Bunny Goes to Court Written by: Anna Folke Illustrated by: Google Images & Microsoft clip art

Bunny Goes to Court

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This PowerPoint was created for EDUC E449 week 4 assignment. I created this story because I think older students need to appreciate the importance of rules and laws within society and recognize the process by which laws are created and implemented.

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  • 1. Bunny Goes to Court Written by: Anna Folke Illustrated by: Google Images & Microsoft clip art

2. One day, a happy little Bunny was hopping along the road, thinking of all the wonderful things he would do that day, when he came across a Squirrel. 3. Hi there! said Bunny, but before he could speak another word, the Squirrel picked up a nut and bonked him on the head. Ouch! said Bunny, thats not fair! 4. Poor little Bunny was very confused and sad. Why did that Squirrel bonk me on the head, he thought What happened? 5. Bunny knew that his rights had been violated, and he decided that he would hop into town and talk to Squirrel. 6. The very brave Bunny made his way into town. The first person he saw was his good friend Giraffe. Bunny told Giraffe about what happen to him. 7. Giraffe said, Thats terrible, you really have been violated, you should file a lawsuit, What a great idea, said bunny. 8. So Bunny hoped over to visit Frog, the district attorney. I have been violated, said Bunny! But how? asked Frog. Squirrel bonked me on the head! 9. I think you have a good case, said Frog. There should be a rule against people hurting other people. Tomorrow we will go to court and talk to Judge Elephant. 10. The next day, Bunny and Frog went to the court house. Squirrel and his friend Monkey where there too. 11. Bunny told Judge Elephant what had happened. Elephant decided that there should be a new law against hurting others! 12. Elephant wrote a letter to the judicial branch. They also thought hurting others was wrong. Within a few months a law was passed that said If you hurt others, you will be punished. 13. The new law spread throughout the land. Everyone was now treated fairly, but wait, what ever happened to Squirrel? 14. Squirrel is now in jail. It will be a long time before he thinks about throwing another nut at someone, but thanks to Bunny everyone will be treated fairly, and this made him, a very happy Bunny!