Young Welsh and Pretty Skint

Documentarie 2

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Young Welsh and Pretty Skint

Page 2: Documentarie 2

As the documentary starts there are cuts of different beauty treatments whilst a welsh speaking voice over is playing over the top the speaking is formal which connotes that the documentary is serious. This close up of the women getting Botox shows what the documentary is about and the expression on her face symbolises the theme of beauty and what may people will do to make them selves look and feel better

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This medium close up shows two men in the frame it cuts from a location in the gym to this shot to show the men are in good shape. This shows the theme of health and fitness and what men are willing to go through to give them a better body image at this point there is diagetic music in the background and a fast tempo whilst all the other shots are quickly moving this gives it a up beat atmosphere and draws the audience in.

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This close up shows the women in the gym lifting weights. This shows that not only men in Wales are using the gym but so are women this shows the theme of gender and how men and women treat there body image differently and also shows the theme of fitness. Also the women is wearing make up and wearing spots clothing this shows that even when she is working out she is still bothered about her looks and even when she is spending money to go to the gym she is also spending money on sports clothing.

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This is a two shot of a man getting a tattoo the man has his head in his hand symbolising the theme of pain. His body language is hunched over showing he his doing every thing he can to assure he has a good body image. His head I his hand can also suggest regret and how he is probably only getting a tattoo to match up to societies standards in Wales or to follow the crowd

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This is the opening title for the documentaries the bright pink colour suggests beauty and prettiness and the welsh flag suggests that its all happening in one country in Wales. The red colour connotes danger and blood .

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This shot shows the camera inside the sun bed this shows the theme of danger and how many people can ruin there body's by trying to match the ideal stereotype of a welsh boy. This shot also makes us look into the sun bed making the audience think is it worth doing when the lights are damaging his body. At this point in the documentary the man him self is speaking over the diagetic music as a voice over explaining why he does it which creates the audience to listen in more drawing in there attention.

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This shot shows a close up shot of a man getting his eye brows tinted this shows how things have changed through time as this used to be a female beauty choice but now males are doing it. This also shows the theme of money as men and women are paying lots of money to get this done. This also connotes how men are also bothered about what women think of them and try to live up to there standards

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This medium close up shows the theme of personality and how men only go to the gym for female attention and to make them have a better self esteem as this shot is being shown his voice over is being played over the image his welsh accent is being used but he is speaking in a more casual manor as if he camera wasn't even there. This also shows the theme of beauty as the man also9 has tattoos up his arm.

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This long shot shows the same women in the gym being trained by her personal trainer this shows the theme of money as she will be paying out a lot of money to have her own trainer but also shows how much she is willing to pay in order for her to have a good figure which shows she cares a lot about her image

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This two shot is used to show the location of where the women is and to show both women's facial expressions and body image. This two shot also allows the audience to view how much the women is wiling to spend on her fitness to make sure she has a good body image this shocks the audience and will now make them think more about how much they will spend on there fitness and beauty treatments.

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This then cuts to a close up of a man getting a tattoo. The cutting is used to make the documentary seam that its going fluently. And in one narrative order. The close up of the mans tattoo shows that men aren't getting tattoos for meanings they are typically just getting tattoos for the fashion.

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This medium long shot allows us to see the location of where the women is. Whilst she is in this venue shopping for dresses there is a elegant quiet piece of music in the back ground to emphasise her personality or what she is thinking in her head. Her tiara on her head emphasises how she thinks she is a princess and her long badge coat suggest how she is glamorous and does care about her identity. This shows the theme of personality and the contrast of how men and women have different beauty choices