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Composition - Continuous Writing

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Composition –Part 2 Continuous Writing(40



Situation: You were at the beach with your family having a picnic. Dark clouds started to gather and there was

a flash of lightning. You then heard a loud crack followed by screams.

Composition: “Hooray!” I screamed out in enthusiasm. Excitement coursed through my veins as I got

ready for the trip to the beach. This was a once-in-a-year opportunity as this was the only day my

father can get a whole day off. I was literally hopping up and down with enthusiasm when my family

climbed into the car. I soon dozed off.

“Wha…!” I sputtered, when the car squealed to an abrupt stop. Sunlight filtered through the

windows of the car. As I stepped out of the cool, air-conditioned car, the heat was unbearable.

Everything glinted in the sunlight. The whole beach was filled to the limit with a sea of people, either

swimming or sun tanning. My mother found a sheltered spot under an oak tree, a place shielded

from the intense sunlight. I whipped out my swimming costumes and jumped into the refreshing

water. After doing a few laps, I came back up. After father and mother had set up the picnic, we

played tag and had a whale of a time.

Suddenly, the sky darkened ominously. Cumulonimbus clouds filled the sky. Rain, asteroids

of gravel pelted down on us. It wasn’t alone. The buffeting wind joined in the fun. A flash of lightning

fractured the dark sky, illuminating the gloomy landscape. Thunder echoed. The crowd of people

was emptying quickly, leaving behind a ton of garbage. AARGH! A scream went up and everything

was still. I was scared out of my wits, but curiosity took over. I insisted my family members to find

the source of the noise but they refused. Finally move d by my persistence, my family members

headed over to the direction of the noise. As we neared the area, a burning smell and thick black

smoke showed signs of fire.I couldn’t believe my eyes. In front of me was a house on fire!

My father was the first one to react. He quickly dialed the fire hotline and explained the

issue. Wanting to help, I quickly helped the growing crowd to put water over the fire in an attempt

to extinguish it.

Soon, a siren could be heard and a fire engine arrived at the scene. They cordoned off the

area and used a hydraulic platform to reach the victims. When the fire was under control, we left the

scene with a peace of mind. I was still replaying the incident in my head at home when firefighters

called us. My mother later explained that the house was struck by lightning. The day at the beach

was a good..and a bad experience after all.