
Cle 4 the rich young man

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O Lord, how can I be faultless in my


By keeping to your word, Lord

With all my heart I seek You, let me

not stray from your commands

Within my heart I treasure your

promise that I may not sin against


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Blessed are You, O lord,

Teach me to your statute’s with my

lips I declare all the ordinances of Your


In the way of Your decrees I rejoice as

much as in all rules.

I will meditate on Your percepts and

consider Your ways.

In Your statutes I will delight I will not

forget Your words.

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Most of us are willing

to give up something

to acquire something

we long for.


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One day as Jesus was walking

from one town to another.

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Good teacher what must I

do to live always in God’s


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You know the

commandments: you

shall not kill; you

shall not steal; you

shall not bear false

witness; you shall not

defraud; honor your

mother and father.

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Teacher, all of these I have

observed from my youth.

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There is still one more

thing you should do. Go

and sell what you have

and give to the poor. You

will then have a treasure

in heaven. After that,

come and follow Me.

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The smile left the young man’s face.

He did not want to give away his

money. Slowly he turned around and

walked away.

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It was easier for a camel to pass through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

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Their still a lot of

things which is

more important

than to have a

material things.

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The rich young man in

our story knows that

although he is

following the 10

commandments there

is still something he

need to do.

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Say Yes if the

picture tells it

follows and love

God and No if


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