P ANEL DISCUSSION ON B ALANCING HIGHER EDUCATION DR. DEVINDER K. KANSAL Head, Deptt. of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (University of Delhi) & Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences 1

balancing higher education (panel discussion)

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DR. DEVINDER K. KANSALHead, Deptt. of Physical Education & Sports Sciences

(University of Delhi) &

Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences


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Balance Education

According to Delors Commission (UNESCO,1996) : Balanced education is one whichincludes all the four pillars of education.Accordingly, a person is educated who is awareand follows all the four pillars :-

1.To know : Cognitive Aspect.

2.To Do : Psychomotor aspect.

3.To Be : Spiritual Aspect.

4.To Live Together : Affective and Social aspect.

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Meta Colleges

When a student takes admission in onedepartment and has the freedom to get 4 to 8papers of one or two semesters at differentcolleges of their choice dealing with subjects oftheir choice and ends up with the final 2semesters at the Institute of first admission.

This is the only remedy to propagate BalancedEducation through real inter-disciplinarity.

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WPD Through Balance Education

Personality or Personal Identity anexpression of ones hereditarypotential is possible only throughproperly managed balancededucation of the four pillars ofeducation

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Balanced Education is possible onlythrough the concept of Meta Colleges.When the students is free from theboundary of different Departments,Colleges and Faculties.

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Learning From Past Mistakes

• Scientist Bruino Gurdiano was burnt alive in1600 for advocating heliocentric planetarysystem; earth continued to be placed in thecentre of planets till late 1800’s.

• We must learn from past mistakes andshould implement Gandhian philosophy ofdefining education and integrating body,mind and heart.


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Rare Luck for getting B.E. even in unbalanced environment of Departments and Faculties

water tight compartmentalization.

Most lukcy to get an experience of metacollege subjects and getting a chance fromB.Sc. (Science) to M.Sc. Human Biology, B.Ed.(Education) (Genetic & Growth principles) andpsychomotor domain to do research inKinanthropometry of genetics andenvironmental interactions while doing Ph.D.and job in RCPES and getting IND-US Fulbrightscholarship to work on Olympic athletes.

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Management Tool : POWER HUB POLC

Problems Options What is bestEnforcement and Review with Harmony,Unity, Balance without Re-Inventing wheelNewly by Planning Organizing LeadershipControl.

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Purpose of Balanced Education

Students have the wrong impression thatthey have to come to the college to learnhow to earn livelihood, but IGIPESS has toteach how to live healthy and happy life.

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We must come out of the box to adopt integration of Body, Mind and Heart by modified democracy


No More Self Deception ‘We need to think out of the box’ :

Delhi University Vice-Chancellor calls for original thinking to cater for growing force of learners

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Literature Review : Library Books

• Interdisciplinary books like Covey (1989),UNESCO (1996), Hoeger & Hoeger (1999),Anspaugh & Ezel (2003), Loehr & Schwartz(2003), Covey (2004), Taub et. (2007), Robbinset al (2008), Kansal (2008) Hellison (2011) etc.are rarely found in university libraries,probably due to the absence of any commonrecommendations for excellent books forLibraries of Institutions of higher education.


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Research Propositions

1. There is an urgent need for creatingMeasurement & Evaluation wings along with ahealthy CAKE (Centre of Application ofKnowledge Evaluated ).

2. Standardized definition of education is neededwhich must be separate from universityqualifying degrees.

3. Delors Commission and UNESCO charter ofphysical education & sports (1978) for humanrights should be scientifically managed forassuring implementatation.


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