Big Books in the Chinese Class (Upper Elementary School) 愚愚愚愚 愚愚愚愚 By Yun Qin & Y

Big book by Yana and Yun

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Big Books in the Chinese Classroom (Upper Elementary School)

愚公移山愚公移山 By Yun Qin & Yana Yu Special Thanks to Yue Jiang

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Simplified version for young kids

• 1. 很久很久以前,有一个老人叫愚公,他已经九十多岁了。

• 2. 他家门口有两座大山,出门很不方便。• 3. 所以他想把山搬走。他开始一点一点地搬这两座山。

• 4. “他有一个邻居叫智叟。智叟笑话他说: 你真笨”啊,这么大的山,什么时候才能把它搬走呢?

• 5. “愚公笑笑说: 我搬不走还有我的儿子接着搬;我的儿子搬不走还有我的孙子接着搬。总有一天会把

”山搬走的。• 6. 天上的神仙听到愚公的话以后很感动,就帮他把这两座山搬走了。

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Big Book Lesson PlanBig Book Lesson Plan by Yana Yu



New Characters : 

Grammar Structure:

• Fourth Grade

• Students have had 3 years Chinese. Students are familiar with pinyin and have learned many daily-use characters.

• 座 (zuò) ;方便 (fāngbiàn) ;搬 (bān) ;搬走 (bānzǒu) ;接着 (jiēzhe)

• "Ba" structure

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愚公移山( 1) Objective: SWBAT make predictions from the name of the story.

Do Now: [Teacher shows a mountain picture.]  Think-Pair-Share  Think: 想一想,如果你家门口有座山,挡住了去路,你会怎么办?(If there was a mountain in front of your house, which blocked your way, what would you do?) Pair:   把你的答案告诉你的朋友。(Turn to your friend and share your answer with him or her.) Share: 几分钟后老师要请你说说你朋友的答案。(Tell teacher your friend's answer.)

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Teaching: 1. Teacher shows the cover of the big book. T :请看封面。 (Let’s look at the cover.) 标题是 (The title is)《愚公移山Yú Gōng Yí Shān》讲的是一个叫愚公的老人搬走一座山的故事。 (The story is about an old man named Yu Gong moving mountains.)

Ask Ss (in Chinese) to make predictions about the story.T :猜一猜,•这个叫愚公的老人为什么要搬走山呢? (Why did Yu Gong have to move the mountains? )•他是怎么把山搬走的? (How did he move the mountains? )•他最后有没有把山搬走? (Did he finally move the mountains?)  看了这个标题后,你还有什么想要问的问题吗?Ss are welcomed to ask any questions about the title of the book.

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2. Students learn new vocabulary.

座 (zuò):Measure Word for mountain. 一座山: a mountain

方便 (fāngbiàn): convenient; easyEx. 在纽约,出门很方便。 (Getting around is rather convenient in New York.)

搬 (bān):move from one place to another 搬 = 移搬家: move house

搬走 (bānzǒu): move out; move awayEx. 他已经搬走了。 (He has moved out.) 《谁搬走了我的奶酪?》 (Who Moved My Cheese?)

接着 (jiēzhe): follow; continueEx. 我讲完了你接着讲。 (I’ll speak first and then you follow.) 黑夜接着白天。 (Night follows day.)

Teacher teaches words by using PPT and dramatic body language.

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Objective: SWBAT to get the picture of the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Do Now: Find your seat and sit in groups. Teaching: 1.Teacher reads and explains the story.

Activity: Numbered Heads Together (1) Students number off within each group. (2) Teacher asks questions:

a. 愚公遇到了一个什么麻烦?b. 愚公想到了一个什么办法?c. 最后他做到了吗?怎么做到的?

(3) Students in each group “put their heads together” to decide on an answer. All students are responsible for knowing the answer. (4) Teacher chooses a number at random. Students with that number raise their hands and answer questions.

愚公移山( 2)

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2. Teacher instructs the "Ba" structure. (1)神仙搬走了这座山。 = 》神仙把这座山搬走了。(2) 愚公想搬走这座山。 = 》愚公想把这座山搬走。(3) 愚公没有搬走这座山。 = 》愚公没有把这座山搬走。使用“把”字句是为了强调宾语,注意动词后面是动作的结果。( The reason why using "Ba" structure is to emphasize the object. )( Pay attention that the verb needs to show the result caused by the action.)

Exercise: [on the worksheet]Complete the story by using "Ba" structure in a proper way.

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Objective: SWBAT know how to use "Ba" structure.

Do Now:  TPRSs respond to teacher’s commands that require physical movement.

T: 把窗打开。把脚抬起来。把椅子搬走。请走到门口,把灯关上。请把书包打开,把作业拿出来,把作业教给老师。Teaching: Review and continue to instruct other usage of "Ba" structure.

愚公移山( 3)

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Teacher gives examples by demonstrating how to use the “ba” structure to state an action.( 1) Teacher puts a book on the desk.老师把书放在桌子上。( 2) Teacher gives a student a book.老师把书给 Peter。Activity:1)Ask each student to "ba” one thing "fang zai” somewhere or "ba" one thing "gei" someone else. This is done in sequence, in other words, every student will be a chance to "ba" something and "do something" with it.  Ex. 把一支笔放在他的书包里。 / 把桌上的纸交给 Peter。2) Ask them what they notice about the sentence, and write it on the board IN CHINESE. 

3) Give them some items to "ba" and "do something with", and practice aloud with them as a group.

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4) Put them in pairs. ( 1) Student One has a picture of a classroom with classroom items in certain places (paper on desk, textbook on bookshelf, chalk on blackboard, etc.)  ( 2) Student two has a picture of a classroom and cut-outs of the classroom items. ( 3) Student one instructs student two where to place the items, using the "Ba" structure.(4) Students check each others work to see if they got it right.

5) Game: King and soldier(1) Each students writes down three orders. They must use "Ba" structure at least once.(2) Students draw lots to decide who is the king and who is the soldier. (3) The soldier should follow the king’s orders.

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愚公移山( 4) Objective: SWBAT know details of the story.Do Now: Read Aloud the story  Activity: Interview Yu Gong T: 现在我想请一个小朋友做愚公,其他小朋友可以问他问题。 (Ask one student to be Yu Gong, and the rest of Ss will interview him and ask him whatever you want.) “ ” “ ”比如说, 你是谁? 你住在哪里? (For example, “Who are you?” “Where do you live?” Ss can use: how, why, when, where, etc.) Teaching:T: 在这个故事中,有一个人也有问题要问愚公。 (In the story, a man also had a question to ask Yu Gong.)  他是谁?他问了什么问题? (Who was he? And what did he ask?) 愚公怎么回答他? (How did Yu Gong answer his question?)

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Final Project:

Students create their own pocket books including pinyin and illustrations based on the story. They are encouraged to use their own words and expressions to write their version of Yu Gong’s story. Reflection: The reason why I picked Yu Gong’s story is that it is a well-known ancient Chinese fable which taught us that as long as we never give up and all family members work together, we can finally remove obstacles one day.

I want my students to be in Yu Gong’s shoes when they read the story. I’d like to close the distance between Yu Gong and the students so that they won’t think that Yu Gong is just a character appeared in a Chinese fable long long ago.

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Thank You!谢谢!