Austrian-Hungary History Animated Timeline

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by: Cindy, Desiree and Robbie(school task)

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2. 1809 3. METTERNICH METNAPOLEONDISCUSSINGAUSTRIAN SUPPORT 4. NAPOLEONFACESPRUSSIA,AUSTRIAANDRUSSIAINBATTLEOFLEIPZIG 5. 1814, SEPTEMBER Congress of Vienna aimed at territorial resettlement and restoration of power. Vienna Congress1815, JUNE 6. Russia, Prussia and Austriasigned aHolyAlliance1815, 7. LAJOSKOSSUTH1802, SEPTEMBER 19 Lajos Kossuth wasborn in Monok, Hungary1822 In his early twenties, he studied andgraduated from a Calvinist law school. Notonly he become a brilliat lawyer, but alsoan excellent orator and journalist1825 He served in the Hungarian diet 8. LAJOS KOSSUTH WAS IMPRISONEDBECAUSE OF HIS NATIONALIST VIEWS1837-1840 9. 1840SPESTI H R PI LA(N SPA )EW PER PR M TES OO HNAIA UGR N N TI O A SMA N LI 10. 1848 CITIZEN COMMITEESPETITIONEDFORTHEEMPERORFORREFORMATION 11. REFERENCES http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAkossuth.htm http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Louis_Kossuth.aspx http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/322773/Lajos-Kossuth/3979/Additional-Reading http://timelines.ws/countries/HUNGARY.HTML http://hungaria.org/uploaded/images/20041020-224541_7.jpg http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/images/Europe/Napoleonic/Germany_Leipzig1813_01_full.jpg http://jamieumbc.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/battle_of_leipzig_11.jpg By: Cindy, Desiree and Robbie Music: Andagio for Strings by