World Country Heads Quiz

Current and past country heads - Manu Melwin Joy

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World Country Heads Quiz

Prepared By Manu Melwin Joy

Assistant ProfessorIlahia School of Management Studies

Kerala, India.Phone – 9744551114

Mail – [email protected]

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Past Country Dictators












Great Country Leaders











Current Country Heads

Sheikh Hasina


Raúl Castro


Angela Merkel


Benjamin Netanyahu


Schizo Abe


David Cameron


Mahinda Rajapaksa


Vladimir Putin


Hamid Karzai


Past Country Dictators


Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe

President Robert Mugabe of

Zimbabwe is said to have risen

to power via electoral

deception and fear mongering.

There was even one election

where he did not receive any

votes in a certain province so

he orchestrated the killing of

over 20,000 civilians by

fabricating stories of rebellion

and treason


Kim Jong-Il of North Korea

Recently deceased, Kim Jong-Il

had nearly a quarter million

people arrested during his rule

and is directly responsible for

the starvation and deaths of

million of North Koreans.


Idi Amin Dada of Uganda

Even though Idi Amin Dada

ruled Uganda for only eight

years from 1971 to 1979, he

took full advantage of his time

in command to put his wrath

on display. Roughly half a

million people lost their lives

due to extrajudicial killings and

genocide during this time.


Vladimir Lenin of Russia

Probably no one in history has

received more assassination

attempts than Vladimir Lenin.

Of course, given the fact that

he instituted the “Red Terror”

or the systematic elimination

of millions of people, including

members of his own political

party, this should come as no



Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh became president

of North Vietnam by means of

violence and fear. Another

dictator who seemed to be

trigger happy with his land

reforms, over 100,000 people

were executed as a result.

Others who experienced

famine and seclusion in war

camps numbered to over 1



Saddam Hussein of Iraq

Saddam Hussein was a well-known leader that instigated numerous conflicts in his lifetime. He instituted mass genocide against the Kurds, Shabaks, Assyrians, Mandeans and other ethnic groups who rebelled against his leadership and fought several wars against Iran and Kuwait, with the death toll climbing to about 2 million in total.


Omar al-Bashir of Sudan

As President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir was the ruler that negotiated the end of the Sudanese Civil War by giving in to what the Sudan People’s Liberation Army was requesting. Although what he did was considered fair and noble, the agreement directly led to wars in Darfur that claimed the lives of about 400,000 people due to violence and starvation.


Josef Stalin of Soviet Union

Josef Stalin became the leader of Soviet Union after Lenin died in 1924, and launched government programs that would make the country more progressive. His attempt to move to the new economy, however, led to the starvation of nearly 10 million people. With many intellectuals and activists not in favor of his leadership, Stalin also launched the “Great Purge”, killing every person who opposed him and his ideals.


Adolf Hitler of Germany

To most people Adolf Hitler does not need much of an introduction as he was famous for being the leader of the Nazis – a German party that was responsible for the deaths of over 17 million people including 6 million Jews and after leading the entire world into war as well as committing numerous war crimes he certainly deserves a spot on this list.


Mao Zedong of China

Famous for being one of the communist leaders of the Republic of China beginning around World War II, Mao Zedong was a ruler who thirsted for power. In his first five years, he killed about 4 to 6 million by indiscriminately sentencing them to death. His policies also starved about 20 million and on top of that he had numerous enemies of the state executed.


Muammar al-Gaddafi of Libya

Gaddafi was a controversial and highly divisive world figure. Conversely, he was internationally condemned as a dictator and autocrat whose authoritarian administration violated the human rights of Libyan citizens, and supported irredentist movements, tribal warfare and terrorism in many other nations.

Great Country Leaders


Abraham Lincoln

urn the pages of America's political history, and you are sure to find one man who clearly outshines all others and manages to attract the attention and interest of all, till date, - Abraham Lincoln! He was a saviour of the Union and an emancipator for the slaves.


Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma

The rising and shinning face of Burma's (present day Myanmar) claim for democracy and human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the most prominent political leaders of the country and one of the world's most prominent political prisoners as well. she has suffered more than 15 years of detention, most of it which was under house arrest. She has been felicitated with prestigious awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize and Congressional Gold.


Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma

The longest living Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th and the present Dalai Lama and holds the profile of a spiritual and political leader of Tibet. Head monk of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, Dalai Lamas are said to be reincarnated souls in the line of tulkus, who are considered to be manifestations of the bodhisattva of compassion. Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism.


Fidel Castro of Cuba

Fidel Castro is one of the most prominent communist leaders of the last century. He was the Prime Minister, President and Commander-in-Chief of Cuba and made the country a one-party socialist state. Castro started off as a rebellion against right-wing governments in the Dominican Republic and Colombia and in a matter of time became the leader of the communist revolution and ruled Cuba for almost 6 decades.


Hugo Chavez of Venezuela

Hugo Chavez was one of the most influential figures of the Venezuela politics, who was elected as the President of the country for four consecutive terms until his death in 2013. A practitioner of Chavism, which is a political ideology that combined Bolivarianism and Socialism, he sought to implement various socialistic principles and policies to alleviate the inequality in the society and uplift the standards of the poor and the downtrodden.


Kofi Annan of Ghana

Kofi Atta Annan, a diplomat from the West African country of Ghana was the first to emerge from the ranks of United Nations (UN) staff to serve as the Secretary-General of the UN. He served as the seventh UN Secretary-General from 1997 to 2006. The UN and Annan were jointly awarded the The Nobel Peace Prize 2001 "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world".


Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain

'I fight on, I fight to win' asserted Britain's first female Prime Minister and leader of the British Conservative Party; and win she did. She won three consecutive terms of office in two decades and became the only British Prime Minister in the twentieth century to do so. One of the most influential Prime Ministers of Britain, she was also the most debated stateswomen of the century, earning both respect and hatred from the public, particularly for her treatment of trade unions


Muhammad Ali Jinnah of Pakistan

The founder and the first Governor General of the state of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was one of the most influential political leaders in the Indian subcontinent during the British rule. A lawyer by profession, this eminent politician and statesman held several important positions in his lifetime and gradually became instrumental in creation of Pakistan.


Nelson Mandela of South Africa

Ironically, his baptized forename, 'Rolihlahla' meaning 'troublemaker', blended well with his personality over the growing years as Nelson Mandela caused serious trouble to the government of South Africa, through this anti-apartheid movement and revolutionary ways. Inheriting the 'proud rebelliousness' and 'sense of fairness from his father, Mandela was raised in a Methodist Christian community.


Yasser Arafat of Palastine

asser Arafat was a leader of the state of Palestine and 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority. The leader is also known as the Chairman of the Palestine liberation Organization who founded the secular political party Fatah in 1959, stepping in as its leader. Mainly known for his anti-Israeli stance, Arafat pushed the country in to a long war with Israel in the name of self-determination.