Cloud Computing 최최최 최최 2010.02.08 DPE Evangelist Intern Eun Bee Song

Cloud Computing 최적화 사례

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Page 1: Cloud Computing 최적화 사례

Cloud Computing 최적화 사례2010.02.08

DPE Evangelist


Eun Bee Song

Page 2: Cloud Computing 최적화 사례

Table of ContentsCloud 최적화 사례 조사

Academy Mobile Webcast

ANIMOTO - Amazon

Picnik - Amazon

Bluehoo - Azure



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Cloud 최적화 사례 조사

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ANIMOTOweb application that produces videos

from user-selected photos, video clips and music.

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How it works


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Pricing Details

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40 virtual machines hosted in a cloud


scaled up to an astounding 5,000

servers in four days.

Facebook 연동으로 회원수 폭주

(1 시간에 2500 명 가입 )

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Why had Animoto chosen cloud computing?

① ②Time Savings Cost Effectiveness

"In the early days [with a managed-hosting provider], it would take 24 to 48 hours to bring [a handful of] new servers online,”

NOW? 5000 servers in 4 days

per-instance-hour fee, which simply means that Animoto pays for the machine when it exists, and when it ceases to exist there's virtually no charge.


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PICNIKOnline photo editing service

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How it works

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Daily visits


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Why had Picnik chosen cloud computing?

① ②Seamless service Cost Effectiveness

Their local storage went down for 12 hours, almost no down time as they shifted to S3.

Got relief for unexpected events such as their own bugs and partner hiccups after using EC2.

A lot cheaper than using hosting provider

Storage capacity

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Bluehoomobile app that helps you find old friends and make new ones

in your current vicinity

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How it works

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born Friday 5th September 2008 at 2am the first non-Microsoft application running in

Windows Azure."

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Why had Bluehoo chosen cloud computing?

① ②Performance speed Cost effectiveness

Social discovery and instant messaging application

As a startup, Bluehoo needed to minimize capital expenditure.

IM : Always fast

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Academy Mobile Webcast

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Why Azure?


Agile Infrastructure

Sustained Advantage

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① ②우리 기업들에 전달해 Azure 를

사용하도록 유도하면 ?가능하다면 이 웹 캐스트처럼 각

업체 담당자들을 대상으로 우리말 웹캐스트를 진행해

실시간으로 질문에 답도 해주고 이후에도 질문을 자유롭게 할 수 있도록 하는 채널을 만들면 ?!

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