Costume, Actors And Props PRE-PRODUCTION


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Costume, Actors And Props


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To the left is an image of my main actor Christie who will play the innocent girl you gets abused by her boyfriend and expresses her aggression through the likes of movement and dance.Character InformationAge- 17Name- Christie Reasons why I chose this actress…One of the main reason as to why I chose to use this actress as the role of ‘Christie’ is because of her passion and love for drama and horror films. This I hoped would reflect within my media film opening. Additionally the actor has many qualities in which I can see within the character. This (I hope) will be reflected within the film opening and create more of a thrilling atmosphere. The description of the character is that of an innocent young teenager. I chose this so that it would be more relatable for the target audience and will moreover support the pop/electric pop genre to this music video. The actress has very big, bright, and emotional eyes. This is additionally one of the reasons why I chose the actress. This is because within the music video I will use lots of extreme-close up camera angles. Therefor this allows me to capture a more dynamic selection of shots- making the video not only more interesting but more technical/dynamic.

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To the left is an image of the second main character within the film opening. This actor represent the character ‘Matt’ the abusive boyfriend. This character has quality's of that of a short temper and is essentially the villain to the music video. Character InformationAge- 19Name- Matt Reasons why I chose this actor…One of the main reasons as to why I chose this actor is because of his unique qualities. The actor is that of a similar age to the character and fits the image which I had previously envisioned. The actor is perfectly behaved and I believe I can get on well with him and he would respond well to instruction and work well with the other main actress. The actor is very normal looking which additionally allows the film to see more realistic and which will have more of an effect on the audience.

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Both actors are friends and thus meaning they will (I hope) work well together and insure that film runs smoothly.

This duo of actors (personally) work will together. They already have previous experience of working together. Furthermore I hope this chemistry will allow my film opening to work to the best of its ability.

The main actor ‘Christie’ is very elegant and is an advanced dancer- therefore I hope to incorporate this into production and create more atmosphere and thus will fit the theme of the song better.

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In regards to Christies costume… Scene 1 and 2: Christie will be clothed in modern everyday clothing that is smart and sophisticated. This is because I hope to represent a relationship that is perhaps viewed as ‘normal’ within everyday society. This then reinforces the fact that this is in fact all just an illusion and therefore reiterate the fact that there is an element of abuse.

Scene 3 and 4:Christie will be clothed in all white with the use of wings to represent the fact that she is in fact literally the ‘Bird Set Free’ within this section. This is done to ultimately connect with the audience further and create atmosphere and tension.

In regards to Matt’s costume… Scene 1:Matt will be clothed in all black to reiterate his dark nature. I want the audience to understand that he is supposedly the ‘evil’ character to this narrative music video. Therefore no colour will be apparent at all.

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Here are two images illustrating what my actors are going to wear during

the music video…

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Wings Smoke machine Chair

Above is a list of the props in which I intend

on using within my music video.

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REASONS WHY I CHOSE THESE PROPS…Wings- I wanted to connect both the actor and lyrics togehter to make the music

video more orginal and unique. The wings represent that of the ‘bird set free’ which is repreated multiple different times to reiterate its meaning and importance.

Chair- I wanted to insure that the level of the girl is lower when scene one is filmed. Thus creates the male character to seem more agressive and ‘scary’. Hence

explaining why I used a small chair. Smoke- I wanted to use smoke to confuse and allow the audience to ask question

regarding the true purpose of the music video. I want them to think about wheather this is actually all just an illusion or if it is real life. What is the turest relatiy?

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I plan on using certain make up on my actor ‘Christie’ to emphasis the eyes and lips. This will make lip syncing and filming more appealing to that of the female target audience who listen to that of pop/electric music.

This is an example of what I hope to pose Christie in…