Saugus Public Schools: Bullying in Schools "A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself."


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Saugus Public Schools:

Bullying in Schools

"A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to

negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty

defending himself or herself."

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What Is Bullying?

There are three aspects that define bullying:

Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions.

Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.

Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength.

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What is Cyber-Bullying?

Is when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person Examples of ways kids are bullied online:

Sending someone mean or threatening emails, instant messages, or text messages

Excluding someone from an instant messenger buddy list or blocking their email for no reason

Tricking someone into revealing personal or embarrassing information and sending it to others

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What is Cyber-Bullying? (cont.)

Breaking into someone's email or instant message account to send cruel or untrue messages while posing as that person

Creating websites to make fun of another person, such as a classmate or teacher

Using websites to rate peers as prettiest, ugliest, etc.

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Reasons Kids Bully

It is a learned behavior They were bullied, or are being bullied

Want to feel superior to others Want attention

Think it will make them popular, or fit in Try to scare others to hide their feelings

(might be scared about something)

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Reasons Kids Bully – (cont.)

Pick on someone so they won’t get picked on first.

They are unhappy and take out their unhappiness on someone else.

Feel a need to control others Feel a need to win

May be jealous of the person they are bullying

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Identifying Bullies

There is no one single cause of bullying among children. Rather individual, family, peer, school, and community factors can place

a child at risk for bullying his or her peers.

Characteristics of Children Who Bully: May witness physical and verbal violence or

aggression at home. View violence in a positive way

May be impulsive, hot-headed, and dominant. Have trouble following the rules

Show little or no concern for the feelings of others. Easily frustrated

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Identifying the Kids Being Bullied

Children who are bullied tend to be: Sensitive

Socially withdrawn (possibly low self-esteem or a quiet temperament)

Anxious Passive (letting others be in control and

won’t stand up for themselves) More likely to get depressed

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Identifying the Kids Being Bullied – (cont.)

Signs A Child is Being Bullied: Poor Sleep

Unexplained Bruises Making up excuses not to go to school

“Lose” items frequently Not speak or show fear when certain

people or situations are mentioned Suddenly receive lower grades or

develop learning problems Talk about suicide

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How Parents Can Help Prevent Bullying

Take your child’s actions seriously. Involve the child’s teachers, school administrators, and school counselors

Talk to your child about the importance of understanding the feelings of others. Supervise your child’s activities.

Be a good role model. Praise your child for kinds words or deeds.

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Bullying: Prevention/Intervention

Saugus Public Schools:

Seamless program from K-12 Educationally compliant Creates an awareness of support Updated with legislation Proactive!

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Elementary School Students

• Second Step Program• 20-in-20• Current Events• Self-Esteem Tools• Prevention Methods

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Bullying: Prevention/Intervention

Belmonte Middle School

A Kids-to-Kids Prevention Project. Jonathan W. Blodgett Essex District Attorney. Students participated and presented a skit which

included the Bully, Victim, and Bystander created by Peer Mediators.

Goal of Program: a better awareness of bullying and realizing peers have the power to stop bullying.

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Making 5th Graders Aware of Bully Prevention in Middle School

“Thank You for Flushing My Head in the Toilet”

Play about Bullying presented at 5th Grade Orientation.

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Helping Kids Identify and Report Bullying

Three Types of Bullies: Physical– deliberate hitting, kicking,

pushing. Verbal- insults, name calling, deliberate

comments, cell phones, texting. Indirect-alienation, excluded, spreading


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Helping Kids Identify and Report Bullying

What To Do: Talk to school administrators, guidance

counselors, or teachers. Allow kids to explain what is going on . Allow kids to write down their side of the

story. Allow kids to identify feelings surrounding

bullying. Counselor intervention to help manage anger.

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Red Ribbon WeekDrug and Alcohol Awareness

Slogan Dress Up, “Put A Lid on Drugs.”Door Decorating Contest, “Don’t Do Drugs, Wear Uggs.”Guidance Counselor Presentations in Classrooms.

Bullying PreventionDecision Making SkillsPeer Pressure

Camfell Productions, three screen multimedia presentation.

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Quarterly newsletters to enhance parent communication about bullying.

Workshops attended by Guidance Counselors to stay informed and current on addressing student bullying issues.

Websites that keep parents and students informed.

The Buzz on Bullying

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“The Revealers”by Doug Wilhelm

Three assemblies for grades 6, 7 and 8,where students were able to hear the authors real life experiences.

Poster Contest, Small group discussion with the author.

Interdisciplinary curriculums, including lessons in English, Developmental Reading and Instructional Technology.

Anti-bullying Public Service Announcement was created by teacher and students.

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Bullying Prevention Curriculum

Two Day Program sponsored by HAWC.

Major Topics:

Day 1:

Bullying, harassment, skill building, assertiveness, empathy, rights, communication, good friends and role plays.

Day 2: Cyber-bullying and internet safety, bystander action.






School Based Youth Violence PreventionCoordinatorPatrick Donovan

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SHS Harassment Course

Taught from a legal perspective- Sources of curriculum materials include

Essex County D.A.’s office and legal centers, law offices

Freshmen course: two weeks in length Saugus Police presentation Classroom resources include printed and

audiovisual materials Student research project SHS Peer Mediation Presentation

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SHS Harassment Course (cont.)

Your Civil Rights and Harassment, Bullying, Discrimination

Terminology regarding Civil Rights Examples of Civil Rights Cases from past

to present Current Cases in the Media Regarding

Young People and Bullying, Harassment Statistics on Bullying in High Schools

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SHS Harassment Course (cont.)

Recognizing Harassment/Bullying and other Civil Rights Violations at school

Social aspects of Harassment, Bullying: - why people don’t report it

- what students can do: prevention tools

how students can support others who are bullied/harassed

Reporting Harassment/Bullying at School: - steps of action for students - administrative follow-up

Resources for Students on Bullying, Harassment, Civil Rights

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The District’s Commitment…

Bullying in the school building, on school grounds, on the bus or school sanctioned transportation, or at school-sponsored functions will not be tolerated!