Running head: Professional Portfolio 1 Research Skills Crime and Punishment Dommanise Driver PSY 492 XB 07-08-2011 Mary Viventi

Au Psy492 W6 A3 Ssal Driver D

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Running head: Professional Portfolio 1

Research Skills

Crime and Punishment

Dommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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Professional Portfolio 2

Crime and Punishment

In American society today there are four ways that a criminal can be punished. If

someone is found guilty of a crime they can be punished by retribution, deterrence,

rehabilitation, and social protection. Although, it is hard to say for sure what type of punishment

deters crime the most, most people do have an opinion on which one works the best. An even

bigger question that is going on around is do the consequences of punishment provide any

benefits for criminals and society?

One type of punishment that is given to someone who commits a crime is retribution

(O'Sullivan, 2000). Retribution is known to be the oldest justification for punishment.

Retribution is used as an act of moral vengeance by which society makes the person who has

committed a crime suffers as much as the person who the crime was committed against

(O'Sullivan, 2000). For example if a man cuts of another man’s arm then that man’s arm must

also be cut off so that he can feel the same pain that he victim felt. Retribution is used to keep

society in moral order. Retribution basic thought is an eye for an eye. Although retribution is

the oldest justification there are other justifications for punishment like deterrence. Deterrence is

used as a way to discourage crimes though punishment (General OneFile, 2009). What

deterrence is basically trying to say is if someone knows that they are going to be punished for

something they will not do it because they know what the punishment will be. This train of

thought started in eighteenth-century where they came up with the idea that rational humans will

not break the law of the pains of punishment outweighs the pleasures of the crime. For example

someone is not going to steal some candy if they know they will get their hand cut off because

the goodness of the candy is not worth the pain of getting their hand cut off. Deterrence became

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Professional Portfolio 3

more accepted then retribution because people thought that retribution was too harsh (General

OneFile, 2009). There are two types of deterrence the first type of deterrence is specific

deterrence. Specific deterrence is when someone who has already committed a crime not to

commit a crime ever again. The second type of deterrence is general deterrence. (General

OneFile, 2009) General deterrence is when someone who has yet to commit crime is persuaded

not too commit the crime that they are thinking about committing. Because some people did not

think that either deterrence or retribution was the answer to stopping crime someone came up

with rehabilitation. Rehabilitation became the third justification that people used for punishing

someone. Rehabilitation is a program used to reform a criminal so he or she will not commit

another crime. Rehabilitation was first used in the nineteenth century (Hansen, 2008).

Rehabilitation is supposed to motivate criminal to do the right thing or conform to the rules of

society. Rehabilitation wants to treat or help the person who has committed a crime (Hansen,

2008) . For example if someone is found guilty of a crime they will get someone to talk to so

they can figure out why they committed the crime in the first place. The fourth justification that

is used for punishment is societal protection. Social protection renders a criminal incapable of

committing another crime by putting them in jail for the rest of their life in jail so they are unable

to hurt anyone else. Social protection is an approach used to protect society from criminals

(Hansen, 2008).

Although, I am not sure if one of the crime prevention methods alone will deter crime I

think that rehabilitation is our best chance of deterring crime. I think that rehabilitation is our

best chance of deterring crime because it is the only justification of punishment that really offers

criminal a chance to better him or herself. I think that if the criminal can see that someone

wants to help them then they might want to help his or herself. I think that rehabilitation will be

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more effective then retribution because retribution is simply about getting even and I think that

getting even never works because it just makes someone else want to get even and it never stops.

I also think that rehabilitation would deter crime more than deterrence because again

rehabilitation whole point is to make a person learn from his or her mistakes where as deterrence

main focus is to stop someone from committing a crime by making an example out of them. I do

not think that this works very well because most people do not want to be made an example of

and tend to fight back. Not only do I think that rehabilitation will deter crime better then

retribution, and deterrence I also think rehabilitation will deter crime better then societal

protection. I think that societal protection will not deter crime because even though you are

getting rid of one criminal there will also be another while rehabilitation wants to help criminals

become a functioning part of society.

