Comparing digipaks with the music videos BY KABITA NEPALI

Comparing digipaks with the music videos

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Comparing digipaks with the music videos


Example of digipaks that are similar to my idea of digipak:

By looking at the digipak images (above) and the stills from the music video (right) , you can see the synergy between them because they are wearing similar clothes from the images and have the same props throughout the video as well as in the photos.The colour scheme is quite light in the images but there are also some scenes that have lighter lighting in the music video therefore, it creates a synergy between the two platforms. Also if you look at the colour that is mostly used in the digipak is black, which is also the mostly used colour in the music video, therefore, it relates in that way and makes the synergy between the two platforms. It also gives the sense of danger, mystery or tense, therefore, the digipak and the music video can seem quite mysterious for the consumer however, in the music video they contrast the dark clothing/ scenes with lots of light behind them, therefore, giving the sense of these characters being angelic because stereotypically when we think about lots of light being behind someone we may imagine an angel or someone similar therefore, this makes it interesting for the consumer of the digipak and the music video.

The clothing used are all black and white school uniforms, this gives off a simplistic feel and also shows the characters having the emotion of both good and bad as connotation of white and black.

Comparing the digipak and the music video, we can see that the colour throughout both the medias are the same, using the red, blue- indigo, green type of colours mainly focusing on red. I think the aim for the digipak, which album is named ‘RED LIGHT’, therefore, the digipak and the music video has a big emphasis on the Red colour. This could be connatate to danger, aggression, passion, love etc. This could mean that the digipak is trying to portray the danger and all those emotions along with the music video. I think this because in the music video stills we can see that the clothes the artists wear are mostly dark and the lighting for some of the scenes are dark also, some scenes are Red which links into the colour of the digipak and the image in the digipak. However, there are light scenes where they use a lot of light and wear light clothing this could present the lighter side of the emotions they are trying to portray throughout the music video. There are also hints of blue which can connatate to peace, honesty, truth etc. This goes as a contrast to black and red used through out the video, this also helps support my theory of the artists trying to show the different emotions through out the music videos and also the digipak by using the colours in different ways.

The clothes used in the music video and the are quite fancy but, subtly go well with the concept of the video also, with the performance of the video, which helps convey the emotions and the massage of the video more. The clothes mainly used are dark but, have a lot of detail to them differing for different members, showing the different characteristics of the individual artists.This makes us think that they all have different positions throughout the video also, links in with the digipak because the colour scheme is the still the same.

Comparing the music video and the digipak we can see that the same colour scheme was used throughout the whole music video and the digipak, there is a lot of usage of the colour red and pink. This gives off a sense of a stereotypical girly pop album as the colours are well enhanced and stand out the most. Which can mean by using pink, the artist is trying to capture the attention of female because it is a stereotypically ‘female’ colour and is used mostly in platforms aimed for females, the colour red can connatate to danger, passion, etc. This could mean that the artist is tiring to aim for female audience by presenting a lot of passion in her work and while giving a sense of passion to the viewer. This would appeal to the viewer because they can then have a sense of what the artist is trying to convey through the colours used.

The costumes used are also very girly because of her target market is usually females who enjoy pop music. Also, throughout the video we see her mostly lying down looking pretty or close ups of her face, this could also help support that the artist id trying to aim for female audience, because if she was trying to aim for male target audience she would’ve wore something even more revealing and changed the colour scheme to somethingmore of a sexy concept and darkertherefore, I do not think the artist is trying to aim at a male targetmarket instead, at a market ofyoung girls who admire her or listen to her music.