Team members C.Sarujan Introduction Content E-Commerce Market space S.Nirojan Electronic Commerce Good and Bad Impacts of E-commerce towards Business A.Nirushan Good and Bad Impacts of E-Commerce towards Society N.Jansan E-commerce consideration Successful E-commerce business 1

Business presentation about E Commerce

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Page 1: Business presentation about E Commerce

Team members C.Sarujan • Introduction • Content • E-Commerce Market space S.Nirojan • Electronic Commerce • Good and Bad Impacts of E-commerce towards Business A.Nirushan • Good and Bad Impacts of E-Commerce towards Society

N.Jansan • E-commerce consideration • Successful E-commerce business


Page 2: Business presentation about E Commerce

In this presentation , our group going to explain the Impact of E-Commerce in our society through the subject we studies in our course “BS”. In deep the good and bad impacts towards society and business by E-commerce and also going to suggest new ideas to do a successful business with help of E-commerce in our society. A fine group discussion is made to get some of the important ideas in E-commerce. As we discuss among the group there are many ideas are given from our group members.


Page 3: Business presentation about E Commerce

Contents in order which we are going to discuss are Electronic Commerce, Impact on Business (Good impact Bad impact),Impact on Society (Good impact Bad impact) Better E-Commerce Considerations, Successful E-Commerce Business, Suggestion for an E-Commerce market space and summery


Page 4: Business presentation about E Commerce

Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce , is trading in products or

services conducted through computer networks such as the Internet. One of best

example of a company that is used ecommerce is Target. This company is not only

has physical stores, but also has online shopping facilities where the customer can

buy everything . When you purchase or use a good or service online you are in


There are 4 types of E-commerce

Those are

Business to Business

Business to Consumer

Consumer to Consumer

Consumer to Business

Business to Business means commerce transactions between businesses such as

between a product maker and to o whole sale and also between a wholesaler to


Business to Consumer means business transactions are directly between a

company and consumers who are the use the product and service finally

Consumer to Consumer e-commerce is differ from other because consumers contact

directly with each other. The Best example is E-buy where Consumer to Consumer e-

commerce is maintained

Consumer to Business is the recent E-Commerce business type. In this mode, a

customers offer to sell products and services to companies who are prepared to sell

them. This business model is the directly opposite to Business to Consumer


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Impact of E-Commerce on business are increasing productivity, cost saving, streamlined business process, better customer service and opportunities for new business. The impact of e-commerce have both positive and negative fascination in the Business. In this chart you can see user visit to the website for online shopping , select products that they need and add to shopping card where their selection there. There are some security text ,after it their payment through card is verified and payment paid through it. Merchant is a worker who sent your selected products to war house to take need product. from war house shipping is made then finally product reached the user. This is the process happens in Online shopping.


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Before launching an online shop e-commerce should be kept in mind that both consumers and retailers have bad consequences. Retail cookies can collect a lot of information about visitors to their websites. E-commerce merchants online customers to create individual profiles, visitors will be able to track browsing patterns. Another negative effect of E-Commerce consumers' personal information is safe. Consumers to input their credit card number and other personal information when buying online. Unauthorized persons can access this information through the dealer flaws in the system. Most consumers still pay their credit card numbers online shopping website offering no hope. If shopping is all about instant gratification, consumers empty-handed from an e-commerce website for some time after a purchase. You can give it to you when buying a motor trade a product. But the purchase of online shopping can actually eat can be a time lag. Consumers will have to wait for the physical delivery of the goods. Consumer can not feel, touch, hear, taste and smell before they buy so many products that are available. It is almost impossible to sell items such as furniture. People want to know the feeling of sitting on the furniture is one example. That takes away the luxury online. Customers in a retail store and the relationship that develops and lose the personal touch


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Money does not guarantee that the person who is the true owner of the credit card used to. Consumers and businesses alike suffer from credit card fraud. Some Doomsayers so far as to predict that the wind will lead to the demise of online business scams. Online merchants often used their garage sale can be found for sale in a very competitive market. The total price is often better access for their products to large retailers, the competition will be displayed along with benefits. The fact that they can not sell as much as they are expected to make a profit or, negatively affect consumer online retail stores for the best price competition, or they have to buy for retail illegitimate because of the ones who cut corners. Customers can purchase the goods have not seen many online shopping impulse and return policies they favor a change of heart in their home, they will be used to buy items at a time. Although there is no problem with the facilities of a major retailer, it's limited role in the management of a small business can be very disruptive. Enjoy the convenience of home-delivered goods to the consumer. But every single item of equipment related to the online shopping process adds considerable strain.