I do think that the consequence of punishment provide some benefits to both criminals

and to society. I think that one of the benefits that punishment provides to criminals is that it lets

them know that they are doing something wrong. For example when someone goes to jail or

prison they not only learn that they cannot commit a crime and not be punished it also gives them

a chance to think about what they did to end up in jail or prison in the first place. I think that

another benefit that punishment provides criminals is a way to change. For example

rehabilitation allows the criminal to better him or herself by offering him or her class so that they

can be in a better place when they get out of jail or prison. Not only do I think that consequences

of punishment benefit criminals it also benefits to society. One of the benefits that consequences

of punishment provide our society is that it takes the criminals off the streets and makes our

society a little safer. I think that punishment also offers society the benefit of helping others in

need. Although the criminals are being punished we are allowed to go and visit and offer any

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help that we can to them and I think that when we help others we help ourselves. The main

benefit that I think the consequences of punishment provides is closure to the victim or to the

victim family they end up knowing that they are safe because the person who committed the

crime cannot hurt them anymore.

After reading all the material I really think that in order to deter crime all four of the

punishments need to work together as one and if they don’t I do not think that we will ever be

able to truly deter crime. I think that criminal need to know that if they do something wrong they

are going to get punished for the crime that they have committed and I also think that we as a

society have the right to feel safe knowing that as criminals are behind bars and we as citizens

are able to walk our streets without being afraid of what will happen to them.

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Reference Page

O'Sullivan, J. (July 17, 2000). A Logical and Just Practice. National Review, 52, 13. p.NA. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from General OneFile via Gale:http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS

Strategy: Neutral approach can offer benefits. (Feb 23, 2009). Investment Adviser, p.NA. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from General OneFile via Gale:http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS

Hanson, D. (Nov 2008). Judge for yourself; Justice minister David Hanson MP explains the steps the government is taking to increase public confidence in the criminal justice system.(justice). Policing Today, 14, 5. p.13(2). Retrieved June 21, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS

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Professional Portfolio 7

Cognitive Abilities

Final Paper

Dommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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Professional Portfolio 8

Case Report

Diagnoses of Maria Doe: Dysthymic Disorder

Background Information

Major symptoms of Dysthymic Disorder

The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM-IV) says that in order for

someone to qualify as having dysthymic disorder they have to experience two or more of the

following one overeating or poor appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low

self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making hard decisions, or feelings of hopelessness.

The patient also has to have a depressed mood for the most of his or her day for at least two

years. During these two years the patient cannot go without the symptoms in criteria a and b for

longer than two months at a time. There can be no major depression episodes in the first two

years of having dysthymic disorder. The DSM-IV also says that in order to for someone to have

dysthymic disorder they cannot have experienced a manic disorder, mixed episode, or a

hypomanic episode.

Outline of Client’s Background

The patient that I am currently working with is Maria Doe. Maria Doe is a forty- two

year old Hispanic woman who lives in Columbia, South Carolina. Maria Doe is currently

working at Hartman and Hartman as an accountant. Maria Doe is currently married with two

kids. Maria Doe entered our mental hospital on September 13, 2009 complaining that she is

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having trouble sleeping and that she feels jumpy all the time. Maria Doe also complains that she

has an inability to concentrate on her work.

Interview Process

I interviewed Mrs. Maria Doe on Friday September 15, 2009 at 9:00 am in the morning.

When Maria Doe entered my office she was neatly dressed but she did look like she had not

sleep very well the night before. Maria Doe looked like she was very nervous and was a little

shaky. I asked Maria Doe to have a seat so we can begin the interview process. The first

question that I asked Maria Doe is why she decided to come and see me now? Maria Doe

responded to my question by saying that the problems were not only affecting her at home but at

work and she did not feel like she could handle what was happening to her by herself anymore.

She also said that she decided to get help now because she wanted to know what was happening

to her and because she felt like she was starting to feel like she was losing control of her life.

