Describing on how to Work on a Brief

Describe the brief

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Page 1: Describe the brief

Describing on how to Work on a Brief

Page 2: Describe the brief

Working on the Brief, I’ve broke down what I have to do to be able to stick to the brief. I’ve picked the Nokia brief.


Page 3: Describe the brief

How the brief is structured and how it is presented to me..

The brief is structured clearly, the fact that it has subheadings makes it understandable, its short but detailed enough for me to know what to achieve with this type of brief. This brief to me is creative, it can bring out different ideas that may not of been thought of and be developed into something enjoyable and exciting. Also the fact with this brief you cannot be wrong with your ideas and thoughts of the brief, its an open brief.

However it could be presented differently by having audio, someone speaking and explaining the brief as it would be easier for people that may find it hard to read. There also could be examples of the brief and the outcomes of what other people have done with the specific brief so that the people that come across it have a good idea of how they concur the whole project.

Page 4: Describe the brief

What skills will you need to meet the brief

The skills you have to have within this project, are transferable skills and personal attributes. These are the headlines within skills such as organization, timing, commitment, knowledge, research skills, leadership skills, and working in a team/group.

I believe with this skills I will be able to achieve and complete the brief well, also with these skills I can also gain other skills that may be suitable for this type of project and not just come out with a good results other then achieving the project.