Importance of scripting

Chloe hudson scripting

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Importance of scripting

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Introduction• Scripting is a vital part of filmmaking which doesn’t require

much apart from a pen, paper, and focus. Unlike the production of an actual film, script writing has extremely low production costs, and doesn’t have to be written at a specific time of the day. In this respect you could argue that script writing is a flexible process – and this would be a fair assessment to an extent. However, as with any work, there are time management issues to face, and deadlines to reach.

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What to think about

The key to scripting is background

Character background: understanding the context of all the characters is vital before writing a script. There is no room for holes in a character because they wont be believable.

Plot: even though writing the script may help to tighten up plot holes, there still has to be the premise of a plot before the script. In this respect script construction pushes the writer to really focus their creative elements towards the production.

Time frames: There are two aspects of time frames the script writer must look at before starting, and both are vital in the long term of the production. Firstly, even though it sounds basic it still must be addressed with care – how long is the film you are writing a script for? There is no point writing a script that lasts for two hours, when the storyboard and idea for the film lasts only for just over an hour. Secondly, the time allotted to actually write the script. This is extremely important as if a person leaves it too long, the script will be rushed and therefore negatively impact the finished product of the film.

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Construction of Ideas• When constructing an initial idea for a film, the writer may not

foresee any problems or holes that may occur in the plot. Writing a script provides the premise for a film: ideas are smoothed out and perhaps altered to accommodate the believability of the storyline. For example, before writing our script, we were sure to have Johnny’s character decline into insanity because of a tumour. However, after planning out the script step by step next to the storyboard it became apparent that this sort of detail was not only unneeded, but furthermore impossible to convey with clarity within the five minutes of video time allocated. Without good planning of the script we further along the line may have faced issues in the post-production of the film.

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Organisation• Constructing a script for a film is absolutely vital when considering

the other components of planning. Without a script, the storyboard may be vastly out of sink with the improvisation of dialogue. If this occurred then it may be highly damaging in the post-production section of the project – and considering that a filmmaker should try and make it as easy as possible fore themselves in the editing suite; it just isn’t good practice.

• It is also important to recognise how colleagues perceive the overall production of the film. For example, the recruited actors may feel dejected by the disorganisation, and may either not take it seriously, or reject the entire production. You also have to consider that actors without material to practice with may not understand the character they are playing. And without practicing the scripted lines, the actors a lot more likely to not deliver as good as a performance – which would make the finished product suffer.

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Script improvisation• Once a script is constructed, it allows room for a certain

amount of improv to take place. This is because the script provides context for the character, which means that the actor can then play around with the lines, as the understand what they are doing, and what they need to convey to the audience. For example, once we had passed on the script to the actors they had chance to read over all of the lines and then learn how to convey in a way which best suits their voice etc.

• Script improvisation can improve the performance of the actors. The actors are able to understand their character to such an extent that they can even dabble in aspects of method acting. If an actor can get to the point were they in some sense become the character they are playing, then by definition they shall deliver a much more believable performance.

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Portfolio• Completing a script is a fantastic method of accessing the industry,

and furthermore to forward a career in the media industry. Many filmmakers write a script and send copies to numerous film companies until they get bank rolled for their production.

• Scripting is also an asset to a filmmakers portfolio. If it is know that a person is an all rounder they may be more likely to obtain work as they will gain a competent and multidimensional reputation.

• If a person can present many examples of high quality scripts they have produced, it can be a fairly cost efficient way of showing your quality. Unlike the actual production of a film, scripting costs are extremely low, and therefore the risk factor involved is also little. In this respect it is a lot easier for a filmmaker to establish themselves as a scriptwriter first, as not only can the person take a single credit very easily, but also trail and error their work in a proficient fashion.