Digital Architecture by Çelik Nimani The Blue Limit

Digital Architecture - Modern Technologies in Architecture

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Digital Architecture

by Çelik Nimani The Blue Limit

Page 2: Digital Architecture - Modern Technologies in Architecture

Lets talk about Digital Architecture What’s gonna be covered

What is Digital Architecture?Virtual Spaces & Virtual ArchitectureNo LimitsData & Internet of ThingsSoftware3D Printers and New MaterialsVirtual & Augmented Reality

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What is Digital Architecture?

In todays economy, technology is part of every single aspect of our life.

Digital architecture uses computer aided design, programming, simulation and images to create virtual forms and physical structures.The same can be said to refer to other aspects of architecture that are defined by digital technologies.

Todays technological advancements have even brought Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to the use in architecture.

Digital Architecture

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Digital architecture is not limited to concepts and ideas, but also represents spaces that require human interaction, like the virtual environments created in games.

During the recent years, the term virtual and virtual space, has become a central part of our culture. These terms have different meanings depending on the context, from the imaginary aspect to metaphysics and high-tech.

Virtual Spaces

Digital Architecture

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MinecraftDigital Architecture


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Architecture is an important part of video games and together they formed simulated spaces. Architecture in video games, like in real-life, is always present and plays an important role.

In video games there are different categories though: architecture with realistic background (cities in Assassin’s Creed, environments in GTA 5, etc.), maze architecture, architecture that tells a story and surreal architecture (architecture beyond earth).

Virtual Architecture

Digital Architecture

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Digital Architecture removes the possible limitations an architect might have when creating complex forms through computer algorithms.

This new field also enhances the possible outcomes in terms of design, sparking debates about the role of technology in our society and also creating non-standard forms that have come to life from architects like Zaha Hadid or UN Studio.

No Limits

Digital Architecture

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Heydar Aliyev Center

Zaha Hadid Architects Project in Baku, Azerbaijan - Winner of the award: Design of the Year 2014 from the Design Museum in London

Digital Architecture

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Whatever you create in todays economy, you will create data. There’s even entire buildings (the Verizon Building for example) that serve as data storages or better known as data centers. These storage buildings with no windows have our pictures, our banking transactions, our cats on Facebook and what else.

Data in architecture is not that new however with the recent development of IOT Devices data has now a different and more important meaning. Customers now want to read that data and access it on a daily basis, and not leave it there for the firms or architects.

Digital Architecture & Data

Digital Architecture

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Todays customers wants to know more about their building. They want to have automated thermostats that learn their behaviors and connect with them, they want doors and windows that can be opened with mobile apps, they want automated safety systems, they want to know how much power is their house consuming on their smartphone, etc.

Having these many internet connected devices in mind, it’s important to emphasize that buildings built today are more quality and performance oriented and way more innovative then those built in the past. And you cannot simply built them anymore just like that.


Digital Architecture

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Today, there are over 50,000,000,000 devices that are connected… and the number is

growing every day!

Digital Architecture

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Some of the ways how IOT Devices can be used:

- Monitoring- Inspection- Energy saving- Security- Automatization - Remote Control


Digital Architecture

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Besides the data, the architectural creations of today also create media through users or on their own. If a building is cool, innovative or has a unique architecture, people come there to take a selfie to post on Facebook, make a checkin on Swarm, post a tweet on Twitter or what else. This creates interaction, visibility, engagement and connection with other users and makes a new type of marketing, that wasn’t thought of in the past.


Digital Architecture

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Digital Architecture cannot exist without the software. These include software like:


AutoDesk 3DSMaxRhinoSketchupFuzo VRIRIS VR

And there are also apps like Houzz, Formit, etc.Digital Architecture

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Printerët 3D

3D PrintingFrom small scale models to big scale printing

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3D Printing is an important component of Digital Architecture.

Speed, visualization and cost reduction - With 3D printing, companies now are able to deliver faster to customers, be more visible and save a lot of money.

Scale & Details - The 3D printed models can have different sizes and the amount of details is remarkable compared ot methods used in the past.

Freedom - 3D printers give creators the freedom to create models that they would not be able to create through methods used in the past.

3D Printing

Digital Architecture

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3D Printing Robot

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In June 2016, Beijing saw the world's first 3D-printed house, which architects said marks a home-building revolution.

Read more: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-07/02/content_25940126.htm

The first 3D printed house!

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VR Architecture - The New Revolution

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Virtual Reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

In the recent years, VR has started to make it’s way to architecture as well and is brining a whole new level of customer interaction.

With VR there’s no need even for 3D printing, as the experience for the customer gets immersive, powerful and on a scale from 1:1. Digital Architecture

VR in Architecture

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Architecture in VR is not only limited to customer experience. There are now new ways, although limited ways, to create entire architectural drawings inside VR environments.

There are also new softwares that are coming up to aid the VR design process like Fuzor and IrisVR

See this cool video of VR in architecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4ldAnAXW8o

VR - A different experience

Digital Architecture

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VR of course is new in architecture and the applicability is limited, however we can say for sure that it’s come and it’s already changing the way how companies interact with customers.

The client now has a totally different perspective, and besides the speed, cost and many other things that it will change, VR will also bring the possibly to have the customer get more engage with the architect.

VR - What can we expect?

Digital Architecture

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Augmented Reality in Architecture

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Microsoft has developed this new technology called Hololens, which is an even more immersive environment than VR. It’s even newer as a technology, but through it, the architect works together with the virtual environment and real environment. It’s an amazing tool!

AR also has found applicability in smartphone apps and other mobile softwares that engage planning, designing and construction in a whole new level.

Even interior design has become more engaging. The customer now plans ahead how their favorite sofa will look like through the IKEA Catalog app or see how their sound system fits with the Bang and Olufsen AR app.

Augmented Reality in Architecture

Digital Architecture

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Thank youFor more questions, inquiries or comments please reach out on twitter: @celiknimani or email: [email protected]

By: Çelik Nimani (Engineer, Entrepreneur and Inbound Marketing Specialist)


This module has been specifically lectured for the Architecture Students of the Summer Academy 2016 of the University for Business and Technology - UBT in
