Digipak and Magazine Advertisement Analysis

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Digipak and Magazine

Advertisement Analysis

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• The most popular response for this question was females. It was almost 50/50 so the results won’t be as biased. This result is conclusive. We will have a balance of responses due to almost the same amount of females as males answering this question.

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• The most popular result for this question was 16-24 year olds. This is a conclusive response and we’re happy with this result as that was our ideal target audience. They’re a younger group of people who are more likely to see digipaks and magazine advertisements. They’re an age group who are interested in buying these items

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• We had a conclusive response for this question and expected this response. Stereotypically, people of a white ethnicity are more than likely to listen to pop music than other ethnicity.

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Social Class

• The most popular response for this question was, as expected, students/unemployed/casual workers. Due to the average age of people answering this questionnaire being 16-24, they are more likely to be purchasing magazines and digipaks rather than a higher social class. It’s seen as more ‘common’ than ‘upper class’.

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• Our target audiences associated these colours with the pop genre: Black, Pink, Blue and White. These colours will be incorporated with the font of the magazines and digipaks. They will also be incorporated with the accessories and outfits of the dancers. This is a conclusive response.

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• There was a significantly popular response being a sans serif typography. This was expected due to the age of our target audience being 16-24 year olds. They want to see something current and not as formal looking. This is a conclusive response.

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• The most popular response for this question was: ‘objects rather than people’ followed closely by ‘close ups’. This is a conclusive response showing that the idea of an abstract concept will be carried throughout both the music video and the digipak. Our target audience want intimacy with the images/dancers and creativity.

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Favorite Pop Artists

• The most popular results were as followed: Sia x4, Rihanna x4, Ed Sheeran x6. All of these artists are renowned for their creativity and advertisement of their products making them as successful and as popular as they are today. We will take inspiration from these artists in order to create our digipak. They will be our influences to this conclusive response.

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Attraction To CD Covers

• The most popular results were as followed: the main image, image of the artist and the background setting. This response is somewhat inconclusive as our target audience previously said that they would rather see an image of an object rather than the artist. The other following factors will bet taken into account as we deliberate how to resolve this inconclusive response.

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Attraction To Magazine Advertisements

• The most popular results were as followed: main image, artists name and social media links. These results are conclusive and were expected. Our target audience are at a stage where they look for visuals and social media platforms they use frequently. These will all be included and emphasized in our magazine advertisements and digipak.

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Costume• The most popular results were:

dance wear, formal wear followed by casual wear. The result is somewhat inconclusive as casual wear and formal wear are complete opposites. A production meeting will take place soon to discuss a solution. Something we will take into consideration is that with the digipak/magazine image, they won’t necessarily be dancing as they’re only images. We want what will visually look best.