The next question that I asked Maria Doe was if she felt like she was any danger to herself or

anyone around her? Maria Doe said that she did not feel like she was a danger to herself or to

anyone else but she was not for sure she just knew that she did not want to hurt herself or anyone

else around her. The next question that I asked Maria was how she was feeling at this exact

moment? Maria Doe said that she was extremely tried and she felt very apprehensive. Maria

also said she felt like she was finding it hard to concentrate on what was going on. While Maria

was telling me how she felt she would stop in the middle of her sentence as if she forgot what

she was going to say. She also was looking around the room as if she was expecting something

to happen so also was very fidgety. I also asked Maria is she had experienced any major

experience in her life and she explained to me that she had just had a miscarriage and her mother

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had recently died. The next question that I asked of Maria is if she was taking any medication

and she said no. I also asked Maria how often she felt like she was having a hard time

concentrating and she said that she felt this way all the time. I then proceeded to ask Maria how

many hours of sleep she thought she got a night and she said that she did not know but she felt as

if she did not get any at all. I then asked her how often she had the jumpy feeling that she

described having and she said for more than half her day. I also asked Maria when she thought

all of her symptoms had begun and she said that has been at least going on for the last couple of

years but she was not for sure exactly when the symptoms started she went on to say she just

woke up one morning feeling this way. Another question that I asked Maria is if she knew if any

psychological disorders ran in her family and she said she did not think so. I wanted to know if

Maria was noticing any other changes in her day to day life like if her eating habits had changed

and she informed me that she no longer felt like eating or even getting out of bed. The last

question that I asked Maria is what did she want to get out of coming to our clinic and she simply

said help.

Summary of Dysthymic Disorder

Dysthymic is categorized by the DSM-IV as a mood disorder and should not be confused

with major depression. The symptoms of dysthymic disorder normally show up during early

adulthood but it can occur in children. The beginning of dysthymic disorder is very gradual so it

can be challenging to accurately pinpoint when the disorder actually begins. The DSM-IV which

is the manual of mental disorders gives several criteria that have to be met in order for someone

to be diagnosed with dysthymic disorder. The first set of criteria is in criteria A this group of

criteria consist of having a depressed mood that is present most of the time and that persists for at

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least two years. The second group of requirements is located in criteria B which says that the

patient has to have the presence of two or more of the following symptoms: poor appetite or

overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self esteem, poor concentration

or difficulty making decisions, or feelings of hopelessness. The next group of requirements is in

criteria C and requires that during the two year period, the person has never been with the

symptoms for more than two months at a time. The last set of requirements is located in criteria

D and says that there can be no major depressive episode or manic episode has been present

during the first two years of the disturbances.

Biological Model Explanation of Dysthymic Disorder

The biological model would explain the dysthymic disorder by describing it as a disorder

that happens because there is a malfunction within someone brain. The person from the

biological would go on to explain the disorder by saying that the neurons in the patient’s brain

are not transmitting correctly. The biological model would go on to explain the dysthymic

disorder by explaining that the disorder can be caused by abnormal chemical activity in the

endocrine system. Genetics is another explanation that the biological model would give to

explain the dysthymic disorder. The model would explain that disorders like dysthymic

disorders are passed down from parents to child and explain that particular characteristics and

traits like psychological disorders can run in someone family. Another explanation that the

biological model uses to explain dysthymic disorder is evolution. They would say evolution

plays a part in dysthymic disorder because their gens did not evolve correctly instead they

mutated. The last explanation that the biological model would use to explain dysthymic disorder

is viral infections. One way that the biological model would explain how a viral infection

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relates to dysthymic infection is that they would say while they person with the disorder was in

the womb he or she contacted some type of infection that stayed dormant until the symptoms of

the disorder start to show up. Someone in the biological model is likely to uses all of these

reasons to explain why someone could have dysthymic disorder.

Treatments the Biological Model Would Use to Treat Dysthymic Disorder

The first thing that the biological model does when it begins treatment is that it check for

any clues as to why there is a disorder for example the biological model would check to see if

there is a background of mental disorders in the family. After the therapist in the biological

model feels they have pinpointed where the disorder has come from they choose from three

treatment plans. The first type of treatment that a therapist from the biological model would use

is psychotropic medications which are drugs that affect emotion and thought process. There are

four types of drugs that the biological model uses they are antianxiety, antidepressant,

antibipolar, and antipsychotic drugs. The next treatment that the biological model would use is

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) which is when two electrodes are put on the patients’ forehead

and an electrical shock is sent though them. The third type of treatment that can be used is

psychosurgery, brain surgery for mental disorders. The biological looks at each case

individually to decided which one of these treatments will be best used for each client.


I think that the best thing for Maria Doe is to be admitted to the clinic for further

observation. I also think that it might be in Maria Does’ best interest of she was put on an

antidepressant while she is being observed here at the clinic.

