Basilica cistern, Istanbul

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Comenius Project,

Classical Times light the way to our future

The Basilica Cistern in Istanbul

The Basilica Citern was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian.

It is located in Istanbul, west of St. Sophia.

It was the biggest cistern in Constantinople, it could hold up to 78,000 m3 of water.

The Cistern has 336 columns.

It is 140 metres long and 70 metres wide.

The sunken Palace

This column represent slaves's tears who died during the constuction of the basilica cistern.

The Medusa heads were used to divert evil influences.

The Basilica cistern gave water to Topkapi Palace.

Now there are only a few centimeters of water, and it is a tourist place.