Editor: 黃黃黃 CH4 Emotions & Moods

Ch4 emotions & moods

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Editor:黃士玶CH4 Emotions &


Why Emotions Were Ignored in OB?• The “myth of rationality”• Emotions of any kind are disruptive to

organizations.– Original OB focus was solely on the effects of strong

negative emotions that interfered with individual and organizational efficiency.

What Are Emotions and Moods?

MoodsFeelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus

EmotionsIntense feelings that are directed at someone or something

AffectA broad range of emotions that people experience

Aspects of Emotions• Biology of Emotions

– Originate in brain’s limbic system• Intensity of Emotions

– Personality and Job requirements• Frequency and Duration of Emotions

– How often emotions are exhibited– How long emotions are displayed

• Functions of Emotions– Critical for rational thinking– Motivate people

Sources of Emotions and Moods• Personality• Day and Time of the Week• Weather

– Illusory correlation • Stress• Social Activities• Sleep • Exercise• Age• Gender

Positive Moods are Highest

At the End of the Week

In the Middle Part of the Day (lunch)

Negative Moods are HighestAt the Beginning of the WeekAnd show little variation throughout the day

Gender and Emotions• Women

– Can show greater emotional expression– Experience emotions more intensely– Display emotions more frequently– Are more comfortable in expressing emotions– Are better at reading others’ emotions

• Men– Showing emotions is inconsistent with the male image– Are less able to read and to identify with

others’ emotions– Have less need to seek social approval by

showing positive emotions

External Constraints on Emotions




Emotional Labor• A situation in which an employee expresses

organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.

• Emotional dissonance—Inconsistencies between the emotions we feel and the emotions we project.

Felt vs. Displayed Emotions• Felt Emotions

– An individual’s actual emotions

• Displayed Emotions– Emotions that are organizationally required and

considered appropriate in a given job

• Surface acting

• Deep acting

Affective Events Theory (AET)• Work events trigger positive and negative

emotional reactions– Personality and mood determine the intensity of the emotional

response.– Emotions can influence a broad range of work performance and job

satisfaction variables.

• Implications of the theory ACT– Individual response reflects emotions and mood cycles.– Current and past emotions affect job satisfaction.– Emotional fluctuations create variations in job

satisfaction and performance.– Both negative and positive emotions can distract

workers and reduce job performance.

Affective Events Theory (AET)

Emotional Intelligence• Self-awareness = Know how you feel• Self-management = Manage your emotions and

impulses• Self-motivation = Can motivate yourself and persist• Empathy = Sense and understand what others feel• Social Skills = Can handle the emotions of others

OB Applications of Emotions and Moods

• Emotions and Selection– Emotions affect employee effectiveness.

• Decision Making– Emotions are an important part of the decision-making

process in organizations.• Creativity

– Positive mood increases creativity.• Motivation

– Emotional commitment to work and high motivation are strongly linked.

OB Applications of Emotions and Moods

• Leadership– Emotions are important to acceptance of messages from

organizational leaders.• Interpersonal Conflict

– Conflict in the workplace and individual emotions are strongly intertwined.

• Negotiation – Emotions can impair negotiations.

• Customer Services– Emotions affect service quality delivered to

customers which, in turn, affects customer relationships.

OB Applications of Emotions and Moods

• Job Attitudes– Can carry over to home

• Deviant Workplace Behaviors– Negative emotions lead to employee deviance

(actions that violate norms and threaten the organization).• How managers Can Influence Moods?

– Use humor and give their employees small token of appreciation for work well done.

– Be in good mood– Select positive team members

Summary and Implication for Manager

• Emotions and moods can affect job performance.

• You can’t control the employees’ emotions and moods.

• But managers who understand the role of emotions and moods will significantly improve their ability to explain and predict their coworkers’ behavior .