Written and Thought By: Daniel Gallardo

Daniel cause of american revolution

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Written and Thought By: Daniel Gallardo

Page 2: Daniel cause of american revolution

IntroductionHi and welcome to the “The Causes

of the American Revolution” PowerPoint we will learn the causes from 1750s to the 1770s so lets set the time machine to 1754 so lets go!

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1754Here we are at 1754 the year when

the British Fort Necessity was attacked by the French and Indians. Also this is when the French and Indian war began. Uh-Oh! Its starting, we better get out of here, lets go to 1755 in fast. LETS GO!

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1755Whoa! That was a close one we are so lucky

no one got hurt. Ok this year is when General Braddock was defeated and it’s the end of the French and Indian war. Even though the French and Indians had good battle strategies the British won the war so now lets go to the year 1758 so lets go.

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1758Ok here we are at 1758 when the British

captured three French forts. The names are Fort Duquesne, Fort Louisburg, and Fort Frontenac. It wasn’t easy but they got them so lets go to 1763 so lets go now.

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1763This year King George 111 issues the

Proclamation of the year 1763. The Proclamation said that they couldn’t buy land west of the Appalachians from the Indians, hunt on it, or explore it. Basically it said they couldn’t buy land from the Indians so lets go to 1764 so lets go.

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1764Ok this year is when the Sugar act was

passed to pay for the French and Indian war but the colonist didn’t like paying for it because lots of other acts came around so it was terrible so lets go to 1765.

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1765This year the stamp act is passed and

congress meets to talk about because 2 things that they had to pay was too much so they wanted it to stop so they talked about it so lets go to 1766.

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1766This year the stamp act has ended so they are

a little bit angry about it because they still have up coming events to come so lets go to 1770.

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1770This year the Boston Massacre takes place.

The Boston massacre was about the British attacking the colonist for no reason at all. Whoa! Its getting ugly OO Ouch Oh that’s got to hurt hey stop that or else I’m calling the police AH ok I’ll stop ok guys its getting bad so lets go.

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1773Whoa! Oh this is the year when the Boston

Tea Party takes place. Its about when the tea act happened and they were boycotting it by throwing the tea in the harbor so lets just leave them be and go to next year so lets go.

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1774This year the continental congress meets to

talk about the arguments that they have at the time being so yeah they are just talking so lets go to next year.

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1775This year the American Revolution begins.

This war was about their freedom from Britain and so all the acts and other stuff to be free. Ah man the battle is starting its just like last time so lets hurry to the time machine to July 4th, 1776

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July 4,1776Finally here we are at July 4,1776 when the

famous Declaration of Independence was signed to be freed from rule of Britain. That’s why we celebrate the 4th of July because its about the freedom that we earned and which millions of lives have lost for us so lets go back to the year 2012 so lets go.

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EndingWell I guess this is goodbye. I hope you liked

the dates back in time about the causes of the American Revolution so goodbye.

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