The grey jumper may symbolise sorrow. People who favour grey can be the lone wolf type or narrow-minded. The grey also connotes emptiness, lack of movement, emotion, warmth and identifying characteristics. This The beard brings continuity to our piece, this makes our character more easily recognisable. The beard also suggests maturity showing

Character Costumes

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Page 1: Character Costumes

The grey jumper may symbolise sorrow. People who favour grey can be the lone wolf type or narrow-minded. The grey also connotes emptiness, lack of movement, emotion, warmth and identifying characteristics. This may scare the audience as these connotations suggest that this character could be dangerous due to their characteristics.

The beard brings continuity to our piece, this makes our character more easily recognisable. The beard also suggests maturity showing that this character is conscious of their actions and plans.

Page 2: Character Costumes

The black coat fits with the setting as it is a cold evening. The colour black connotes danger and doom. This colour coat is also popular and shows that the character is no different from other people his age. There are no defining features which make him different from the ‘norm’ and therefore a wide audience may feel scared because they don’t know the reason that this person was chosen as the victim. It may be a reminder to them that the antagonist should be feared by many.

The blonde hair may relate to the common stereotype of ‘dumb blondes’. The audience may worry that this character may struggle to make sensible decisions and look out for themselves. This may create more fear.

Black jeans – casual occasion, fashionable.

Page 3: Character Costumes

White top symbolises purity and innocence. This may make the audience feel more worry for the character if they are portrayed as already vulnerable.

Necklace shows a connection. This may make the viewer feel like there is a story behind the necklace as jewellery usually has a history and meaning.

The necklace is also symbolic as it will give the audience clues as to who could be linked to the murders.

The blood make up is red. This connotes warning and hopefully will immediately attract the audience’s attention.

The blue jeans bring context to the person’s life. They are living in a modern time and following the modern trends. They are wearing everyday common clothes that the audience may wear. This may evoke more fear as the audience may relate and feel under threat.