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Professional Portfolio 13

Reference Page



Fluoxetine for dysthymic disorder in the elderly. (March 2005). Psychopharmacology

Update, 16, 3. p.4(1). Retrieved September 16, 2009, from General OneFile via Gale:


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Professional Portfolio 14

Commutation Skills

Outline of Literature Findings

Dommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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Professional Portfolio 15

Original hypothesis: There is a direct link between teen suicide and bullying.

Refined hypothesis: Severe bullying causes teenagers to commit suicide


I. Introduction

II. Examples of teenagers who have committed suicide because of bullying

1. Brandon Bitner age 14

2. Eric Mohat age 17

3. Seth Walsh age 13

4. Phoebe Prince age 15

III. Ways teen are committing suicide

1. Cutting the wrist

2. Shooting themselves

3. Hanging themselves

4. Taking a overdose of pills

IIIII. Types of bullying

1. Physical

2. Verbal

3. Indirect

4. Social Alienation

5. Intimidation

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6. Cyber

Strengths and Weakness of Articles

Article One: Waters, K. (2011). Teenage Bullies: Might Not Right. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 91(1), 7-9. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.Weakness: is that the article did not go into detail about how to notice the signs of bullying that can lead to a teen committing suicide.Strengths: Is that is gave a clear example of how bullying can cause someone to feel so s bad about themselves and their situation that they decided to commit suicide.

Article two: O'Connor, K. (2010). In Grief, a Father Goes Hunting for Answers. Encounter, 23(3), 38-41. Retrieved from EBSCOhostWeakness: The weakness of this article comes in because the writer is writing from a personal point of view.Strength: The strength of this article is that it is emotional and it written from a point of view of someone who has witnessed how bullying affects people.

Article three: The Association of Suicide and Bullying in Childhood to Young Adulthood: A Review of Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Research Findings.Weakness: the weakness of this article is that it was not done for kids who are in the United StatesStrength: is that the article shows that bullying and suicide is happening just about every where

Article four: Bullying, cyber bullying, and suicideWeakness: The weakness that I see in this article is that it did not go into enough detail about each type of bullying.Strength: The strength of this article is that it lets us know the different types of bullying that can affect a teenager.

Article five: Bully busting. The American City & County,Weakness: the weakness of this article is that it talks mainly about how to spot bullyingStrength: the article does let us know that bullying can lead to suicide

Article six: Bullying, a deadly sinWeakness: is that the focus is on bullying and not on bullying and suicideStrength: is that is tells us that bullying is a bad experience for teenagers

Article seven: Grieving mom speaks out against cyber-bullying in wake of daughter's suicide.Weakness: the weakness of this article is that it only talks about one type of bullyingStrength: the strength of this article is that it gives a example of how cyber-bullying can cause a teenager to commit suicide.

Article eight: Bullying and suicide.

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Weakness: I did not really find a weaknessStrength: the strength of this article is that it directly linked suicide and bullying

Article nine: How to Stop Bullying in the SchoolsWeakness: the weakness in this article is that it did not focus on how bullying can cause teenagers to commit suicideStrength: the strength in this article is that it is trying to figure out how to stop bullying

Article ten: Cyber bullying pushes teenagers towards suicideWeakness: the weakness of this article is that it only talked about one type of bullyingStrength: the strength of this article is that it talks about how bullying can cause someone to commit suicide.

Compare and Contrast the Articles

All of the articles shared the fact that bullying was wrong the only difference in the articles is that some of the articles on focused on one type of bullying while others covered all the different types of bullying.

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Professional Portfolio 18

Ethics and Diversity Awareness

Outreach Program

Dommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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Professional Portfolio 19

In the last couple of weeks I have noticed the importance of having an outreach program

for women to use when they have nowhere else to go to receive health care. The director at the

outreach center would like for me to give her a summary of all the cases I have worked on so far

she would like for me to put an emphasis on prevention and intervention strategies that the

outreach program should include. The director wants to know why I believe that this

information should be included in the program. I am also going to create a program proposal to

present to the director describing how the program will provide needed services to women in the

community served by that agency.