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Money does not guarantee that the person who is the true owner of the credit card used to. Consumers and businesses alike suffer from credit card fraud. Some Doomsayers so far as to predict that the wind will lead to the demise of online business scams. Online merchants often used their garage sale can be found for sale in a very competitive market. The total price is often better access for their products to large retailers, the competition will be displayed along with benefits. The fact that they can not sell as much as they are expected to make a profit or, negatively affect consumer online retail stores for the best price competition, or they have to buy for retail illegitimate because of the ones who cut corners. Can Customers purchase the goods have not seen many online shopping impulse and return policies they favor a change of heart in their home, they will be used to buy items at a time. Although there is no problem with the facilities of a major retailer, it's limited role in the management of a small business can be very disruptive. Enjoy the convenience of home-delivered goods to the consumer. But every single item of equipment related to the online shopping process adds considerable strain.


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Customers to compare prices for low cost and can be easily obtained. Many shopping search engine that helps consumers find the best prices and comparison shopping websites there. Customers can select products from different suppliers without moving the whole body. Standing in long lines or being called for. The Internet is one of the most popular features customers. Time saving is the main reason for using e-commerce. People now have access to their money and they buy a computer from home and have to work at all from what it is. E-commerce store energy that it becomes a positive effect on the appearance. Drive consumers to shop online than in stores less energy usage and their cars emit less pollution. Providing customers with a number of currency notes in physical stores. A large multi-store retailers, and this creates the need for careful cash management. It is possible to accurately estimate a retail income tax authorities that creates a problem. This left a strong footprint in retail electronic payments and helps with tax authority. Now go and have a need to buy a CD of favorite music or movies. In a few minutes, a snap to download digital products and you can start using them immediately. This is especially important for people who are not located centers can be a great benefit. Similarly eCommerce eCommerce businesses opens up new markets.


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e-commerce is very convenient for customer ,because it accepts different type of credit and debit cards and as many other forms of payment as possible . customer don’t need to go anywhere for payment ,customer can carry as many items in stock as possible to avoid backorder ,it is often convenience because the order goes hand –in –hand with in timelines to customer. Helpful for disables and aged people: as the disable and aged people are less able to walk and might be live alone , so by the e –commerce they don’t need walk to door to door of different shops in that search of things ,whatever they need that will come to there door within the timeline, within reasonable prices and if they don’t like the product they can return it back within the time period of product Time saving : with e-commerce, consumer can save their time, because they can have access to their money through internet and work all from a desktop computer and save the time of going to so many different shops in search of thing they wanted ,they will get so much choices on e-commerce at sitting at there home, in that mean time they can do there different works. User want to know about new updates in technology wise too


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In last decades, the people who were in the past were have to spend time to go to the shopping to buy their things. Traditions of each mother land are not changed but after the impacts of e-commerce change all the behavior and culture of people. Now a days you can see in Jaffna how culture and behavior changes in people. People are adapted to online business because people are like to buy new things in internet. All people are dumped because they got what they want through It so people don't contact with each other


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E-commerce have to consider some marketing technologies to be successful

in the market , because they have to analyze the market and find out the

customer needs in the market , competition between other companies and

also giving facilities to the delivery and make use of technology and make

some terms and condition to it and make online make attractive to others. The

sale of products online opens up your business to a world of potential

customers. but you can also create a number of potential legal problems. In a

moment we will look at some of the basic issues facing companies involved in

e-commerce, but let's first take a look at the issue of sales tax. Do your

customers have to pay state sales tax? The answer: It depends on where they

live. In general, if you have a physical presence in a particular state, such as a

business office, a warehouse, a store or especially so, you must collect sales

tax from customers in the state if they buy online.

