linear narrative withforeshadowing. The structure of the opening sequence will not change,its all in one place and at one time. Also, our characterwill be researching ghosts, a series of hauntings etcwhich hints at what will happen throughout the rest ofthe film.
  46. 46. TVZETAN TODOROV( NARRATIVE FILM THEORIST: NARRATIVE STRUCTURE)Tvzetan Todorov is a Franco- Equilibrium: it is a narrativeBulgarian philosopher. Hethat starts with a state oflived in France since 1963 harmony, example a group ofwith his wife and twopeople enjoying their live.children. Disequilibrium: it is a world of stability which involves disruption, example when an evil event happens to character in a movie. New Equilibrium: it is when the evil in a movie is removed and it restores harmony.
  47. 47. It contrast with disequilibrium because it has some disturbing images in the middle the movieThis describesequilibrium as it has This links with newthe character enjoyingequilibrium as ithimself because heshows a peacefulthinks that everythingatmosphereis perfect. between thecharacters
  48. 48. Binary Opposition: This is asophisticated but important idea thatwill help you understand how ideas andmeanings are being shaped, created orreinforced in a text. It is a theory ofmeaning and an idea that can beapplied to all texts; it is especially usefulwhen analysing poetry where meaninghas been compressed into a very fewwords.
  49. 49. This scene is clearly This particular sceneused to illustrate fear shows the audience aand danger. A close upbasic understanding ofshot of his face explains the movie which links towhat is happening in thethe binary oppositionscene without theaudience not evenseeing the next stage
  50. 50. Characters and their purpose inpropps theory. The villain (strugglesagainst the hero)The donor (prepares the hero orgives the hero some magical object)The (magical) helper (helps the heroin the quest)The princess (person the heromarries, often sought for during thenarrative)Her fatherThe dispatcher (character who makesthe lack known and sends the herooff)The hero or victim/seekerhero, reacts to the donor, weds theprincess
  51. 51. This scene shows a characterof a man losing his familyand ends up in an accidentas he tries to escape the trueworld.This scene shows thecharacter been played by thiswoman as a care taker of thesick or a doctor.
  52. 52. This genre links to the theories as thethemes used in all the theories areincluded in the decision making, suspense,disgust and fear been created by thegroup.