C.S. Lewis How He Expressed His Rational Views of Christianity Through Allegory

C.S. Lewis

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How he expressed his rational views of Christianity through allegory

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C.S. LewisHow He Expressed His

Rational Views of Christianity Through Allegory

The Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis and his seven

book series The Chronicles of Narnia appeals to both the young and old.

His creative style of writing incorporates mythical creatures with humans in a way that draws out a childlike imagination.

Clive Staples Lewis – “Jack” had a hard childhood.

Lewis had frequent illness and spent a lot of time indoors.

His mother died when he was just 9 years old.

Lewis turned to reading as an escape from his troubles.

Through his reading he developed a great love for books, knowledge, learning and imagination.

Because of the hardship and loss in his life, Lewis also deserted his Christian upbringing and turned to atheistic beliefs.

Lewis greatly enjoyed reading about mythology and this inspired the creatures he conceived in his


Returning to the Christian Faith After following atheistic beliefs for many

years, Lewis knew that if he could show the rationales of Christianity, others too would see what he had.

Lewis began to speak of himself as a “blaspheming atheist.”

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Lewis’ first book in

his children’s series. Even though Lewis

claims to have written these books with no intentional underlying message of his Christian faith, it is hard to disregard the parallel.

The Wardrobe The Entrance to Narnia

The story begins with Edmund following Lucy through the wardrobe.

The White Witch

Edmund met Jadis, who claims to be the “Queen of Narnia.”

In an attempt to carry out her evil plan she convinces Edmund to lie to his siblings and get them to her castle.

Edmund betrays his siblings and makes his way alone to the castle of the White Witch, Jadis. In hopes of getting

more of the edible treat she tempted him with and becoming a prince.

Instead of what Edmund expected when he arrived,

he was held captive. Much like sin holds us captive. “The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him;

the cords of his sin hold him fast.” Proverbs 5:22

Aslan, “Lord of the whole wood” forgives Edmund for his deceit and betrayal and rescues him from

the White Witch.

Aslan forgave Edmund who was undeserving and asked that his siblings do

the same.

Aslan’s love, forgiveness and compassion are strongly comparable to Jesus’ love for us.

Aslan gives himself as the sacrifice to satisfy the requirements of the “Deep Magic”

for Edmunds sin.

The ogres, wolves and bull-headed men shaved his mane, mocked him, muzzled him and killed him on the table made of stone.

A strong symbolism to Jesus Christ who was pierced, crushed, spit upon and

killed for the sins of mankind.

Jesus Christ also willing gave his life

“…Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6

The unconditional love that Lewis portrayed through Aslan cannot be compared to any

greater deity than Jesus Christ

Lucy and Susan saw Aslan die…

As they were walking away after mourning his gruesome sacrifice “…they heard from behind them a loud noise – a great cracking…”

“The stone table was broken into two pieces by a great crack that ran down it from end to end;”

“There, shinning in the sunrise…stood Aslan himself.”

The stone rolled away…

and Jesus’ body was not found…

Writing Children’s Fantasy Lewis wrote children’s

literature with several goals in mind.

The most important is that he showed children of another place than reading to escape, Jesus Christ, and His unconditional love.

Lewis’ Rationales of Christianity His best rational view of

the faith was expressed in children’s fiction.

Lewis’ writing style was for the “average person.”

Lewis showed that Christianity does not have to be complicated and he relayed that in his writings.


Autumn Lindsey English 1102 Elizabeth M. Owens May 8, 2010