These are basically the same product that I asked if he was thinking of starting

a local brick and mortar store. customers are equally important in the virtual

world. In fact, the virtual world opal drastically limits interaction pairs making

more important the rest of this. Once you understand the online market, you

simply have to ask you this. The Internet market is huge. Companies can cater

to a niche market on the Internet much closer than is generally possible in a

community. In fact, in general, is that the narrower the niche will be easier to

compete. If you sell kitchen items from solid silver and only you can provide a


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much greater selection than those sites that do not address this specific niche,

probably will be in a good position on the web. Look at your business and web

competition to see if there is a narrow niche can fill better than anyone.


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E-commerce can not be category but we gave catogory according to its functions such as E-

banks ,E-trade, E-leaerning and E-marketing.


A method of banking where the customer conducts transactions electronically via the Internet:

it is hard to beat the convenience online banking for 24 hours offering customers Internet

literate. Online banking allows customers of a financial institution to conduct financial

transactions on a secure website operated by the institution, which can be a bank, credit union

or building society or virtual sale. Conducting banking over the Internet. Online banking is also

known as "Internet banking" or "banking Web." A good online bank offer customers almost all

services traditionally available through a local branch, including accepting deposits to pay

interest on savings and provide a system for paying bills online. Online banks can not provide

direct access to ATMs, but make provisions for consumers to use ATMs of other banks and

retail stores, and can reimburse consumers for the associated costs. Due to reduced fixed

costs associated with not having physical branches, online banks tend to offer consumers

significant savings and pay higher interest rates. Banks in online tasks handled customer

service by phone, email or online chat.


E-Trade Financial Corporation is a financial services company based in the U.S. based in New

York. It is a holding company, the largest of which is a discount brokerage service for self-

directed online investors.


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The e-learning is the use of electronic media, educational technology and information

technology and communication (ICT) in education. E-learning includes many types of media

that offer text, audio, images, animation and video streaming, and includes technology

applications and processes, such as audio or video, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-

based learning and intranet / extranet and Local web-based learning. Information systems and

communication either free or based on any of the local networks or the Internet in the network

learning, underlie many of the e-learning processes.


Electronic marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people via

email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be

considered e-mail marketing. It usually involves the use of email to send ads, request

business, or solicit sales or donations, and is designed to build loyalty, trust or brand

awareness. Email marketing can be done on any of the lists that are sold or database of

existing customers. Broadly, the term is generally used to refer to: Sending emails with the

purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to

encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.


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For E-banks the best example is Commercial bank (combank.lk).It attracts the people very

well.it get to the people because its easy to work , and its giving proper guidance towards it. for

E-trade the best one is E-buy because here you can check the price and can buy it with its

good character. Second hand goods also can buy here. Commercial bank is the best example

for E-bank. E-banking is impressed most people. We can use this easily. Easily will work. They

try to give proper guidance .. Second Hand can also be purchased here. Electronic banking is

defined as the automated delivery of products and traditional and new customers directly

through electronic channels and interactive communication banking services. Electronic

banking includes the systems that enable customers of financial institutions, individuals or

businesses, to access accounts, conduct business or to obtain information on financial

products and services through a public or private network transactions including the Internet.

Customers access e-banking services using an intelligent electronic device such as a personal

computer (PC), personal digital assistant (PDA), automated teller machine (ATM), While the

risks and controls are similar for the different channels of electronic banking access, this

booklet focuses specifically on Internet-based services because the public Internet widely

accessible. Consequently, this book begins with a discussion of the two main types of web

sites: informational and transactional. EL-trade is the best e-shop because here you can check

the price and you can buy with your good character. Second hand items can also be

purchased here. Ecommerce, sometimes called trade, is a method of exchange trading of

derivatives or electronically. Information technology is used to bring buyers and sellers through

an e-commerce platform and network to create virtual markets such as NASDAQ, NYSE Arce

and globe, which are also known as electronic communication. Ecommerce is rapidly replacing

human trafficking in global markets. Ecommerce is in contrast to more trade and business

phone floor and has a number of advantages, but canceled trades and technical problems still



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E-learning is now common among all countries. The best one is Robert Kennedy College of

Cumbria is obeying online MBA in 18 months. With facility of paying online and E-marketing ,

the company want to market the products in to socity so they choose this type the best

example is Fuzzytron.com because it very true full and successful e-marketing site. E-learning

is nowadays used for stock in all countries. The best is Robert Kennedy College Cumbria is

obeying online MBA in 18 months. With the advantages of paying online. E-learning can occur

inside or outside the classroom. Maybe, asynchronous self-paced learning or may be

instructor-led, synchronous learning.

