Brand establishment Within our Media Products

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Alex Burton

Why this is important

• Establishing a brand is very important across similar products, as it helps bring about some audience familiarity and association with the film, and Frontline Films itself. By making aspects of the poster, magazine and film trailer similar, or share similar characteristics, audiences and viewers will recognise our products. This also creates a formula for future success, as when viewers see an aspect of the film in our case this could be the use of text or filters / overlays, they will know what product this belongs to before the name or company becomes apparent.

Background filter / effect

• One aspect of branding that we have tried to establish is the use of filters and overlays on aspects of the magazine cover and film poster. We also used the same background for both products, which should help the audience identify a connection between the two products and the film itself.

Baseball bat

• The baseball bat is featured in all of our media products, and helps to establish and highlight some of the key themes within the film. These include violence and weapons. By including this in all of our products, it will be clear to the audience that the film features violence and crime. Therefore, any viewer who enjoys this type of film will be attracted to seeing it, meaning that this establishment helps draw in our target demographic.

Production company logo

• The production logo is important in conveying to the audience who produced and distributed the film. In cases of existing products, some viewers will see the company name or logo on a product and be attracted because they enjoy other films they have made, or have heard of the brand before. Therefore, including the logo on our variety of products helps to establish the Frontline Films brand.


• The text across our products remains similar and carries the same style. This is both to appeal to the conventions of the action genre, but to assist in brand establishment as well. The colours, size and effects are similar, with all major text being large and blocky.

Main character himself

• Perhaps the most important factor in our brand establishment is the inclusion of our main character. Viewers will see him across the products and identify his importance within the film. In the poster and magazine, he is wearing similar clothes which also helps to establish a brand.