Case One: It is important for women to have a place where they can to get medical help

and to learn about important things like diabetes, the different cancers that affect women, and

heart disease. Not only is it important for the women to have a place to go to get help but it is an

important for women to be able to talk to people who know what they are talking about. The

outreach center will need to have doctors and staff who have experience with women issues and

who know how to deal with women one on one. Not only should the outreach over service that

deal with women health issues but it should also deal with mental health issues and substance

abuse issues. The best place for the outreach center will be in a poor neighborhood in some type

of building that can be easily found. One idea is to have the building located next to a church.

Case Two: It is also important to have an outreach program so that people who are having

trouble with substance abuse can have some where to go and get help if they want it. The

outreach program needs to have a program not only for the person who is suffering from the

substance abuse problem but for the rest of the family as well. The outreach program can offer a

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daycare center so that families have somewhere to keep their kids safe especially if someone is

abusing drugs in alcohol. A daycare is a good idea for families like Joe’s who wife Jane that

abuses alcohol to the point that she has blackouts while caring for her young children while Joe

is at work. Joe and Jane’s case is a classic example as to why the outreach program should over

drug and alcohol abuse program.

Case Three: It is critical that the outreach program not only teaches women about

different women health issues but also has doctor at the outreach program that can give the

women different exam that look for things like breast cancer, cervical cancer, diabetes, heart

disease and any other health issues that affect women. It is important to have doctors to help test

for these disease because they are the top killers in women today. A lot of times these disease go

undiagnosed in poor and immigrant women because they cannot afford to see a doctor and they

do not have the transportation they need to get to a doctor. Another problem with immigrant

workers is that they do not go to the doctor’s office because of commutation barriers between

them and their doctor. So not only does the outreach center need doctors it needs doctors and

staff to be able to communicate with patients from all different types of backgrounds.

Case Four: Another reason that an outreach program is need in poor areas is because

women tend to get overloaded with the things that they have to do in their day to say lives. The

outreach program needs to have counselors on staff that can help women deal with the stress that

can come with being a working wife and mother. It is important that the women understand that

stress does affect their health.

Case Five: The counselors at the outreach program also need to be trained in how to

handle rape victims and be able to teach women about rape prevention. This is an important

subject because one out of every three women is raped.

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Case Six: Domestic abuse is another subject that the outreach program needs to have its

counselors cover. It is important for everyone to remember that domestic abuse occurs in both

straight and lesbian relationships. The outreach program needs to over programs for both the

person who is being abused and the person who is doing the abusing. They can do this by

offering intervention programs that empower the victim and help the abuser understand their


An outreach program is need so that women can get the help and resources that they need

but may not be able to afford. The outreach program could be located inside of a church or in a

separate building next to a church. The outreach program should be located in a poor

neighborhood because that is where it is need the most. It would not make sense to put the

outreach program in a neighborhood where the patients can already afford the care that they

need. It is so important to have an outreach center because it teaches women about the issues

that are important to them. Women’s health issues are one major issue that will be covered in

the outreach program. Covering women’s health issues is important because women are dying

from heart disease and breast cancer because they are do not know the sings of having this

disease. Women are also not seeing doctors who can diagnose this disease because they cannot

afford to go and see a doctor the outreach center would give the women the chance to see a


The outreach program will offer women who are being abused by their partners help so

that they can get out of the unhealthy situation if they want to. It will also offer help to anyone

who is abusing someone they love if they want the help. The outreach program will be there for

rape victims by offering counseling and rape prevention programs. The outreach program is

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important because it may be the only way that the people who need help with stress, domestic

violence, medical issues can get the help that is needed for them to live safe and happy lives.

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Professional Portfolio 23

The Scientist-Practitioner Model

Knowledge of Applied Psychology

Dommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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Professional Portfolio 24

Jack is an organization development executive who works at Techzone Communications

is not currently considered to be a scientist-practitioner which is someone who not only practices

I/O psychology but also conducts research on I/O psychology. The reason that Jack would not

be considered to be a scientist-practitioner is because he only practices I/O psychology he has

not done any I/O psychology research since he was studying for his PhD. The scientist-

practitioner model for I/O psychologists’ advocated by the Society for Industrial and

Organizational Psychology or SIOP can be described as a way to train a graduate student that

will focus on clinical practices the scientist practitioner modes is meant to give someone a

rigorous grounding in research methods and to also give them exposure to clinical psychology.

