Roger Bryett Roger Bryett

E-Maginarium - National VET e-learning strategy NT - Roger Bryett

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Page 1: E-Maginarium - National VET e-learning strategy NT - Roger Bryett

Roger BryettRoger Bryett

Page 2: E-Maginarium - National VET e-learning strategy NT - Roger Bryett

The Australian vocational education and training e-learning strategy – Aligning e-learning with national policy directions: productivity and participation

Roger Bryett

Member of the Australian Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG)

Director TrainingTraining and Employment DivisionDepartment of Business and Employment

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Overview of the Australian vocational education and training system

•Australian tertiary education system comprises of universities and over 5000 vocational education and training providers

•Vocational education and training providers are located in every Australian State and Territories

•States and Territories, and the Commonwealth Government come together to set national targets for education and training

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Overview of the Australian vocational education and training system

•Australian Quality Training Framework•Australian Qualifications Framework•Industry Skills Councils•Registered Training Providers

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The Australian Government’s vocational education training and reforms

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-100,000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000

Health Care and Social Assistance


Professional, Scientif ic and Technical Services

Education and Training

Retail Trade

Public Administration and Safety

Accommodation and Food Services


Transport, Postal and Warehousing

Financial and Insurance Services

Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services

Other Services

Arts and Recreation Services

Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services

Administrative and Support Services

Wholesale Trade

Information Media and Telecommunications


Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

Employment Change by Industry - 2001 to 2010

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Significant policy directions impacting on vocational education and training

Improved access at the introductory levels

Enable effective educational, labour market and social participation

Introduction of national regulator

Integrated across the tertiary education sectorIntroducing industry initiatives and direct funding to industry

National Workforce Development FundIndustry mentors

Partnerships and co-investment

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The Australian investment in a national broadband network

Greater flexibility for people to access learning from home or wherever they are located.

Better links between learners, training providers and employers

Lifelong learning in the workplace

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E-learning in vocational education and training leading up to 2012

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Australia’s Vocational Education and Training E-learning Strategies 2000 - 2011

2000-2004 2005-2007 2008-2011

The emphasis: Capability building Client engagement Integration

The strategy: Demonstrating and raising awareness of the potential of e-learning

Engaging with clients from key policy target groups

Embedding e-learning in training providers and businesses

The focus: Building provider capability

Strengthening the role of clients in shaping VET provision to meet their needs

Capitalising on the infrastructure and knowledge created to date

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The National Vocational Education and Training E-learning Strategy 2012 - 2015

VISION: 2012 - 2015

A globally competitive Australian training system underpinned by world-class

e-learning infrastructure and capability.

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Develop and utilise e-learning strategies to maximise the benefits of the national investment in broadband

1.1 NBN E-learning Programs

Support workforce development in industry through innovative training solutions

2.1 Industry System Change

Expand participation and access for individuals through targeted e-learning approaches

3.1 Partnerships for Participation

3.2 Access to Skills

3.3 Learner Pathways

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GOAL 1: The National Broadband Network

•An unprecedented opportunity to extend the reach and effectiveness of training

•A 2012-2015 National VET E-learning Strategy will develop the Australian training system’s capacity to leverage this investment

•Utilise the infrastructure of the NBN test-bed/pilot sites to demonstrate the benefits of e-learning and encourage take up of broadband

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GOAL 2: Workforce Development

•Large scale, industry-wide planning for e-learning integration

•Regional partnerships between business and providers to deliver e-learning for the needs of local industry

•A workforce development service providing comprehensive e-learning advice for industry and business

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GOAL 3: Access and Participation

•E-learning programs in foundation skills and e-literacy for disadvantaged learners

•Support learner pathways through a national e-portfolio-based approach to recognition of learning

•E-learning initiatives to support learners (including regional and remote learners) to develop skills that respond to labour market need

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