Build-a-bear workshop communication plan AET/560 Marchella Christian Dr. Christine Nortz (moodleshare.org)

Build a-bear workshop communication plan final version benchmark assignment

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Build-a-bear workshop communication plan

AET/560Marchella ChristianDr. Christine Nortz


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Launch communication plan for Build-A-Bear

Infuse the need for change

Enable individuals to understand the impact change will have

Communicate structural and job changes that influence

how things are done

Inform others about progress


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Four phases of the communication plan

A. Pre-change approval

B. Create need for change

C. Midstream change & milestone communication

D. Confirm & celebrate change success


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Four phases continued

Build-a-bear communication plan is designed to:

Inform BABW employees of the change process

Encourage them to participate in the change

Remind them of the need for change and the goal of BABW

and the benefits of the training

Reinforcement of the learned behavior in training


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Pre-change approval phase

Requirement: Getting approval from top management concerning the change.

BABW has obtained approval from management who is aware of the situation.

Customer service training approval has been granted by top management.


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Need for change


Explain the need for change

Provide rationale

Reassure employees

Clarify the steps in the change process (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012).

BABW will offer breakfast with management to address the need for change


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Change achievementsPurpose: To inform employees of progress To gauge employees attitudes To dispel rumors and misconceptions Acknowledge feedback concerning potential issues

and attitudes Identify/describe changes in organizational roles Commitment is reinforced (Cawsey, Deszca, &

Ingols, 2012)..


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Change achievement continue:

BABW will use email and reports for updates

Telephone conversations will be used to gauge attitudes.

Company face-to-face meetings will be used to celebrate major milestones

And to dispel rumors and misconceptions.


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Confirm/celebrate changePurpose: To inform employees of the success of the change Celebrate the change Preparation of the next step in the change process Discuss employees experiences during the change (Cawsey, Deszca & Ingols, 2012).BABW will hold a ceremony for all participants that complete the training.A meeting will be held, it will be an open discussion about the change processand what to expect in the future.


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Technology needsBABW will use: Emails Online surveys Online reports Telephone (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012).These are the tools that will be use to communicate the change process to the employees.


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effectiveness testTo test the effectiveness of the training sessions, BABW will use:

Employee feedback



Customer feedback


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Management responseThe response from management is essential to:

Communication of the plan

Implementing the plan

Benefits of the change

Address employee concerns as they arisefmlopez48.wordpress.com

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Continuous improvement Employee and customer feedback is vital to the success of BABW BABW will overcome organizational silence with an open discussion BABW will use customer feedback and AARS to: a). Assess change b). Collect data concerning change behaviors c). Determine improvements/corrections that need to be made (Spector, 2013).


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Addressing negativityBuild-A-Bear Workshop communication plan will combat and dispel rumors,

and negative responses concerning the change process.

To address negativity/rumors:

Effective communication that is clear, timely and candid messages about

the nature and impact of the change.


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Addressing negativity continue:Effective communication will:

Lower uncertainty

Lessen ambivalence

Lessen resistance to change

Increase employee involvement

Increase commitment of employees(uoc1112-grupo3.wikispaces.com)

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The change affectsEffective communication need to be in effect throughout all phases of thechange process.The plan will: Communicate the steps within the process Identify all issues that may occur within the process Adaptability within the process Improvement of the change process in the future Dispel all rumors Continuous feedback from employees


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In an organization, having a communication plan is essential to the successof an organization. There must be effective communication during each stageof the communication plan. This will enable employees to move forwardand it will dispel all rumors, concerns and address issues that may ariseduring implementation of the plan. Therefore, the success of the organizationthat have an effective communication plan is vital and everyone can reapthe rewards from the changes being implemented within the organization.

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referencesCawsey, T. F., Deszca. G., & Ingols, C. (2012). Organizational change: An action-oriented

toolkit 2e. Los Angeles: Sage Publication

Picture. (n.d.). Moodleshare.org

Picture. (n.d.). Cute-pictures.blogspot.com

Picture. (n.d.). Fmlopez48.wordpress.com

Picture. (n.d.). Google.com

Picture. (n.d.). Mindzpeak.blogspot.com

Picture. (n.d.). Observatoriodelcoaching.com

Picture. (n.d.). Onbecominggreat.blogspot.ca

Picture. (n.d.). Openclipart.org

Picture. (n.d.). Orion21.blogspot.com

Picture. (2010). Pcc2010ufg.wikispaces.com

Picture. (n.d.). Poncier.org

Picture. (n.d.). Thinkandstart,.com

Picture. (n.d.). Threegear.tistory.com

Picture. (n.d.). Twistedpositions.com

Picture. (n.d.). Uoc1112-grupo3.wikispaces.com

Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice. Boston:

Prentice Hall