The scientist practitioner model has a couple of parts to it the first part is that mainly focused on

clinical practices and is geared towards someone who is trying to get a PhD. Because scientist

practitioner do research and practice I/O psychology they are able to keep up with any current

information in their field of study he or she can also keep up with the changing needs of different

organization which allows him or her the ability to ensure organizations meet or surpass the

expectations of their clients and consumers.

The scientist practitioner model is useful in I/O because it allows psychologist to conduct

research and practice psychology. One way that scientist practitioner model is useful in I/O

psychology is because it allows the I/O psychologist to stay current in their field of study.

Another way that scientist practitioner model is important in I/O psychology is that it gives the

I/O psychologist the chance to under how people work in the workplace while think of ways to

help people in the work environment. I think that the model is also useful to I/O psychologist

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because it allows them to understand psychology principles and ethics better because they are

always using them. The model is also useful because it allows the psychologist to be able to see

for themselves any problems that are going on in different organizations. The model also gives

the psychologist the opportunity to come up with new ideas to help different organization with

the employees and with their consumers.

Just like with anything else the scientist practitioner model does come with its share of problems.

One way that the scientist practitioner model can be problematic is that it can be hard to find

employment because you really need to have a PhD to work in the field. Another problem that

can occur with the scientist practitioner model is that the psychologist can fall into the trap of

focusing too much on the research or on their practices and not evenly doing both. The scientist

practitioner model can also be a problem because it can be difficult to conduct all the research

that needs to be conducted.

The scientist practitioner model has developed a little since it was first devolved in 1949 the

model came about when Hugo Munsterberg became interested in the design of work and how

people selected their jobs and when Walter Dill Scott became interested in studying salespeople

and the psychology of advertising. Fredrick W. Taylor an engineer also played a part in the

beginning of scientist practitioner model and I/O psychology by adding scientific principles to

the study of work behavior which helped increase efficiency and productivity. Between Worlds

War I and the 1920 the scientist practitioner model and I/O psychology was used to create

intelligence tests for the United States Army. A little after the intelligence test were created for

the army psychologists came up with a screening and placement test for different industries.

Then between Great Depression and World War II there was a change in the scientist practitioner

model and I/O psychology. During this time the focus was on the effects of physical work

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environment and worker productivity. During this time psychologist recognized the importance

of social factors and worker morale in productiveity in the workplace. Another change

occurred in the postwar years and the modern era. At was at this time that the scientist

practitioner model and I/O psychology started to blossom and come into its own. The scientist

practitioner model and I/O psychologist began to focus on testing and selection and evaluating

employees. Another change that took place is that the psychologist began to focus on motivation

and goal setting along with job attitudes and organization stress, group process and politics and

organizational development.

The good thing about I/O psychologist is that they are a value to both organizations and to

workers. I/O psychologists are of value to organizations because they provide training to

managers so that they can understand and value their workers of different races, genders,

religions and cultures. They also help by engaging in change management this is done by

helping organizations deal with loss and maximize effectiveness. They also help organizations

by creating and advising corporate structure this happens when psychologist consult with

different organizations to help them determine the appropriate organization structure. One of the

last ways I/O psychologist help organizations is be helping with team management this is done

by helping teams organize performances. I/O psychologists help workers by making sure they

have their EEOC rights and make sure there is not basis in hiring and promotions. They also

help by making sure workers get the compensation that they deserve. They also provide workers

with programs that help balance their personal lives with their work.

I/O psychologist also face some ethical issues one issue that they have to face is making sure that

they fill out an informed consent form sometimes I/O psychologist forget to fill out the form and

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this is an ethical issue because of privacy reasons. Another ethical issue is human relations this

is a problem because the psychologist has to make sure that he or she treats everyone fairly.

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Reference Page

Riggio, Ronald E. Introduction to industrial/organizational psychology / Ronald E.

Riggio; consulting editor, Lyman W. Porter.—5th ed.

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Knowledge of Foundation of the Field

Predictors of PerformanceDommanise Driver

PSY 492 XB


Mary Viventi

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In order to test someone personality some organizations give its perspective workers

something called the Big Five which is basically a way to test personality on five different

dimensions. The big five model is used in hiring, promoting and coaching employees. The big

five model is also used because it provides validity beyond how intelligence can be measured.