E-Learning is adapted to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used in

conjunction with face-to-face, in which case the term Blended learning is commonly used

teaching. E-learning includes, and is generally synonymous with multimedia learning, learning

computer-based instruction enhanced computer technology-managed instruction, computer-

assisted instruction computer-based training or instruction internet based training training

based education online web computer assisted virtual education, virtual learning environments

which are also called learning platforms), m-learning and digital education. These alternative

names emphasize a particular approach, scanning, component or method of delivery.

eLearning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit your schedule. A public dispute and

scheduled training in the business, you do not have to devote an entire day to training has

been organized by your company. Instead, you will have a fixed amount of learning, usually

divided into modules, with a deadline in which to do them in. This way, whether you want to

make all learning in a single day as it works just as well, can. However, if your schedule does

not allow you a whole day out of your daily tasks - then you can spend an hour or two here and

there at the time most convenient.


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E-marketing is used all countries. The company want to market the products in to society. So,

they have to choose this type the best example is Fuzzytron.com. Because it can be very trust

and successful by E-marketing site. At one point or another, we all need inspiration to do our

jobs better. It doesn't matter whether you're a marketing veteran who has navigated through

years of changing technology or a newbie fresh out of college. we all need to see examples of

outstanding content. It helps us get through creative ruts, make the case to our boss for

experimentation, and make our own marketing even better. Most of the time, inspiration is

easy to find because most marketing content is publicly available. You can scour the internet

or go on your favourite social network to see what your connections are talking about.

But there's one marketing channel that is really, really hard to find good examples of unless

you're already in the know: email. There's nothing casual about it -- you either need to be

subscribed to an email list or stumble on a roundup kind of like this one to find great examples

of emails. And even if you're subscribed to good emails, you're often getting bombarded day

after day by them, so it's hard to notice the gems. Because of the difficulty to find good

examples on email, we decided to do the scouring for you. What we found were 10 examples

of effective email marketing. Read on to find out which emails we chose and get the lowdown

on what makes them great -- or just keep on scrolling to get a general feel for each. However

you like to be inspired is fine by us.


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The market space in Jaffna on e-commerce is very low in past but now the Cargills Square is now on Jaffna so people is in far places have to waste time to come here.Its 74,000 square foot mini-mall in the heart of jaffna


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It offer facilities to society such as 3 theatres with 3 D facility and a large food city with huge food stores and KFC restaurant and veg and non veg restaurant. Branded shops are in the markets available there


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So to the market they can offer to people is Online shopping , online Ticket reservation , online food ordering and online clothing for this they want more number of employees to deliver home delivers. And they want service centers to deliver goods to the far places , online payment is much needed for it, because customers can order thing from far place so they can pay through internet so they can pay through Credit or debit cards


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Online learning is reached all over the world but in Jaffna there is no facilities like that. BCAS is good city campus which provides students an external degrees and also giving students proper skill developments to. It is one of best open campus in all over the world. It gives students practical base studies which students can simply understand. BCAS can provide online courses which can be first in Jaffna.


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Some course that I had known which are available in BCAS are named in this slide. But there are some more.


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The faculties BCAS needed to do Online courses are listed here. Online learners needed daily tutorials so BCAS want to update daily tutees and online exam have to be done to test peoples range, the most important one is Online payments through cards (Credit and Debit), online assignments issued in correct time and submission also timed well. Results have to send to all learners personally.


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This graph shows last year online reservation for some types. In this chart it is clearly describes that Online travel is major among others but we often think that online shopping is major our thought is wrong. E-tailing is second and others occupy some space . Digital downloads means Video and audio download


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