TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015 BUILDING LEARNER DISPOSITION Parent workshop ld Noarlunga Primary Sch Wednesday 18 th March

Building learner disposition parent workshop for margaret

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TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015BUILDING LEARNER DISPOSITIONParent workshop Old Noarlunga Primary SchoolWednesday 18th March

ACTIVITY: 5 minutes on table groups - brainstorm1

Why are we here

In the work we do with our children, the more we can work together, the better outcomes we will achieve. If our children can see the big picture of us all working together, supporting their learning their journey will be more productive. Today we would like to share some of the work we are doing with our students ,and working with them to become powerful learners, by engaging you in the process.2

Are we already smart when we are born?

Is intelligence fixed from birth?

Do we have built-in talents as a baby?

Or do talents, abilities and intelligence itself grow from experience??Have a think about:


3What do we think? Invite feedback from participants.

At birth, we cant WALK or TALKThese abilities dont pop up overnight... they DEVELOP as we LEARN!!Importance of developmentSo, are we born good at:

Maths? Acting? Music? Sport?TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015


Experience it for yourself

Can you make a square with your pieces?TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

Led by student Jo (Tanaya to help give out squares)We now have a little puzzle for you to have a go at Take the pieces out of the envelope - can you make a square with your pieces?5

How hard did you have to think?

Not a bit

My brain is hurtingTfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

How hard did you have to think?6

Now try thisExperience it for yourself

Can you make another square including using your new little square?TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

Now were going to make it a bit trickier. Can you make another square including using your new little square?


How hard did you have to think?

Not a bit

My brain is hurtingTfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

How hard did you have to think this time?8

On a post it note can you write down how you felt when you were struggling with the second task one thought or feeling per sticky note.


Talk with the person next to you about how the two tasks were different.On a post it note can you write down how you felt when you were struggling with the second task one thought or feeling per sticky note.



This is the language our children are using at ONPS. When they are stuck, they are in the pit Teachers are encouraging them to develop strategies to get out of the pit10

TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015Make a list of things you feel you are good at and some of the things you arent good at. For each item explain to your partner why.

Pick two items on your not good list and discuss what it would take for you to become better at it.What Im good at:What Im not good at:DrawingMathsReadingSportColouring inScience

ACTIVITY: 5 minutes on table groups - brainstorm11

In the previous activity think about these questions:

How did you feel before you started this activity?What were you saying to yourself?What did you feel and say to yourself during the activity?How did you feel and speak to yourself after the activity?TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

2 3 minutes self-reflection time led by student (Faith)12

Was:Einstein born a genius?Michael Jordan born a brilliant sportsman?Walt Disney born a great animator?Steve Jobs a technological genius?Oprah Winfrey a talented entertainer?The Beatles born gifted musicians who could automatically work together?TfEL PILOT, DECD 2015

How can we make sense of this?


HOW DO WE MAKE SENSE OF THIS?.. One way we could group them

Stanford University psychologist Carol DweckWhy do some students give up when they encounter difficulty, whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn? One answer, she discovered, lay in people's beliefs about why they had failed. Mindsets are beliefsbeliefs about yourself and your most basic qualities. Think about your intelligence, your talents, your personality. Are these qualities simply fixed traits, carved in stone and thats that? Or are they things you can cultivate throughout your life?Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports.Many people assume that superior intelligence or ability is a key to success. But more than three decades of research shows that an overemphasis on intellect or talent and the implication that such traits are innate and fixed leaves people vulnerable to failure, fearful of challenges and unmotivated to learn. Teaching people to have a "growth mind-set," which encourages a focus on effort rather than on intelligence or talent, produces high achievers in school and in life.



Stuck on an escalator

ACTIVITY: 5 minutes on table groups - brainstorm16

What thinking could be happening for these people?


ACTIVITY: What could these people be thinking at this time?


Commitment to actionWhat if you could change one thing in your language or your thinking over the next few weeks that will challenge and stretch you?