California Brooke Soto M. Arguello


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Page 1: California


Brooke SotoM. Arguello

Page 2: California

Great ExpectationsChapter 7

• California started to lay the foundation of its political and socioeconomic structures in 1890s.

• The public works infrastructure created dams, aqueducts, reservoirs, power plants,bridges, roadways, buildings, and stadiums.

• Gold Rush technology made it possible for irrigation; this would stabilize the metropolitan infrastructure of San Francisco & Los Angeles.

• It took over 6 years to build the L.A. aqueduct, which was over 235 miles of canals, conduits, and tunnels.

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Great ExpectationsChapter 7

• Architects started building the surrounding city and schools.

• Stanford University was build in 1891 with beautiful landscapes & vivid mediterranean implements.

• The building of Stanford inspired the dramatic effort to upgrade University of California at Berkeley.

• The architect John Galen Howard transformed the university of Berkeley with a campanile, stadium, outdoor greek theater, and lined plazas.

• American cities started to build and rebuild in San Francisco and San Diego.

• Goodhue’s California building was the master icon for the development of Southern California for the next two decades.

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Great ExpectationsChapter 7

• Population continued to grow until it reached 6.9 million in 1940.

• Most people that migrated were of white or European descent.

• The Japanese, Mexican American, and African American eventually made its way to California.

• After the Japanese women migrated over, there were multiple marriages and child-bearing.

• The Mexican-Americans got blue-collar jobs, while some were sent back to Mexico.

• African Americans were still ridiculed and segregated during 1926.

• People that migrated to California became Americanized after a short time.

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Great ExpectationsChapter 7

• The white majority of Southern California was divided into three categories: Oligarchs, Babbitts, and Folks.

• Oligarchs were the older southern California families in their 2nd or 3rd generation of wealth.

• Babbitts were newly arrived middle class that consisted of corporation executives, bankers, lawyers, doctors, and real estate developers.

• Folks were the white anglo-saxon protestants from the midwest.

• The booming economy provided jobs for everyone.

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An Imagined PlaceChapter 11

• The 20th century debuted three entertainment media that included film, radio, and television.

• The motion picture camera was first established in France, then England and the U.S. in 1895.

• Earlier studios were found in New York, Philadelphia, and New Jersey.

• L.A. became the new place for making movies when people realized that it was great for outside filmmaking.

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An Imagined PlaceChapter 11

• Seeing a movie brought people together during the 2nd world war.

• Movie genres ranged to both sides of the spectrum, which inspired writers to start creating new works.

• Movies expressed as brooding dramas that expressed political and racial tensions like The Ten Commandments spurred writers like John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway to create hard-boiled detective stories.

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An Imagined PlaceChapter 11

• Poets, photographers, and painters brought new styles that created new realms of vigor for the time period.

• Each artistic movement seemed to inspire the next.

• Music also fit into the transformation from conservative to avant-garde.

• Opera houses and orchestras became popular, which were being put into movies with sound like Walt Disney’s Fantasia.

• The architect Frank Gehry built one of the greatest building in 2004, The Disney Hall.

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Arnold! Chapter 13

• Is California governable? What kind of government do Californians want?

• Despite its reputation, California for its first 110 years was a Republican state.

• The more suburbanized California became, the more Republican it became.

• In 1960s Republicanism became populist and antigovernment, while the Democrats went the opposite direction.

• The second half of the 1900s an explosion of disagreement affected every major category of the state: politics, feminism, sexuality, education, literary and artistic value, drugs, and the military.

• The rest of the nation by the 21st century had become “California-ized”.

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Arnold! Chapter 13

• The Free Speech Movement of 1964 at UC Berkeley started a riot among students.

• There was an expression of opposition to the Vietnam war, fear of being drafted, desire for more sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll.

• There was a mass arrest of about 750 students.

• The movement helped launch a sensibility and an attitude in the baby boomer generation that would affect behavior and values in the next 40 years.

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Arnold! Chapter 13

• The Hippie Movement also happened in 1964

• Hippies became attached to the symbols of peace and friendship

• They dressed in motley arrangements like tie-dyed fabrics, beads, headbands, and flowers.

• In 1967, the Summer of Love mass rally happened. Psychedelic music and marijuana smoke appeared as a layer of San Francisco fog.

• Hippie movement turned into drug-driven society.

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Arnold! Chapter 13

• Primary task of the government is to do day to day work necessary to keep society functioning.

• Politics is the theater of opinion and it requires a drama with a plot.

• Immigration has always been an issue along with environment, education, social programs, and taxation.

• Everything costs money $$$

• California was given a glimmer of hope when Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor.

• He called California the golden dream by the sea, which no one had referred our state to in a long time.