Childhood Overall health


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Nutritional needs in children-PE/Health Sciences

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Page 1: Childhood

ChildhoodOverall health

Page 2: Childhood

Growing pains…

As children begin to grow, their nutritional needs also grow. Notice the caloric intake also needs to grow every few years as well depending on physical activity.

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Caloric needs

Ages 2-3 Calories: 1,000 to 1,400 Ages 4-8 Calories: 1,200-1,800 Ages 9-13 (girls) 1,600-2,200 Ages 9-13 (boys) 1,800-2,600 Ages 14-18 (girls) 1,800-2,400 Ages 14-18 (boys) 2,200-3,200

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Nutritional needs:

At the early growth stages the following are the most important nutrients: Calcium Magnesium Potassium Iron

Protein, carbs and good fats are also key to healthy growth.

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This mineral may even be more important than calcium because it is a catalyst for calcium absorption and balance as well as for enzyme activity.

It also regulates blood pressure and children with lower amounts are often quite cranky.

It helps to break down carbs in the body too and provides balance to the child’s overall health.

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Calcium is important to the growth of strong bones, teeth, hair and nails.

It is also important for the growth of healthy muscles and nerves.

Calcium also helps blood to clot properly.

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Supports muscle growth, healthy cell production and a healthy heart.

Many children do not get the necessary amounts of potassium

Lack of potassium will cause low blood pressure, muscle cramps, fatigue, irritability and long term lack may lead to stroke, heart disease and kidney stones.

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Iron is essential to healthy blood cells and this is important to the immune system, the muscles, the GI system and the entire human body.

Imagine Oxygen deprived cells and you will have an iron deficiency.

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How many of you have regular family meals or had them as you were growing up?

What is the importance of this to your overall view of food and nutrition?

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Is conversation important? Does it affect how you view nutrition?

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Are growth spurts real?

Yes, they are. As children near a growth spurt, you may notice an increase in appetite and activity level.

Once they have that spurt, the appetite and activity level even out again.

During these spurts, energy demands increase, which is why children eat more. Some actually become less active before the growth spurt, but this evens out after the growth.

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Common growth:

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A little chuckle…

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Negative influences…

Junk food junkies

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Does the media play that much of a role in junk food consumption?

Let’s look at some of the ads that sell to children and see what happens… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jlv1c-3JeM

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Let’s analyze this… http://www.youtube.com/watch?


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Why is family health important in relation to

these ads?


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How does this affect American Children

Overall? Let’s read… Discuss…

Is there merit to this claim? If so, what can a parent do to prevent

toxins from hurting their child?