Bookmark “Wikispace “ Science Education Center Khaliun. G

Bookmark- Introduction

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Page 1: Bookmark- Introduction


“Wikispace “

Science Education Center Khaliun. G

Page 2: Bookmark- Introduction

Bookmark Номын хавчуурга

Page 3: Bookmark- Introduction

What is bookmark?• Delicious is a free service designed with care to be

the best place to save what you love on the web. We keep your stuff safe so it's there when you need it – always. Delicious remembers so you don't have to.

• It's easy to build up a collection of links, essentially creating your own personal search engine. It's quick to organize your links so that when you’re looking for something, you can find it within seconds.

Page 4: Bookmark- Introduction

Save, organize, and remember the links

you find interesting or useful around the web.

Page 5: Bookmark- Introduction

Wikispace-д хэрхэн Bookmark-ыг холбох


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• 1. Wikispace – Page

Page 7: Bookmark- Introduction

• Edit цэсний Widget-ийг сонгоно.

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Page 9: Bookmark- Introduction

• Гарч ирсэн цонхноос Bookmark –г сонгоно.

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• Та Delicious.com дээр шинэ хаяг нээх хэрэгтэй.

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Page 12: Bookmark- Introduction

Delicious-ийн хуудаснаасаа Setting цэсний Link Rolls-г сонгоно. Ингэхэд Embed код гарч ирнэ.

Delicious – Setting - Link Rolls -


Page 13: Bookmark- Introduction

• Embed кодоо холбоос хуулах цонхонд тавьснаар таны номын хавчуурга хийсэн холбоос гарч ирнэ.

Page 14: Bookmark- Introduction

Таньд амжилт хүсье.