Crisis Management

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Crisis Management

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Page 1: Crisis Management
Page 2: Crisis Management

Crisis ManagementSystematic attempt to avoid organizational

crisis & managing the crisis events which occur

A crisis is unpredictable but not unexpectedCrisis management is important as a crisis

affects any & all parts of societyIf a crisis is handled incorrectly death tolls riseDetection, preparation, containment, recovery,

& evaluation are important in crisis management

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Crisis Management & Law Enforcement

Requires solid expertise, incredible instincts, and excellent communication skills

Law enforcement agents and agencies face crisis situations on a regular basis

Detection, preparation, containment, recovery, & evaluation of a crisis in law enforcement is vital in survival and protection of the community

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Hostage SurvivalSubmission or resistance? Certain captors have no intention of releasing

hostagesThose holding individuals hostage are often

unstableSome captors desire a certain action others

torment and kill to send a messageThey are usually brutally rough They will attempt to keep individuals


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How to survive being held hostage

Remain calmAppear cooperativeRemain alertRemember the dress, accent, sex, and names

of those holding you hostageRemain physically and mentally fitAttempt communicating with individual(s)

holding you hostageIf rescue attempt is made get to floor


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Violence in the WorkplaceCommonUsually disgruntled or unstable employeesEmployees screened but situations still ariseWarning signs usually missedThreats should be taken seriouslyBasic training teaches employees and

employers to recognize warning signs

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Preventing & Handling Violence in the Workplace

Promote healthy work relationshipsAfter termination access to the building

should be deniedGive final paycheck at time of terminationSecurity guards should be aware of threats

madeFull cooperation with local law enforcement:

name of suspect, terms of termination, knowledge of the building layout

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Bomb Threats & Bombings Evacuation of building Location of bombKeep caller online as long as possibleNote the speech, accent, sex, tone,

mannerisms of callerExpect a second bomb to detonate after first

oneAttempt to remain calm

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Bomb Threats and BombingsDo not run to window after explosionHit the floor to avoid shards of glass which killHide under desk if possible until safe to evacuateRescue workers should wait to enter the scene

until it is known there is no other bombs in the area

Watch for individuals wearing heavy clothing, perspiring, fidgety, muttering, or avoiding law enforcement

Report cars weighed down heavily, no tags, or tags not matching

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Basic Fire PreventionInstall and check smoke alarmsPlace fire extinguishers on every floor of

home & businessKeep combustible materials away from heat

sourcesNever smoke in bed or not smoking at allKeep holiday greens away from heat sources

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Basic Fire PreventionHave fire escape plans which are practiced

periodicallyKeep a check on the electrical system, appliances,

heating system and other devices on a regular basisKnow location of each window and other areas of

escapeTest windows frequentlyKeep escape areas from being blockedHave designated meeting place after escaping a fireDo not return to burning building

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Crowd ControlUnderstanding of what causes riots Riots compared a fire, requires fuel & sparkSome riots are due to building up of racial

prejudice, unfair treatment, & improper ways of dealing with anger or frustration

Rumors & not actual events start riotsAlcohol, disappointment, & zealousness are

also contributing factors

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Crowd ControlHandling crowd control requires force,

barriers, sprays, gases, & extra securityBuildings are set on fire, buildings damagedIf in a crowd & riot breaks out, escape is

suggestedGet close to ground to escape if possibleAllow professionals to break up the riot

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Conclusion Society and businesses are vulnerable to

disasters Important for businesses and law

enforcement agencies to prepare for these events

Cooperation from employees and citizens is necessary in preventing and handling a crisis

Planning and early detection are crucial in handling a crisis