Adult / Community Education Ball State University EDAC 631 E-Archive JoAnn Finch

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1. Adult / Community Education Ball State University EDAC 631 E-Archive JoAnn Finch 2. The Significance of Adult / Community Education As long as there is a continuance and appreciation of the multitude of knowledge and reflection on teaching and learning strategies, there will be an inclusive learning environment that is appropriate and provided for all learners. 3. Changing the ways we work with learners, through our application of more inclusive learning theories and teaching strategies will develop not just a road but a free way into a more equitable future. 4. Education in the 1970s faced rapid change within the American communities 5. Upon the development of the civil rights in education Efforts were made to implement equal school spending Legislate equalities for minorities, women and students with disabilities Amendment to the Adult Education Act Teachers gathered forces to gain better support from the government Department of education created 6. Leading Adult Educators Horace M. Kallen is one of America's leading social philosophers, devoted particular attention to the philosophies of consumerism, adult education, and Jewish education. Alain Locke played an influential role in identifying, nurturing, and publishing the works of young black artists during the New Negro Movement. His philosophy served as a strong motivating force in keeping the energy and passion of the Movement at the forefront. 7. Contributions Horace Kallen Democracy Versus the melting-pot, 1915 The Liberal spirit, 1948 Ideals and Experience, 1948 Of them Which Say They are Jews, 1954 Alain Locke When People Meet: A study of Race and Culture Contacts, 1942 The High Cost of prejudice, 1927 Minorities and the Social Mind, 1935 Pluralism and Ideological Peace. 1947 8. Unique Adult Education Organizations The Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services was founded by Father Daniel Madigan. SFBFS is committed to serving individuals and families, dedicated to help individuals meet daily needs as well as educational and employment skills for self-sufficiency and financial independence. Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services Interactive nutrition sessions Basic Health screening Edible gardening lessons Clothing distribution for Job interviews and school uniforms 9. Transition to Teaching Created during the George Bush administration Teacher certification within a reduced time period Relying on experience and expertise Academic background 10. Important Adult Education Organizations The Coalition of Lifelong Learning The Coalition of Lifelong Learning Organizations (COLLO), formally established in 1973, consists of national associations and groups that share a common interest in enhancing the field of lifelong learning, i.e. adult and continuing education, throughout the nation. These organizations represent public schools, institutions of higher education, industry, labor groups, and most importantly, the learners themselves. Association of Continuing Higher Education The Association for Continuing Higher Education is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning and excellence in continuing higher education. As an organization of colleges, universities, and individuals, we encourage professional development, research and exchange of information for its members and continuing higher education as a means of enhancing and improving society. 11. My Perspective of Adult Education As adult learning continues to change in a such a dramatic way over the past decades, so much its approach and techniques. Adult learning was once viewed as a process of being freed from the oppression of illiteracy, a means of gaining knowledge and skills, a way to satisfy learner needs, and a process of critical self-reflection that can lead to transformation. Though these ideas have not changed, we must identify an outline of more holistic conceptions of adult intelligence that are grounded in the real lives of adults of all colors, races, and ethnic backgrounds. By beginning where learners and with what they know best, their own cultural background and setting, adult educators can help learners take charge of their lives and have an impact on their communities, neighborhoods and society (Talmadge C. Guy) 12. References Merriam, S. B., & Brockett, R. G. (2000). The Profession and Practice of Adult Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Guy, C. Talmadge (1999). Providing Culturally Relevant Adult Education: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass The History of Adult Education Act, Retrieved from www.naepdc.org/issues/aeahistort.htm Luke, R. A. The NEA and Adult Education a Historical Review, 1921-1972 Unpublished manuscript, 1991b. Kallen, Horace M. Philosophical Issues in Adult Education, Springfield. Illinois; Thomas, C. Charles, 1962 990px, index Locke, A. Frontier of Culture. In the Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989. Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, Retrieved from www.sacramentofoodbank.org Boston Center for Adult Education, Retrieved from www.dcae.org The Coalition of Lifelong Learning. (n.d.) About COLLO, Retrieved form http://www.thecollo.org/aboutus.php#statements Bach, Concerto in D Minor, Adagio, Capital Records. New York