Eastern Hemisphere Reports - Highest Number of Data breaches

Data Breaches in the Eastern Hemisphere

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Eastern Hemisphere Reports - Highest Number of Data breaches

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Data Breaches in the Eastern Hemisphere

• Around 229 known data breach incidents covering about 227 million personal records are reported between 2004 and 2014 in the 28 countries of the European Union (EU).

• The report was publicized by the Central European University's Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS).

• In 2011, around 50 incidents of data breaches were reported.

• Around 245 records per 100 users are compromised in the United Kingdom, while Germany stands 79.

• Eighty-nine percent of data breaches occur in commercial firms and 10 percent in governments.

• In 2014, the National Informatics Center (NIC) of India was involved in a major security breach allowing hackers to issue several fake SSL certificates.

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• In 2013, Chinese police apprehended a 10-member hacking group in Shanghai and Beijing for selling more than one million pieces of personal data. The group had made RMB 320,000 from their illegal activity.

• In yet another data breach incident, three men were arrested for selling personal information of users. It was reported they had made an illegal profit of RMB 100,000.

• YTO Express, a leading courier company in Shanghai, suspected its staff for selling million of personal details about its customers to online traders, who sold it to online retailers.

• In one of the largest data breaches in Australian history, personal information of around 10,000 people in detention was exposed.

• High-profile breaches in Telstra, Australia's largest telecommunications, First Super, an superannuation fund, ANZ Bank and Sony PlayStation Network impacted people largely.

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The Cost Per Data Breach

• The United States, the country most affected by data breaches, incurs the highest total cost per information breach around 292.2 million.

• Germany follows second with 259.7 million, while India's is 60.4 million.

The Main Agents Behind Data Breaches

• Human and system errors are the main reasons behind data breaches accounting for 64 percent of breaches.

• In India, 74 percent of the breaches occur due to employees who think transferring company information outside the firm is acceptable.

• Most Indian organizations are hit by a glitch in business or system, while Brazilian firms experience most data breaches because of human errors.

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Security Legislation

• Countries such as Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, and United States have well established data protection laws to bolster cyber security and data privacy.

• The European Union's (EU) new E-Privacy Directive mandates that data breaches must be reported to national authorities. This could expose more security violations that have been going on in secrecy.

• The EU is also straightening and unifying data security under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

• According to the Central Union University (CEU), countries with no disclosure rules will never know what information has been collected and sold.

• It also becomes difficult for the media to cover privacy issues in nations where data breaches do not have to be publicized.

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For More Information about Data Breaches. Click Blog.instantssl.com/2014/10/data-breaches-internet-crimes-role-encryption-security