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Magazine logo reminds the reader what they are reading and also what issue it is. It also carries on with the colour scheme of the front page

The features column is neat and well organized the numbers are ascending in order which makes it easier to scan through

The whole layout of the magazine is very organized, and very full. The contents is on the left, which is were people normally start reading from, and then they will move on the pictures and then the less important things.

Specialist features with different colour scheme. The golden colour suggests that they’re one of the best bands. It also lures the Oasis fan in because the feature is on page 80, which is a fair way through, quite possibly at the very back/.

The main picture is taken outside on a fairly cloudy day. The style of the clothing they are wearing represents the culture of youth music. The fact that all of the people in the picture are looking directly at the camera helps to engage with the audience. The fact that there is a box which contains there name and also a quote from them makes it more personal to them.

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The white-ishbackground makes It appear like there is more space than information. This effect has been made a lot better by the subtle hint of pink in the background. I quite like this effect as it makes it appear quite organized. It’s also easy to read.

Red and white dress and accessories carry on with a colour scheme. They stand out of the pale background really well.

Quote from the artist(s) makes it personal to her, and also lets the reader know what the interview is in relation to.

The features of the magazine are written in a smaller font, which makes it more difficult to read. The main article which is the one mentioned previously is at the top, which will draw readers in.

Written in a big black font. It stands out from the red and white of the rest of the page.

The date of release.

The main picture is a long shot of Katy Perry. She has probably been edited onto the pink background, although that may have been set up. The picture of her means that anyone who is a fan of her would want to read the magazine.

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The little ‘Q’ symbol reminds the readers of what they’re reading. There are also the page number and issue date.

The main picture is a mid shot of the band ‘Friendly Fires’. They are all wearing masks which they are mid way through removing and they are stood against a striped background which shows they’re heights. The mis-en-scene of this picture is a prison scene. This creates an image of the band, making them look a bit rebellious. The use of masks in the picture suggest that there is a different side to the band, which they are about to reveal. This makes me think that the interview with the band is going to be fairly deep and thorough.

This double page spread is quite different from many double page spreads, because the main picture dominates the page with the main article in the bottom right corner. However, after researching into Q magazines I have seen that this is how they normally present their double page spreads, and I think this works really well.

The main article of the double page spread is written in a small white font in the bottom corner. The writing doesn’t particulary stand out really well, and therefore isn’t very easy to read.

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The main picture is of Florence Welch and is a mid long shot. She is posed on a flag, which I assume is of the USA. Her red hair and black dress creates a very sophisticated colour scheme . The way she is placed on the left page, and taking most of the A4 page up suggests that she is very important.

The way that USA is written behind the model suggests that the article is in reference to her experience in America. Also, the red and white colours of the fabric she is sat on gives it an American based feeling. This would draw in any fans of her, as they would be interested in knowing about her success story across the water.

The first letter of the main paragraph in the article has been made bigger and more fancy. This links in with the font of the title, and once again makes the magazine feel more sophisticated.

The main article is written in a font which is black and fairly small. The contrast between the background and the writing works well, and makes the writing easier to read.

There is also a little introduction text, which is written a little bigger, with the main word written in bold and a different colour.

Symbol to remind readers of magazine, and page numbers.

The title of the spread is ‘got the love’ which is an instant link to the artist, as one of her popular songs has the same title. The font is darker than the USA, which draws the readers eye to that first. Also, the font is very stylish, once again creating the impression of a stylistic magazine.

Credit for the story and the images.