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Core java online training

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Core Java Online Training

Glory IT TechnologiesCore Java Online Training


Should have a basic knowledge of oops.

1. Introduction to Java

Evolutions of Programming languages and History of JavaFeatures of JavaUnderstand Java platform and environment(Java Compilers, VM and API)Installation of Java and Path settings

2. Language Fundamentals

Basic structure of Java programIDEs and example of IDEs like eclipse and Net BeansExplanation of Basic OOPs concepts like Class and ObjectData types, Variables ,Literals and default valuesIdentifiers and Keywords

3. Operators and Assignments

Assignment operatorsArithmetic operatorsRelational operatorsLogical operatorsMisc operators (Conditional operator and Instance of Operator)Operator precedence.

4. Loop Control and Decision making

While, dowhile , for loopIf, Ifelse, Ifelse ifelseBreak and Continue keywordsSwitch statement

4. Loop Control and Decision making

Programming sessionsHellow World ExampleCreating Bank Account, Employee Class and ObjectsCalculating Factorial of NumberCalculating Fibonacci seriesStudent Result programPractice program for using break and continue statementsQuiz

5. Object oriented programming

Class and Object: define class, creating objects and member accessConstructors :default, parameterized and overloading of constructorsMethods: creating and accessing of methods, return types and overloading of methodsMethod Pass by value and Pass by referenceInheritance : extends keyword, inheritance hierarchySuper keyword: Constructors, methods and variables.Type Casting of Object

5. Object oriented programmingOverriding: Overriding of methods ,dynamic method lookupOverloading Vs OverridingAbstract classes and InterfacesHas-A and Is-A relationshipModifiers : Static, Final and AbstractPackages in JavaAccess specifies: Public, Protected, default and Private.Overriding w.r.t access specifies.Garbage Collector and Finalize keyword

5. Object oriented programmingProgramming sessionsCreate Bank Account class and apply all oops principles mentioned above.Create Employ class and apply all oops principles mentioned above.Example to explain Has-A and IS-A relationship using Bank Account and Customer classDesign class for given specificationQuiz

6.Arrays and Strings

Declaring, Creating and Initializing Arrays.Primitive data type Arrays and User Defined data type ArraysSingle Dimension Arrays and Double Dimension ArraysReading and Writing to Arrays using For loop and For each loopPassing Arrays to and Returning Arrays from methods.Different ways of Creating Strings

6.Arrays and Strings

String Length and Concatenating StringString FormattingExplanation of Commonly Used String methods.String Buffer and String BuilderDifference between String and String Buffer

6.Arrays and StringsProgramming SessionsProgram for Sorting of ArrayProgram for Searching of element inside ArrayProgram to explain storing and retrieval of Objects in ArrayProgram to explain Array Index OutofBound exceptionProgram to explain String object creation in String Pool

6.Arrays and StringsProgram to explain splitting of String based on special characterProgram to explain creating substringsProgram to Revers StringProgram to explain Usage of String Buffer and String BuilderQuiz

7. Fundamental Classes

Object classOverview of java. lang packageWrapper classesMath classSystem classDate and Calendar class

7. Fundamental Classes

Programming sessionProgram to Display Current date and timeProgram to explain adding of days, months, years to Current Date.Program to explain different formats of Date.Program to explain different functions of Math classProgram to explain different functions of System classQuiz

8. Exception Handling

Understand Exception handling mechanismDifference between error and exception?Why Exception handling is important?Usage of Try, Catch, Finally, Throws and Throw in exception handling mechanism.Understand different types of Exception (Checked Exception and Unchecked Exception)How to write Custom Exception class and need for it?Rules on overriding of methods

8. Exception HandlingProgramming session:Program to explain abnormal situations in executionHandling of different exceptions using try, catch and finally.Example to explain propagation of Exceptions using throws clause.Example to explain Throw usageWriting Custom ExceptionsPrinting stack trace to consoleQuiz

9. Threads

What is Process and Thread?Why use Threads?Creating Thread using Thread class and Runnable interface.Thread life cycleThread control methods : Start(),Sleep(),Join(),Yield();Thread scheduler and priorityThread synchronization: Synchronize, wait(),notify(), notify All

9. Threads

Programming session:Program to identify name of Running ThreadProgram to know status of ThreadsCreation of Nubmer Thread and Character Threads to explain Thread creation methods and control methods.Banking Application to explain Thread synchronizationQuiz

10. Collection framework

Understand Collection FrameworkList :Array List, Linked List and VectorImplementing equals and Hash code methodSet :Hash Set ,Linked Hash Set and Tree SetMaps: Hash Map, Linked Hash Map ,Tree Map and Hash TableStack and QueuesUsage of Comparator and ComparableCollections classGenerics

10. Collection frameworkProgramming session:Print sum of numbers in Array ListGet first and last element of Linked ListUsage of different types of Collection like List, Set and MapsRemoving specific elements from CollectionSorting Employee objects in List based on Name using Comparable and Comparator.Usage of GenericsQuiz

11. Files and I/O

Console I/OByte streamsCharacter streamsReading and Writing filesI/O wrapper classesSerialization

11. Files and I/O

Programming session:Reading data from FileWriting data to FileUsage of I/O wrapper classes to read or write data from fileList our all files inside directorySerialization and deserialization of Employee class.Quiz

12. JDBC

Overview of JDBC technologyJDBC driversBasic steps in Using JDBCUsing Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement.Retrieving Data from Result SetHandling SQL exceptionsSubmitting multiple statements as a transactionGood JDBC programming practices

12. JDBC

Programming session:Create, Edit and Alter table using JavaUpdate, Edit and Delete rows in tableExecute batch of SQL statementsUsage of Statement, Prepared Statment and Callable StatementDisplay Employee table dataCombine data of more than one tableCommit and Rollback examplesQuiz