Bipolar Disorder ***This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham: [email protected]

Bipolar disorder

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***This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham: [email protected]

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Page 1: Bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder

***This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a

psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris

Jocham: [email protected]

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What is Bipolar Disorder• A psychological disorder

in which one experiences heightened or elevated moods which causes the victims to change between depression to aggression and so on very suddenly.

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Types of Bipolar Disorder: Type 1

• What distinguishes one as having type 1 disorder is if that person has experienced a full on manic episode and/ or a severe depression.

• It is not enough just for one to have mood swings and have type 1.

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Types of Bipolar Disorder: Type 2

• This common form of Bipolar disorder is similar to type 1 except that these victims have never had experienced a manic state.

• Although they do go through swings of hypomania and elevated emotions, it is not the same.

• They too experience depression at times.

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Types of Bipolar disorder

• There is a very mild form of Bipolar disorder called cyclothymia.

• This form of bipolar disorder is characterized by less severe mood swings and mild forms of depression.

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What triggers the manic states?

• It is not completely known what exactly sets one into a depression or manic state.

• It is likely though that they are caused by stressful events or build up of stress in ones life.

• Something like having a kid or breaking up with someone can definitely cause them.

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How can one treat this then?• Well, there is no clear treatment and even if progress is made,

episodes and mood swings will still return to victims who suffer from the disorder.

• Treatment helps patients avoid suicide or other harmful tragedies, avoid being hospitalized, helps them control themselves as best they can between any episodes they have.

• It is also very comforting to get some sort of help with the disorder such as therapy.

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What forms of treatment are there?• There are mood stabilizing

drugs which are prescribed to many patients with Bipolar disorder.

• These drugs act to eliminate any outrageous emotions or heightened states.

• Lamotrigine, Valproate, Carbamazepine, and Ltihium are examples of medications prescribed to Bipolar patients.

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Any other treatments?

• Along with medication that is prescribed to patients, therapy is a huge treatment for Bipolar patients.

• Support groups and therapy help patients reach out to others for help.

• These forms of treatment help inform patients about their disorder along with offering helpful insight and support as they work through their problems.

• It is highly recommended to see a therapist or join a support group. There is no downside to either one!

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Other forms of treatment• Electroconvulsive Therapy is the form of treatment when

patients are given electric impulses in order to cause the Central Nervous System to go into a brief seizure.

• This is effective in treating depression and other manic states but obviously no one wants this to be their first option.

• This form of treatment is used when patients are uncontrollable and must be hospitalized.

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Some things to avoid if you have Bipolar Disorder

• Alcohol and other drugs should not be tampered with. They alter people’s states when they don’t have any disorder. Having the disorder and recreationally using drugs or alcohol can only lead to problems.

• Make sure to get enough sleep because without it, you are more susceptible to mood swings and manic states.

• Try to always keep calm and handle stress. If you can work through your problems day by day then you will suffer from mood swings less.

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What is it like having Bipolar disorder?

• Bipolar Disorder is no joke, and at times I do feel like giving up.

• One moment I’ll be fine then a few hours later I will be left feeling hopeless and miserable.

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• It is a tough battle that takes effort to maintain a normal lifestyle.

• Before I sought out help I was constantly contemplating suicide and was depressed nearly all of the time.

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• I started seeing a therapist and my life has only gotten better since the first session.

• He informed me a lot about my disorder and has helped me cope with some of my problems that I have.

• He talked me through some of daily patterns that I went through. I would always wake up feeling miserable and be depressed after work.

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• He has told me about what it is like to go through a manic state. Luckily I have never experienced one yet.

• It is as if someone else has taken over your thinking process. You could be so confused that you make up false realities. It is easy to lose control.

• Think of the way Charlie Sheen has been acting, that is a manic state.

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• I have at times experienced racing thoughts and uncontrollable urges. I have experienced persistent thoughts of suicide or other harmful thoughts of self destruction.

• Its hard to explain but it feels like I know I’m getting out of control but can’t do anything to stop it…

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• At times I have experienced sleep withdrawal. I have laid in bed and stayed up all night.

• It had nothing to do with any sort of traumatic event keeping me up either.

• For some reason I just couldn’t fall asleep and my mind haunted me all night.

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• For a long period of time I also suffered from eating problems due to my disorder.

• I had an impaired appetite causing me to rarely become hungry.

• I begin to lose a lot of weight at a rapid pace which is what led me to seek medical help.

• I was shocked to discover I have Bipolar Disorder.

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• The worst part about my disorder is that most of the time, especially before I sought out treatment, I felt completely useless and worthless.

• I had such a low self-esteem that I felt that no one needed me or liked me.

• That is when suicidal thoughts came into play which luckily I ignored long enough before I got help.

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• The most important thing to do is to seek help.• If you have experienced any of the following:

(severe mood swings, manic states, deep depression, lack of appetite or a great increase of appetite, thoughts of suicide, racing thoughts, or trouble sleeping) then it is important to seek out help.

• Call a medical professional or even a friend.