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OUR FONTWe have decided to change our font to ‘SimSun.’ This is because we believe that the font we originally picked, didn’t look quite right. Our new font is very ‘simple’ which connotes a lack of complexity and emptiness in our protagonists mind. The font is not conventional for horror films as the fonts used, usually are very gory and have things such as blood droplets falling from the letters. We believe that our unconventional font will attract our secondary, more sophisticated audience as it gives them an enigma to solve; e.g. why isn’t the font convention. As well as this ‘simplicity’ denotes freedom from hardship and confusion. Therefore we are subverting this as our protagonist is not free from hardship and confusion she is surrounded by it. We believe that this, again will attract our secondary audience as it gives them an ‘intellectual pleasure’ as they have to think about and understand the subverted connotations of our font.We decided to use a white font. This is because we wanted to put the audience into a false sense of security as white connotes innocence and purity. Because of this, the audience will feel at ease, which will make the psychological scare, impact on them more. We are subverting the connotations of purity and innocence as our protagonists mind is poisoned and infected by her mental illness.The font used for our title has large spaces in-between the letters. This connotes the shear distance between her inflicted mind and her ‘real’ self. As well as this it also connotes that she is isolated from everyone and has a lack of support. She is still unsure as to why she keeps hallucinating.Due to the reasons above, we believe that this font has a link to our narrative. This is important as it keeps continuity within our production and therefore it simplifies the ideologies presented within the narrative for our audience. We are targeting the mass market and therefore our production needs to be simple. Throughout our production we will be including as much iconography as possible. For example in our opening sequence we are going to have a masked figure standing above the characters. Iconography is conventional and also simplifies the narrative further as the audience can recognise it from other horror films and therefore make links which will help them to understand.