A Journey Towards Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata-Cancelado April 08/2010

Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

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ICCO & Kerk in Actie has organised a meeting on conflict transformation the 8th of april. Maria Lucia Zapata was our guest speaker. She presented the theoretical background en her practical experience on conflict transformation.

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Page 1: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

A Journey Towards Conflict Transformation

Maria Lucia Zapata-Cancelado

April 08/2010

Page 2: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

AGENDA Elements of conflict


Conflict resolution and conflict transformation

Some questions… Does C-T really

works? What is the impact of

C-T? What challenges do

C-T practitioners face?

Page 3: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Resolution - TransformationC. Resolution C. Transformation

Key Question How do we end something not desired?

How do we end something destructive and build something desired

Focus It is content centered Focus on the relationship

Purpose A concrete solution to a a concrete problem. Concrete agreement

Promotes constructive change processes, inclusive but not limited to, immediate solutions

Development of the process

It is embedded and build around the immediacy of the relationship where the symptoms of disruption appear.

It envisions the presenting problem as an opportunity for response to symptoms and engagement of systems within which relationships are embedded

Frame Short term responses Mid to long term responses

View of conflict It envision the need to de-escalate conflict processes

Conflict is dynamic: it is an opportunity for change

Page 4: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Conflict transformation does not deny the importance of CR, but it highlight its gaps and try to find an answer to them.

As peacebuilders conflict transformation also demands us to:

Be strategic and to work with different and dissimilar actors;

To think both in the short term, To embrace change as our personal mantra.

Page 5: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Examples of conflict transformation

The Philippines

Island of Mindanao

(Catholic Relief Services)

Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute

Grassroots peacebuilding learning

Inter-religious dialogue


Citizen’s Commission for Reconciliation of the Caribbean Region (Churches, NGOs, Universities)

Building peace through community transformation Alliance between Catholic and Evangelical churches

Page 6: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

THE PHILIPPINESContext of the Conflict

The Philippines Main Isands: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao Mindanao:

2nd largest island. 16 million people: Lumad, Muslims and Christians Natural resources: oil and gas, fertile lands for

agriculture production Underdeveloped. Lowest literacy rate and life


The conflict Spanish conquest 16TH century: Domination of

Lumads and Muslims American domination Tactics

Conversion, military aggression, manipulation legal and court systems, and acculturation through educational system.

Dispossession of customary lands in favor of plantation companies and Christian settlers from Luzon and Visayas.

Goal: To have complete access to land, natural resources and the labor force.


Page 7: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

…..In summary

In summary, the conflict in Mindanao is primarily about, but not limited to, land and resources. Nevertheless, one cannot deny that religion and culture have shaped the dynamics and manifestations of an ongoing struggle over power, identity and self-determination.

Religion and culture is a source of conflict and also a source for peace

Page 8: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute

MPI is a three week intensive training in grassroots peacebuilding

Education – praxis – reflection

Cutting edge theories and practices in peacebuilding

An opportunity for networking with colleagues from different parts of the Philippines and the world.

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Page 10: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

MPI serves as an epicenter that

channels, enhances and nurtures peacebuilding

activities in Mindanao, fostering change at different

levels of society

General Ferrer


Jenita Eko

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Page 12: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata


It is a setting for supporting the peace process in an informal and safe place.

Lumads, Muslim and Christians share side of the story

Heal past wounds

Lumads and Muslims are empowered to share their peacebuilding experiences and learn from others

Youth is introduced to the field of peacebuilding

Seedbed for new grassroots trainers who will replicate concepts and tools in their own language and contexts.

Potential to document traditional experiences in conflict transformation

MPI has been instrumental in empowering communities to take an active role in the peace process: October 2006 crisis

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Page 14: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Main characteristics

It is a journey inside the conflict (actors, structure, culture)

Appeals to human creativity The objective is to transcend the conflict Dialogue is the main approach to peace CT empowers people Reconciliation is implicit within


Page 15: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Thank you ….

Page 16: Conflict Transformation Maria Lucia Zapata

Conflict Transformation

“Conflict transformation is to envision and

respond to the ebb and flow of social

conflict as life-giving opportunities for

creating constructive change processes

that reduce violence, increase justice in

direct interaction and social structures,

and respond to real-life problems in

human relationships.”