conscientization Critical consciousness , conscientization , or conscientização (Portuguese) , is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educatio nal theorist Paulo Freire , grounded in post- Marxist criticaltheory .Critical consciousness focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of the world, allowing for the perception and exposure of social and political contradictions. Critical consciousness also includes taking action against the

Critical consciousness

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consciousness, conscientization, or conscientização (Portuguese), is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educational theorist Paulo Freire, grounded in post-Marxist criticaltheory.Critical consciousness focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of the world, allowing for the perception and exposure of social and political contradictions. Critical consciousness also includes taking action against the oppressive elements in one's life that are illuminated by that understanding.[


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Is water really important?  Is such a simple liquid all that vital?  Imagine with me what it would be like to have a day without water.  What would you drink? How would you clean yourself? In what would you swim?  You see, water is very large part of our lives.  In fact, 57% to 75% of your body is made out of it.  But, did you know that 1.4 billion people don't have clean drinking water? In a world of 6.8 billion people, 20.59% don't have clean drinking water.  Obviously water is a huge part of our daily lives and without it you cannot live.  So, how can you help to conserve the water and keep it clean? How could we make clean water accessible in other nations?  Water conservation includes all the policies, strategies and activities made to sustainably manage the natural resource fresh water, to protect the water environment, and to meet the current and future human demand. Population, household size, and growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. Factors such as climate change have increased pressures on natural water resources especially in manufacturing and agricultural irrigation.[1] Many US cities have already implemented policies aimed at water conservation, with much success. [

Ensuring availability of water for future generations where the withdrawal of freshwater from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural replacement rate.

Energy conservation  as water pumping, delivery and wastewater treatment facilities consume a significant amount of energy. In some regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is devoted to water management.

Habitat conservation  where minimizing human water use helps to preserve freshwater habitats for local wildlife and migrating waterfowl, but also water quality.[3]

Understand how we use water

Look at different areas of where water is wasted or misused to raise awareness amongst the students

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Ask and find out the answer to challenging questions: How can we save water at home and school?

Ask and find out the answer to challenging questions: How can we save water at home and school?


As per B. Ed curriculum we have to conduct a conscientization programme during our school internship period in our

practice teaching school. As defined by Ledwith (2005) "Conscientization is the process whereby people become aware of

the political, socio-economic and cultural contradictions that interact in a hegamonic way to diminish their living.

Conscientization is the process of becoming a critical thinker and unpacking dominant thought and oppressive thought which

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results from the cycle of socialization.

        I took my conscientization class on 27-01- 2017 Friday. I was allotted the third period . I took one more period to

complete the class. I selected the topic 'Water Scarcity' because water is the essential need for humans. It's also one of the

most under prioritized but over abused commodity. Water is central to our lives but has not been the central point of focus in

our planning while we rapidly evolve into an urban society. The students were attentive and found interested in the class. I

started the class by introducing the quote by William Ashworth saying "Children

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of a culture born in a water rich environment

, we have never really learned how important water is to us. We understand it , but we do not respect it". I showed two video

clips that depict the dreadful effect of water scarcity at the beginning and ending of the class. I elicit students responses to

the topic and asked them to give familiar causes , effects, and solutions for the issue. I used charts and powerpoint

presentations to transact the idea to the learners. The class found effective and at last they took a pledge that they won't

waste water and will save water for future.

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        Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet water needs within a region. Water scarcity

involves water stress, water shortage or deficit and water crisis. Water scarcity is mainly due to human factors than natural

such as industrialization, irrigation , domestic wastage of water etc.


1- Overuse of water

2- Pollution of water

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3- Conflicts over an area of land with water resources

4- Distance from water resources

5- Drought

6- Disapperance of wetlands

7- Human interference with the underground aquifers


1- Lack of access to drinking water

2- Hunger or starvation leads to death

3- Lack of education to school children

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4- Waterborne diseases

5- Sanitation and hygiene issues

6- Poverty leads to mental health problems and anxiety

7- Diminishing of agricultural yields

8- Harmful effect on biodiversity


1- People get educated to prevent the problem from becoming worse in future

2- Use technology to recycle rain water

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3- Use advance technologies for water conservation

4- Use improved practices for farming

5- Improve sewage systems to prevent diseases

6- Support clean water initiatives

7- Afforestation

                 So, as you see, there are a lot of things that we need to consider when we are looking at water scarcity and how

we can deal with it. If we start to look at this issue as a whole, and we work hard to make sure that we are able to make a

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difference when it comes to this widespread issue, we are going to be in a much better place to help people all over the

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ConclusionI am so glad that you have been able to learn a little bit about how we can be a helping hand in the conservation of water in our world.  Taking care of our planet is a big responsibility.  We have only scratched the surface of conservation of water, but if we all work together, we can bring about change, not only with water, but with air, land, energy, waste, and others. Even though you have completed this task, do not stop here.  I encourage you to try and find out the ways you can help your community to become active in conservation.  Get involved and dig deeper for life!