The big five model consist of five different dimensions they are extraversion, emotional

adjustment or emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and inquisitiveness or

openness to experience.

One dimension of the big five model is inquisitiveness or openness to the experience in

which you scored moderately high. Inquisitiveness or openness to experience measures

creativity, curiosity, of someone it also looks at cultured versus practical or if someone has

narrow interest or not. The test measures fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, and values.

Someone who scores high in inquisitiveness or openness to experience are less conventional in

the way that they look at things they also think about different ideas and scrutinize things and

enjoy solving puzzles. Someone who scores high in the dimension likes to read and may have a

diverse collection of music and have a lot of art work around their house of work environment.

Someone who scores high on the big five test in openness to experience are more open to new

experience and would be good at jobs that involve a lot of creativity and flexibility.

Another dimension in the big five personality model in which you also scored moderately

high is agreeableness. Agreeableness measures the extent to which people are cooperative,

warm, and tests agreeableness against belligerent and also cold and disagreeable. Someone like

you who scores high on this big five model are usually empathetic, generous and very helpful to

other people. Someone who scores high in agreeableness has an optimistic way of looking at

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things. If you score high in this dimension you are most likely very trustworthy you are also

more likely to think about other people then your own personal self interest. Someone who

scores high in this dimension of the big five model tend to look for the positive things in a

situation and also have a more emotional response. Someone who scores high in agreeableness

should think about a job in sales or as a counselor.

Conscientiousness is another one of the five dimensions in the big five personality model.

The conscientiousness test is given to see how hardworking someone is and how organized they

are it also test how dependable they are. Someone like you who scores very high in this

dimension tends to very careful and self- disciplined and very organized. Someone who scores

high in this part of the big five model is also very reliable and hardworking to the point that they

can be called workaholics. People who are very conscientiousness people like your self are very

self motivated and tend to have less clutter around them. Someone who scores high in

conscientiousness can have just about any job that he or she and be extremely good at it.

Another one of the five dimensions is extraversion which test to see to what degree

someone is gregarious, assertive and how sociable they are extraversion is also the main

dimension of human personality. Someone like you who scored high in this dimension of the big

five model will do well in jobs that deal in managerial positions or in sales. When someone

scores high in this dimension of the big five model this means that he or she tends to seek out

excitement and is vey assertive. When someone scores high in extraversion they tend to think

out loud and enjoy human interactions. If someone scores high in extraversion they tend to get

bored when they have to be by themselves so they will not do well in jobs where they have to

work alone.

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One of the last things that the big five model test is Neuroticism this test is conducted to

see how insecure, anxious and depressed someone is. This is a personality trait that shows that

someone is looking at things in a negative way. You scored low in this big five model

dimension so you look at things in an more positive way. People who score high in this big five

dimension tend to be depressed and angry a lot since you scored low in this dimension it means

that you just the opposite you tend to be happy and satisfied with your life. A person who scores

high in this big five model which you did not will be more satisfied in jobs where they did not

have to deal with people you on the other hand will be happier in a where you interact with


The big five model can be helpful in telling if Tasha would be a good manager because it

test How cooperative she will be with the people she is working with it also test how warm and

caring she will be towards her co-workers at the same time it will show us if she will have a cold

attitude towards them or not. The teat will also show us if Tasha is gregarious and assertive or if

she is reserved and timid. Using the big five model will also let the company know if Tasha is

organized and dependable or if she is lazy and unreliable. The test will also show how creative

Tasha is and will also let the company know if her interests are narrow. The test will also let the

organization know if she is insecure or anxious or not if they are going to have to be looking

over her shoulder and helping her with everything.

I personally think that Tasha will be good in the manager position because she scored

very high in conscientiousness which means that she is hardworking and organized it also shows

that she is very dependable. Tasha also scored high in agreeableness which shows the company

that she is cooperative and warm she also scored well in openness to experience which shows the

organization that she is creative which allows her to come up with idea on how to help the

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company. She also scored very low in neuroticism which says that she is not insecure which will

allow her to do her job to the best of her ability.

Reference Page

Riggio, Ronald E. Introduction to industrial/organizational psychology / Ronald E.

Riggio; consulting editor, Lyman W. Porter.—5th ed.

(Riggio. Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Pearson Learning Solutions).


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